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Remember the 80s?


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Does anyone remember the LucasFilm classics? And I'm not talking about Loom or Monkey Island, I'm talking about the classics nobody remembers or cares about, like Rescue on Fractalus!,Night Shift, etc... I've been looking for these classics everywhere on the net but can't find them. How sad for these classics.









RIP, classics.

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You should try an 8-bit Atari emulator like Atari800Win. It's easily accessible on the web, as well as the games. I won't post any links here as someone could come up with a ridiculous idea of accusing me of encouraging software piracy (while what I'm really doing is promoting archeaology ;)).


I think there are only five Atari games by Lucasfilm:

- Ballblazer aka Ballblaster

- Rescue on Fractalus aka Behind Jaggi Lines

- The Eidolon

- Coronis Rift

- Star Wars

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Don't know about the games, but WE GOT THE AVATARS!


fractalus.gif Rescue on Fractalus!


ballblazer.gif Ballblazer!


avatar_zombiesate.gif Zombies Ate My Neighbors!


calia2095.gif also, the unreleased Calia 2095!



I've got the ROM's to Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Ghoul Patrol, Big Sky Troopers, and Metal Warriors (i believe is the name), but I haven't got any games as old as Koronis Rift or Fractalus. I've got Night Shift on 5.25" pc disks. Maybe I should try sending in the form.

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