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Model/Saber color?


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hey guys, I'm new to this forum but not new to Outcast =)


I just wanted to know what character model and saber color you all use.


I personally use a blue Swamptrooper with an Orange saber.


Nothing too fancy, but I do have the Vader hilt.


I'm going to be looking forward to posting here much, although I am going to be kind of busy over the summer, I'll try not to be a one post wonder or a spammer of doom =)

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wow, thanks for the warm welcoming =)


btw, what about force, which side are you on?


I'm light side but I occasionally like to join the darkside once in awhile.


ah, and just for the hell of it, which stance do you guys prefer?


It's between blue or red for me =)


Yes, I am one curious Jedi.

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I'd play online and stuff but I'm on a 56k =(


I'm gonna get cable pretty soon though


I think force is a great addition to the game, it really isn't Star Wars without the Force. Sure there are people who abuse it, but there's always kicking right? I dunno, maybe I shouldn't be talking, I don't even play online =)


I haven't really met any of the "spammers" or "ass stabbers" or any of those types of people.


Hey Reiver, how is there a white blade? Is it an online game only thing or can lowly bot players like myself get one too?

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Welcome to da forums.


I use Luke with a green saber(call me old fashioned, but I just love the ROTJ look)



Same here, and I use either the light or medium stance. And I always use light side powers. (heck I don't even use dark side powers in the SP game ^_^")

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Forceuser Reborn (model reborn/forceuser) with Purple saber (owns).


Purple is pretty cool, when I first started I only used Blue and Green sabers cause good guys owned bad guys but Reborn is so much more cooler (closest thing to the stereotypical dark jedi in robes).

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I change models and names more often than my underwear, usually several times during a match. I mostly stick to the red-blue-green-yellow saber colors. I never touch the g*y purple one, since I find it cool if only I see it used by very, very few individuals - like Mace Windu (sadly, this is not the case:rolleyes: )


I'm beginning to use all the stances now, not just the medium one, although I can't hit sh*t with the red stance and blue stance always makes me feel like a complete retard newb on crack. Blue stance seem to be generally very popular, which I can't really understand.

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Orange saber, reborn force-user/fencer/boss, mostly heavy, sometimes a quick switch to light for the lunge and medium for the finisher.

I rarely use the Force 'cuz I'm so l33t (:rolleyes: Yeah, right...), but when I do, it's the dark side.

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