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Neverwinter Nights

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It's a RPG that uses Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition as its system. It will enable people to build adventures of their own and distribute them online, and even allow one player to be the GM (gamemaster). The GM will be able to change scenery, control the NPCs, and even communicate with the players through the NPCs.


Pretty much Baldurs Gate, aimed at multiplayer. Going back to the Pen and Paper RPG style.

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NWN is a great-looking 3rd Edition Dungeon&dragons rpg that is build out of 4 columns:


-60-100 singleplayer campaing

-multiplayer for up to 64 guys per server, with the ability to link them through portals

-dungeon master client, who can change things in real-time, as he can in pen&paper rpg

-the toolset, a powerful editor which the devs themselves used to build the game

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Frankly, I have to admit that I think that both "Drakar och Demoner", WoD and Western have better rule systems. Actually, most pen and paper RPGs have better systems. Here in Sweden, it never really established itself, since there were far superior products on the market already, especially Drakar och Demoner, who really dominated the fantasy RPG genre over here.


Oh, and this is only my opinion of the 2nd ed. rules. I haven't tried the new rules. But the old one sucked pretty bad.




Why did it suck? Because it was one of the most cliché, unrealistic and non-flexible set of rules available, especially regarding characters, and prone to "beard-" or "cheese-"gaming. If anyone mentions his 54th level paladin again, I'll riot.

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Wraith, did you like diablo? It's basically diablo with better graphics and more customization abilities. you can choose your race, stats, class, all taht stuff. It will also be a lot bigger.

nope.. i didnt like diablo either. im not a real fan of that kind of games.


Im more a Strategy guy.

Most star wars games i played were cool to. but im not a jedi knight fan. although i enjoyed playing the phantom menace.


for the games i own... Click here.


then you can see what kind of a gamer i am :D. now SWGalaxies will be my first game in that genre... but im sure im gonna love it :D

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*commits Wraith 8 to an asylum for not liking JK*


"let him out when he's learnt his lesson boys, not a day before!" :D


Anyway, on an RPG note (as I know a bit about them)


The D&D 3rd ed rules are much better than the 2nd Ed. This difference is clearly illustrated in the Starwars RPG which works much better now than it did when it was a West End Games product.


I'm still not sure wether or not I prefer the White Wolf d10 rules or not, it's definitely better than the Shadowrun rules, the 3rd ed rules are revitalising the RPG community in my area...


If anyone mentions his 54th level paladin again, I'll riot


I know this type of person, they don't get the point of role-playing


and prone to "beard-" or "cheese-"gaming.


Every rules system for any game has loopholes that can be exploited by some one who knows how. I had to get quite good at this to be ready for my players tricks!


Never played Drakar och Demoner (I'm guessing Dragons and Demons) so I can't compare the two.



Oh and Never Winter nights is going to have very little in common with diablo (the game which you complete by 'left-clicking' for 6 hours) or diablo 2 (the game which you complete by 'left AND right clicking' for 12 hours - did you see what they did there!) It will be a much more involved game along the lines of Baldurs Gate, but with a GOOD game mechanic, and better graphics.

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

Hanging? Now there's an idea...


*adopts southron american yokel accent*


"Boys, it's bin a good, long while since we had ourselves an old-fashined hangin' 'round these hir parts, string 'im up, euchuh!"


(all mistakes intentional)



HEY... that is from back to the future part 3 :D
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I'd take WoD's d10 system over D&D any day of the week.


And well, my main 'thing' against D&D is the fact that it is so inflexible. All thieves are the same, all fighters the same, etc. What it comes down to is that D&D is a system made for combat. Nothing else. WOD, however, can be used conveniently into political campaigns, and other campaigns that involves non-combat situations. I have played Vampire campaings where we spent three meetings (once a week) without rolling a single combat dice. And it was thrilling all the way. I doubt I can say that for my ventures into the world of D&D. D&D is more about what weapon skills you bought, and how many "+2 comb of dragonslaying" you have.


Drakar och Demoner is a swedish system, and I guess you won't find it outside Sweden. It started almost twenty years ago, and is based on a d20. What it is better at, though, it that it allows players to be more imaginative with creating characters and buying skills, unlike in D&D. Sorry guys, I have only bad experiences with D&D.



And any, ANY pen and paper RPG that is based on experience points in the way of D&D is bound to turn into a lot of number crounching and arguing between players. That equals lots of boring gaming hours. The idea of levels works great in computer games. But in pen and paper? Come on! Unrealistic and inconvenient game design, that's what I call it.

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well, you find powergamers everywhere...


once while we played SR during a con, a guy came by telling tales of his 6 armed street samurai who had 6 ares predator, could survive a barrage from a ship turret and survive in vacuum...


I just thought for myself: "now which part of "ROLEPLAYING" is so hard to get ??


3rd D&D makes great steps towards ease of use and customization....

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