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This can't be right!

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You know, I spotted the anomaly and afterwords saw this Thread Subject and with my superior skills of deduction and logic I immediately knew what this thread was going to deal about.


Must be the Utlimate Forumite Orgy 2002 or UFO 2002


Happens every thousand years...


I thank god I'm not on the list :D

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Or is it an after effect of the eclipse?

The fact that these guys (Fondas, Taarkin, Darth Sceltor, who haven't been around much lately,) are listed as being on at all, at that time of day, makes a bit suspicious that it might have been gremlins, or a ghost in the machine.

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No, that was the original Deathscythe.


I'm assuming DH Custom has the same stealth capabilities as DH, which could turn invisible.


Remember in one of the last eps, at one point during the Battle of Libra, Heavy Arms and Sandrock (I think) slam into something in mid-space, then Deathscythe Hell just appears behind them?


I think it was after Duo had picked up the G-scientists and was taking them to the Libra.


Anyway, I was going to go with a squad of Jem'Hadar de-shrouding around him, but I figured that most of you might not get it if you didn't watch DS9.

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