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Where is your HONOR?


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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

I will not stand by and let you defame the reputation of a fine and benevolent man! Palpatine took only the powers voted to him by the senate, and when he saw how corrupt and useless that senate was, he rightfully disbanded it and created a better, more efficient and less corrupt system.


As for the Death Star, records obtained from the wreckage, the testimony of Lord Vader and pieced together reports from nearby patrol vessels, point to Princess Leia being the deciding factor in the destruction of Alderaan. Obviously as Grand Moff Tarkin would never destroy a planet, the evidence points to the rebel Organa's treachorous daughter heading an elite saboteur unit into the Death Star, and abusing its awesome power for their twisted and evil ends. Records also show that shortly before it's destruction, Rebel agents infiltrated the Death Star and extracted the murderess supreme. Obviously Leia hoped that no-one would credit her destroying her homeworld, and blame the Empire instead. This gambit has unfortunately proven succesful in some sectors, regrettably leading to martial law being enforced, with urban pacification of areas of civil unrest (incited by rebels) being carried out by the Empire's diligent Stormtroopers.




You deny that Rebel groups, composed of Y-Wings and the newly produced X-wings, constantly raid shipping lanes for supplies? Where are these supplies going then? Anyone would think that we were building a second death star!!!




And yet Han Solo, a newly promoted member of your terrorist organisation, is wanted by Jabba the Hutt for defaulting on a spice deal? See how you have to lie to cover up the nefarious activities of your terrorist rabble!




Imperial Intelligence is infallible. If your parents were killed it is because they were traitors to the glorious New Order. Don't make the mistake they made. See sense. The New Order is the best hope for a stable and peaceful Galaxy! Don't throw away the achievements of the last 10 years! Turn in your friends and I guarantee that you will not be harmed! Return to the Empire and see for yourself the mercy that Emperor Palpatine is capable of!


Hail Palpatine!


You need to see the truth. We Rebels have hacked into the Imperial database that only high officals of the Empire have access to, and we could only extract history of when the Empire murder innocent people that didn't do anything to hurt or get in the way of the Empire. We have also found that your leader, Palpantine, is the dark lord of the Sith, and that that Vader is his apprentice. We were not able to find out the identity of Vader, and we also found out the Palpantine is also known as 'Darth Sidious' from long ago. We also found that Palpatine was behind the Trade Federation's attack on Naboo, and that he used it to manipulate the Senate to become Supreme Chanceloer.*He sends a copy of the full report to Nikarn.*If you want to see for yourself, check the database, the password is 'Sith'. We cannot gain access to the database through hacking anymore, but you might be able to gain access through a network computer. You must find out the truth, that is the only reason why I sent you the report.

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So, all the imps are Sith lords? Hehehe... sounds a bit strange. Especially since the Sith is a bedtime story. Sure, that Vader bloke tries to scare people with his black pyjamas. Guesswhat? I have black boots too. Doesn't make me a bloody Sith lord, does it? Whats next? Grand Moff Tarkin is a rancor in disguise?


Please, Andrew Past, I really hope you rebels have better excuses for the war than that. Sure, they play rough. But Sith? Then we would really be in trouble *shivers*. Bah. Now I don't feel like drinking anymore. I'm off home. See ya tomorrow.


*mutters* Sithspawn and Hutts. Feh. *mutters*

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We Rebels have hacked into the Imperial database that only high officals of the Empire


A blatant lie, Imperial Centre's computer security is impenetrable. Your data is fabrication. Your rebel lies won't sway me!


, Palpantine, is the dark lord of the Sith, and that that Vader is his apprentice.


And if I needed more proof of your lies, here they are - The Sith? You really expect me to believe in that old story? You bumpkins on the Outer Rim might buy into that ludicrous rumour but here in the core, only the facts matter.


We also found that Palpatine was behind the Trade Federation's attack on Naboo, and that he used it to manipulate the Senate to become Supreme Chanceloer.*He sends a copy of the full report to Nikarn.*If you want to see for yourself, check the database, the password is 'Sith'. We cannot gain access to the database through hacking anymore, but you might be able to gain access through a network computer. You must find out the truth, that is the only reason why I sent you the report.


More lies, it is well documented that the Trade Federation worked for no one but themselves until they joined with the seperatist movement. ISB agents are already on their way to where you transmitted the file from. I suggest you surrender to them, and turn in your friends. It's not too late for you to become a law-abiding citizen! COMPNOR re-education programs can let you live a good life again, not the life of a criminal terrorist!


Can't you see that you've been blinded by Rebel propoganda and lies! Join the Imperial Trainers PA, we can show you the truth, not seditious and baseless lies! Join us before it's too late!

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Ye guys listen to those two people, babbling on about their nonsense? If you listen careful, their the same nuts and bolts. I tell you, it's foolish to trust either one. The rebs will shoot you and call you an imp spy, and the imps will shoot you and call you a terrorist. And the hutts will shoot you and laugh!


Think carefully, young lads. You really trust either of them? I sure hope not. Keep away on a safe distance, if you know whats good for ye.

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Think carefully, young lads. You really trust either of them? I sure hope not. Keep away on a safe distance, if you know whats good for ye.


Listen not to the lies of this temptress! Only within the New Order are you safe! If you choose not to take the true and lawful path, you will have no protection when the hammer of Imperial Justice falls upon you...


(and Niroe, no Imperial could let rebel propoganda go unanswered :D )

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard


A blatant lie, Imperial Centre's computer security is impenetrable. Your data is fabrication. Your rebel lies won't sway me!




And if I needed more proof of your lies, here they are - The Sith? You really expect me to believe in that old story? You bumpkins on the Outer Rim might buy into that ludicrous rumour but here in the core, only the facts matter.




More lies, it is well documented that the Trade Federation worked for no one but themselves until they joined with the seperatist movement. ISB agents are already on their way to where you transmitted the file from. I suggest you surrender to them, and turn in your friends. It's not too late for you to become a law-abiding citizen! COMPNOR re-education programs can let you live a good life again, not the life of a criminal terrorist!


Can't you see that you've been blinded by Rebel propoganda and lies! Join the Imperial Trainers PA, we can show you the truth, not seditious and baseless lies! Join us before it's too late!


Check the database, the high officals database. Just check it to be sure, and once again the password is 'Sith'. And I used a fake transmission code so that team that you sent is going to a totaly different planet than where we are. Just check the database, to find out the truth. Do you realy think that Palpatine would tell everyone in the galaxy that he was behind what he did, no! He covers it up and makes a general database filled with the cover ups, so that everyone will think that he's the good guy. Just check the database. By the way, what happened to your family? And if you check the general databse and look my family up, it will say that they were killed by some Rebel terrorists and stole from them. Now why would I be working for the Rebels if that was true. You can check it out, I have, and I know they are lies and cover ups. Look deep down in your heart, you know that it is not true...you were told by people that were lied to that it was true...just check the databases, and you will find the truth....

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Check the database, the high officals database. Just check it to be sure, and once again the password is 'Sith'


Do you have any idea what would happen to an Imperial Officer if he tried to look at classified files? He would quite rightly be executed for treason (usually by firing squad, and as it's stormtroopers doing the firing, you take a while to die :D ). Next, I highly doubt that the Emperor's personal files can be unlocked by a simple four letter word, which any slicer could find in a minute.


Palpatine has no need of a cover up, his election to supreme chancellor of the republic and subsequent actions are well documented, and all above board and legal. Your baseless lies are a clear example of a pathetic and failed attempt to tarnish the reputation of a great man.


By the way, what happened to your family?


My family are alive and well on the upper levels of Imperial Centre. They will stay that way as long as the New Order thrives (which is for all of the forseeable future.)


it will say that they were killed by some Rebel terrorists and stole from them. Now why would I be working for the Rebels if that was true.


You have been duped. Rebel slicers must have edited the incident reports. It's understandable, you're young. It's not too late for you, turn you and your friends over to Imperial Security forces and your rehabilitation can begin.


And I used a fake transmission code so that team that you sent is going to a totaly different planet than where we are


ISB's slicers are good, very good - you're playing a dangerous game.

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Also the Death Star troopers (naval security) don't seem to have any purpose except defending their ship/station, so when I say that the Stormtroopers are working with the Navy to end the Rebel threat, I obviously meant (*hopes that no-one notices the back-pedalling...*) that the Navy supplied the transport, and the Stormies killed everything where they were dropped off...

Did you mean Navy Troopers when you said Death Star Troopers? Cause if that's what you meant, I just want to say that that didn't need any explination. :D It was perfectly clear from the start. ;P

That is the main mission for Navy Troopers.


I just reacted when you left out the Army, since they do support them too. ;)

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*cough* Win or Die*cough*


Foolish people. I cannot believe that anyone would fall for such a ridiculous, biased holo! Just hearing the increased numbers of recruitment because of it makes my blood boil. What has become of my family? Having my couisn help the Imperial cause?




OOC This is just my character speaking. See the RP Forum.


PS Apologies to Face fans. He's cool.



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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

Do you have any idea what would happen to an Imperial Officer if he tried to look at classified files? He would quite rightly be executed for treason (usually by firing squad, and as it's stormtroopers doing the firing, you take a while to die :D ).


Well, once you're a high official, you can check it out.


Palpatine has no need of a cover up, his election to supreme chancellor of the republic and subsequent actions are well documented, and all above board and legal.


Like I said, that's what you have been told. Palpatine used the conflict that he started between the planet of Naboo, and the Trade Federation to make Queen Amidala to propose the election of a new Supreme Chanceloer, so the Senate could take action against the Trade Federation quicker. Why else do you think Queen Amidala would want to overthrow her biggest supporter in the whole entire Senate?!


Your baseless lies are a clear example of a pathetic and failed attempt to tarnish the reputation of a great man.


You have been lied to and brought up knowing lies as truth, I don't blame you for believing in lies all of your life.


My family are alive and well on the upper levels of Imperial Centre. They will stay that way as long as the New Order thrives (which is for all of the forseeable future.)


Do you see them often? I mean in person. If you don't make contact with them, then you cannot be sure that they are alive, since, an Impirial officer could just impersenate your family and your family might have actualy found out a little bit of truth and were killed in danger of the truth being spread. This has happened before. Once a planet was lied to and was told that the Jedi ruthless criminals and that all Inner Core planets like Coruscant were ruled by criminal orginizations, and the whole planet believed the lies except for a little few. So you can see that Palpatine could have done the same thing here.


You have been duped. Rebel slicers must have edited the incident reports. It's understandable, you're young. It's not too late for you, turn you and your friends over to Imperial Security forces and your rehabilitation can begin.


I'm the one who hacked the computers. I'm the one who drew up our reports. And the Rebels didn't have technology until recently to be able hack Imperial computers, let alone edit them. And if we did edit them we would edit them to tell the truth.


ISB's slicers are good, very good - you're playing a dangerous game.


Well, I'm not affraid. Are you afraid of the truth?

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

Grammar aside, let's either keep it totally IC, or totally OOC, mixing the two leads to problems.




Thank you for stating the obvious, here's some more obvious things: This is a Lucasforum board, for fans of various genres to post about things that they enjoy being a part of; One of these themes is Starwars Galaxies; Starwars Galaxies is a MMO ROLE-PLAYING GAME; part of roleplaying is getting in character, which may involve expressing views that you don't have, in ways that you normally wouldn't.


See where I'm going here?


FINALLY! Someone who gets this concept :D


I congratulate you :D

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Originally posted by DashRendar1

PS Apologies to Face fans. He's cool.

Damn right he is cool :D.. he is one of the coolest of them all :D


-Wraith 8-





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force,

What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

hey be easy..lets think about what we are dealing with.. 15 year olds that are border line retard


It doesn't matter how old we are, and especialy in the game. It won't be an easy win for either side, both will put up a good fight. You should not underestimate your opponent, otherwise you will be surprised when they sneak up on you and shove a blaster bolt up your ass. Now, can we stop saying stuff like 'You'll be killed faster than you know what's going on' or stuff of the sort. Now we can return to discussing other things, and be more prepared when the game comes out.

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

hey be easy..lets think about what we are dealing with.. 15 year olds that are border line retard


*flashback to 7th grade*








hehehe :D



@Andrew: Prepared for what? Isn't this supposed to be a cheerleader topic? :D

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