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What the hell??????????


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I come back after after a month and see this new patch out so I installed it and was rdy for some multiplayer ownage. So I go in and get out my fav style that im most deadly with which is yellow style. I tried to do a spin with the light sabre... didnt work.. tried again same thign he will just slash forward and to the side.. keep trying no luck.. WTF???? someone please tell me if im doing something wrong, I use to always press left and up same time and attack to do the spin with the lightsabre but now i cant!!! Omg I really hope they didnt take out the spin.

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Ya they completely replaced the 1.02 medium stance, all those cool spin moves that you could chain together into the sweetest combos are all gone. Now medium is basically strong stance #2 with slowass swings and only 1 useless spin move, JOY.


I really hope someone makes a mod or a patch that puts 1.02 yellow stance BACK IN THE GAME, cause without it jk2 saber fights are boring as hell. :(

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I disagree, one would assume that the way they had medium originally would be the way they intended it to be, if not then why didn't they go with 1.03 medium from the start? they only changed it after so many people whined about having SP saber style in MP.


IMO all they should have changed was light and strong stance, nobody ever complained about wanting medium changed. In fact i saw nothing but praise for medium and how it was the preferred stance of skillful players, yet it was the only stance that got a complete overhaul in the patch.. go figure.

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Dude what do you think light stance is for anyway? Its made to be the fast spinny whirlly style, duh! Medium stance is not suppossed to be that way. If it was then why have light stance? Think about it. It takes real skill to choose which stance is best for what.

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What is it for? thats a good question, it was totally useless in 1.02 (cept for lunge) and it's just rediculous how they turned up the swing speed in 1.03. No skill is required to use that stupid weedwacker stance, whereas a lot of skill was required to use 1.02 medium. But regardless of whether light should or should not be the only stance with spin swings my point is that 1.02 medium was much more fun to use than the crappy excuse for a stance they replaced it with.

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I agree partly with Deetox about the medium. When you guys say 'medium was not intended for' , you guys are totally off. Raven came out with the retail game as EXACTLY what THEY intended it for. So prepatch was what Raven WANTED everythign to look like. But after complainers raided the forums and their emails, they had to change what they created into something else...1.03.


Anyways, I thought saber combat in 1.02 was excellent, there was always a sense of danger, and getting hit was a big deal. right now getting it is like..oh, I seemed to have been hit, oh well, I only lose 10% of my health. They need to increase saber damage. Not only will it make the game mroe tactical and fun, but it will get rid of assfighters.

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I've said it before... I'll say it again:


Are you guys aware that we can continue playing 1.02 and be happy? I certainly am, and running 3 servers.


The bleeding is over, no more patches. People should be getting those 1.02 servers up and running instead of bending and twisting 1.03 until it's playable. The original poster hit the nail on the head, it's not so much the server-side patch, but the client-side. I don't want to hear 'yellow spinning isn't what they intended to begin with', if it isn't, they wouldn't have released it that way. Nothing you do in the server is EVER going to change the amount of control that one could exercise in 1.02 medium stance. My favorite move with yellow was to cut them up with chained forward attacks spin in the direction they use to escape your assault and catch them on the spin ending their pathetic life. That's right, good 1.02 players knew how to keep their saber in front of the without spinning if that's what they wanted.


Come join us in 1.02 without the auto-block benefits of 'Operation Save nOOb' (1.03).

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Lets face it JK2 MP is not that great. With guns its worse than Q3.


Saber only battles are cool, but a quick kill is not what a saber fight is about. Nor is spinning around.


I personally want to see it more true to the films. Less jumping, spinning, and more standing, and walking, and slashing.


JK2 sabers are not about skill. Its luck, the more you play, the more you learn how to get lucky.


Its the only sword fighting in video games problem again. Its too hard to code.

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Now I agree that saber damage should be increased but if they made medium a spinny whirlly stance then light would be of no use. It would be too easy to kill someone if you could swing medium so fast it would take less skill. Light is fastest and has the best chance of hitting but the damage is lowest. SO it takes skill to use all stances for the right time. Imagine if light stance had had medium damage. Massacre! So easy to kill. That seems to be what you guys expect. Not good. BUT they should allow one or two decent spins for medium. But DONT make it like light.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

I've said it before... I'll say it again:


Are you guys aware that we can continue playing 1.02 and be happy? I certainly am, and running 3 servers.


The bleeding is over, no more patches. People should be getting those 1.02 servers up and running instead of bending and twisting 1.03 until it's playable. The original poster hit the nail on the head, it's not so much the server-side patch, but the client-side. I don't want to hear 'yellow spinning isn't what they intended to begin with', if it isn't, they wouldn't have released it that way. Nothing you do in the server is EVER going to change the amount of control that one could exercise in 1.02 medium stance. My favorite move with yellow was to cut them up with chained forward attacks spin in the direction they use to escape your assault and catch them on the spin ending their pathetic life. That's right, good 1.02 players knew how to keep their saber in front of the without spinning if that's what they wanted.


Come join us in 1.02 without the auto-block benefits of 'Operation Save nOOb' (1.03).


There are still quite a few 1.02 servers however there doesn't seem to be any left that are no force saber only which is my favorite way to play. :(


Originally posted by NerfYoda

If the game were perfect upon release Raven wouldn't have relseased a patch would they? I like the medium changes.. gives it a lil more skill to use.


No the game wasn't perfect and it definently needed some tweaks but raven made the mistake of listening to the noob's and decided to completely alter the game for them, in turn giving the shaft to everyone else that liked it the way it was. You obviously didn't know how to use 1.02 medium very well if you think 1.03 medium adds more skill to the game. It does nothing of the sort, the exact opposite in fact. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by DarkJediNut

Now I agree that saber damage should be increased but if they made medium a spinny whirlly stance then light would be of no use. It would be too easy to kill someone if you could swing medium so fast it would take less skill. Light is fastest and has the best chance of hitting but the damage is lowest. SO it takes skill to use all stances for the right time. Imagine if light stance had had medium damage. Massacre! So easy to kill. That seems to be what you guys expect. Not good. BUT they should allow one or two decent spins for medium. But DONT make it like light.


Light was never any use to begin with, it's only useful in 1.03 cause the saber damage was nerfed and they made the swings so fast that it's harder for people to counter. 1.02 medium swings were much slower and fluid and required very good accuracy and timing to consistently land hits and chain combo's.


Was medium a problem for you when you played 1.02? i never saw anyone complain that it was overpowered or cheap or any of the other complaints strong stance was getting. There were no massacres from people using medium (except for when i used it hehe) so why would you now say it would be too easy? if it was so easy to kill with why didn't more people use it? i would say 80% of the peeps i played against in 1.02 preferred strong not medium, what that tells me is that strong was the only stance you could rightfully say was too easy to kill with, medium was fine.

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Originally posted by Deetox187


There are still quite a few 1.02 servers however there doesn't seem to be any left that are no force saber only which is my favorite way to play. :(


nuclearfallout.net | Saber Only 1.02c

[szg] Sokar's FFA | Saber Only 1.02

[szg] Sokar's Duel | Saber Only 1.02


All no force, all no gay guns. All ready for you to play on against good players. I'm having some stability issues with my two servers, but I will have them up to snuff soon.


Come join us.

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When the 1.3 patch came out I was like most people and said, "Yeah. Some bug fixes, but not to much gameplay tweaks, right? Cool."




Like SkyNet, I lost ALL of my saber skills -- I am a NF Dueler -- And would be massacred online by both the BS and the new Blue "Twirly Stance" that people used to just carve me up (I couldn't react to the increased speed and chained attacks).




Because like most skilled 1.2 players, I relied on Yellow stance almost 90% of the time.


And it was nerfed in 1.3 and slowed down (somewhat).


While I realize Yellow wasn't the end-all-be-all of perfect sword fighting... It at least was dam close because if you knew how to use Yellow, fights would be over in maybe 2 minutes flat -- More if the other guy was only using blue and even red leaving themselves open due to the slow animations of red.


I would only switch to Blue and Red maybe 1/4 of the time -- If that -- Mainly to get those extra shots in that would weaken my opponent to where I could take them out with Yellow.


However, with the new Ghoul2 and Sabertrace commands, I'm back to the level where I should be at (going through an entire ladder of opponents with maybe one or two deaths).


Bottom line they ruined an awesome - not perfect - game with the 1.3 patch... But at least there was and will be quick fixes via the JO Community.

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OK I used medium just as often in 1.0.2 as I do now. I wasnt saying that either patch sucked or ruled. I'm sure that many of these things that bother us will be fixed(better be). I got tons of kills using medium in 1.0.2 as you did. All I'm saying is that they shouldnt make it too easy OR difficult see? Remeber my last post I said they should add a good spin or two to medium k? But DONT make it easy as light. Agreed? And of course saber damage should be increased.

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Same old song and dance with all you people.


"I owned in 1.02, now I suck so I refuse to change"


God, get over it.


I hadnt played 1.02 since the realse of 1.03 untill I went a LAN joint and they had JKii. So I play it and quickly realize its 1.02. I play for a bit but it got boring dieing from 90dmg hits from red style from a finished attack, DFA spinners, and sometimes it would seem like I would just die when I had 5hp.


Sorry, I don't like getting killed by luck of someone rolling into me when Im low on health. Give me. 1.03 please.

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this doesn't seem to be a problem to me, because I didn't get JK2 until about a week before the patch came out, so I hadn't gotten used to anything. I started using the Light stance, and I still do. It's just what I'm used to. Do people think that using light stance is cheap or something? because I only play 1.02 for a few days... lol. so I'm way too used to 1.03. it's like being born late... i guess.



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being born late..lol...


anyways...I like 1.02..but I won't soley stick to it. There were some bugs with 1.02. and 1.03 has it's perks also. I don't agree with hateplow's heavy hitting less than 90 hp (actually it hit 100), because it is heavy stance. It is slow, it should hit a hell of a lot more hp. But I do agree with his rolling into someone and getting killed or just lucky kills, due to the bad net code. What we need is a happy medium where there is a style between 1.02 and 1.03, which will make it all good and perfect ;)

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I don't think this is another "whiners" thread.


I think what Skynet is saying is what a LOT of players - Skilled Players - Myself included, went through when you installed the 1.3 patch.


To say you couldn't tell an immediate difference when dueling and using weapons -- especially, the weapons -- Would be a lie due to the fact they nerfed the guns to the point of almost being useless along with some dark side powers as well.


I'm not trying to start something with you, but if you had read what I and others have said, most of us HAVE adapted to the new patch and thanks to the G2 and Sabertrace commands, dueling at least is now back to the 1.2 "standard" if not even better because there are no more random kills due to the faulty netcode.


Peace :)

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Also check out BB 1Life and 2life servers, there both no force, no guns, and have some really good players on them. Same with the darkside servers.


As far as 1.03 vs 1.02, whatever there totally differnt games, just think you got 2 games for the 40$ instead of one, unfortuanlly the 2nd game called 1.03 sucks imho.

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