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Depneds if you play it for the story maybe if you play It online I'd save the cash myself.


Never even bothered to play the game grew tried of the "even though I work here and bodys of guys that carry pass cards are all over I can't use this door". That crap got old fast and fighting monsters with a glock didn't intrest me at all.


So on to counter strike, firearms, FLF and DoD all of which I still play ever other day atleast.

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Opposing Force was not only good for gameplay but also for quotes.:D


I will smoke u like a Cuban cigar!

I thought we were training soldiers here! Are u trying to embarrass me?!

Holy sheep s*** u made it!

I smell smoke, and when there's somek there's fire. U better move dirtbag!






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  • 4 weeks later...

upsy-daisy :D


I bought it, and it came with blue shift. I had my opfor game nuked after I decided to train a bit and had to restart the whole damned thing. I almost beat blue shift though. I'm on the last level. Geez, the coolant stuff is hard.


Oh, another quote from OpFor: on the ride in the chopper:


"Hey, where the hell are we anyway?"

"Well, the pilot thought we were heading for your mother's house, so far this all looks firmiliar."

"yeah, that's real cute Jackson."

"Anytime, Anywhere."


(1st guy again)

"Hey, you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"Smells like another baby-sittin' job to me."

"Yeah, no S*** man."

(3rd guy)

"Damn, this has training mission all over it. Why would they have kept our orders for so long?"

(1st guy again)

"Yeah, what the hell is that all about? Throwing our asses in this hunk of junk and sending us off to the middle of hell."

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Op4 is alot better than BS. The story in Op4 was a lot longer, almost as long as the orginal game. BS was orginally suppose to be for the Dream Cast, but they scrapped the project and gave it to the PC. Its significantly shorter, and if you are a hardcore HL player, you can easily beat it in one sitting. I always hate that so I try to pace myself to make the game last longer.


Did you ever figuare out how to get by the coolent?

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