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Do the spin!


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? im not a scripter i was just saying that someone doing a little dance and making a little love isnt gonna pull and backstab u with 500 little happy dance scripts as soon as he stops.....thats like people calling me a scripter in a game when i do my lightsaber orbit.....thats funny

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Tyrion, just remember there are very few on here that listen to other opinions..most people on here are stubborn (I must say I am also..) Therefore you putting this info out, although not the biggest news nor the most important news, makes them think you are a scripter, and automatically you're bad in their eyes. Some people on here complain for the sake of complaining..so its good jsut to get it go. :D

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Look, the "spin" or the "blender" is a pointless move that just serves to irritate the people who take their sabering more seriously. The ones who don't want to have to put up with "l337 d00ds" turning them into paste because they got close enough for someone to try this.


It's annoying, looks silly, and gets you no kudos. Begone.

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