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Anyone like SP Yavin Levels?


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I just finished the first Yavin level and have some issues.

I have had no problem with the game at all, and you who have finished know what stage I'm at, but this level gave me some motion sickness, and I also seemed to have a fair bit of clipping in this level, especially in the water.


Any comments?

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The first Yavin mission was one of my least favorite in the game. It gave my system quite a run for my money, and it had some very anoying puzzle-type things in it. Like finding the hole underneath the waterfall and finding that path in the swamp after you participate in the small scuffle between the Alliance and the Imperials. I don't enjoy that sort of thing.

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Ooooooh, you guys are talking about the swamp?


Man, how can you hate that level? It's SO F***IN EH! Man, I wish AVP2 had jungles like that, whew. It would be like a dream come true.


Honestly, you have to play the swamp and canyon on MAX details to truly see how great it is. Get rid of that modded out Atari 5200 they call a GeForce2 MX and get a new card :D. Save up for it, whatever, you won't regret it.

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I dont like the swamp troopers or whatever. They piss me off.



on a side note..



To jedi vegeta


In your sig you say that Jedi's with red lightsabers are not

good or bad but neutral.


Well I'm pretty sure that You can't be a jedi unless your in the light side.


If your dark your a sith. Their is no in between. Your are either or.


if you have a lightsaber and your not a jedi or sith your just

an idiot who picked it up or something of that nature.

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Originally posted by D@rth M@ul

I dont like the swamp troopers or whatever. They piss me off.



on a side note..



To jedi vegeta


In your sig you say that Jedi's with red lightsabers are not

good or bad but neutral.


Well I'm pretty sure that You can't be a jedi unless your in the light side.


If your dark your a sith. Their is no in between. Your are either or.


if you have a lightsaber and your not a jedi or sith your just

an idiot who picked it up or something of that nature.


Ever heard of a Dark Jedi? Its what Desaan is. Retard. Maybe you should shut the hell up before you go talking about something you obviously have no clue on.

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Thanks for the replies. Don't get me wrong, I've had a blast with this game. I love it, but so far Yavin is my least favourite level. The jungle/swamp looks great, but I hate trying to find entrances hidden in/under ponds/trees/etc.


A note on the Motion Sickness statement :-


I have read posts over the last few years where guys have complained of feeling queasy or feeling motion sickness when playing some FPS games. I have experienced this in 1 other game, but the Yavin level brought the feeling back. After 1 hour of play, I had to stop as I felt nauseous. I have not felt this in the rest of the game. Perhaps it was because you had to look very carefully to find things on this level.


Anyway, can't wait to kick Desann's Ass.

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Originally posted by D@rth M@ul

I dont like the swamp troopers or whatever. They piss me off.



on a side note..



To jedi vegeta


In your sig you say that Jedi's with red lightsabers are not

good or bad but neutral.


Well I'm pretty sure that You can't be a jedi unless your in the light side.


If your dark your a sith. Their is no in between. Your are either or.


if you have a lightsaber and your not a jedi or sith your just

an idiot who picked it up or something of that nature.


Guess that makes Han solo an idiot who just picked it up....................oh, and r2 as well.

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Originally posted by D@rth M@ul


To jedi vegeta


In your sig you say that Jedi's with red lightsabers are not

good or bad but neutral.


Well I'm pretty sure that You can't be a jedi unless your in the light side.


If your dark your a sith. Their is no in between. Your are either or.


if you have a lightsaber and your not a jedi or sith your just

an idiot who picked it up or something of that nature.








k, a SITH, is an extremely evil and powerful jedi. Sith is like... a religion sort of. And there can only be 2 at any given time, IE


Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma

Sidious and Maul

Sidious and Dooku

Sidious and Vader


Dark Jedi are just jedi's who choose to use their powers for wrong. Like Jerec and the crew, Desann and Tavion etc.


Light siders well, everyone knows about em lol.


In the movies when they say Anakin is the chosen one who will bring balace to the force, they're talking about destroying the sith. Cause at time, the balance of power was tilted towards the dark side. Not only were there Dark Jedi, but there were Sith as well.


When the last of the Sith (Emp and Vader) were destroyed, the force was brought back into balance due to there being only Light and Dark Jedi left.


Correct me if I'm wrong :).

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sidious and maul

sidious and dooku

sidious and vader


so is sidious actually palpetine? or is sidious somewhere else while vader is with palpetine? also, that means vader (or anakin) will have to kill dooku, or dooku has to die somehow before sidious and vader are the only 2?

also, will we ever get to see sidious? in EPI it was just his hologram...in EPII it was just the ending where he walked off with Dooku...what's he doing?

And i thought Exar Kun was still around during the time of Maul, Vader, Obi Wan, even Yoda's younger days, up until he was killed by Luke's academy students. Won't that mean that there were actually more Sith around than 2. Or does that mean that durnig those times, Exar Kun stopped being Sith and was just a Dark Jedi?

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Question- When you say that there are only 2 sith, does that mean in a pair or altogether, what i mean is that there wouldnt be an academy for sith as they only travel in pairs, to prevent power struggles, OR there are only 2 at any given time.


Theory- When the prophecy about "bringing balance to the force" pops up, could it possibly mean that Vader does bring balance by *drum roll* killing every Jedi and Jedi Master but two, and leaving a Sith Master and Sith...thus bringing balance to the force.....perhaps?

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"so is sidious actually palpetine?"


Yes. They're both the same person.


As for Dooku dying. He probably does. Palp wouldn't care if some other more powerful guy wanted to be his apprentice. He'd be like


YEAH!!! Now go fight to the death or something. lol


I dunno.



"And i thought Exar Kun was still around during the time of Maul, Vader, Obi Wan, even Yoda's younger days"


He was, but only in spirit, and he was pretty much trapped. So it doesn't really count since he had no real power since a buncha friggen n00b's beat his ass once and for all haha.



"what i mean is that there wouldnt be an academy for sith as they only travel in pairs, to prevent power struggles, OR there are only 2 at any given time."


There can only be 2 at any given time. Back in the day there were thousands of jedi and sith. ALL the Sith wanted supreme power and they warred with themselves. Darth Bane was the only Sith who survived hehe. He was the Sith overlord at the time or something like that. So after all that, he was like **** this! From now on there's only gonna be me and my student.

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Yeah as far as Anakin bringing balance to the force. I always thought the balance he achieved was by being so super evil. Since a majority of the jedi in the universe are good guys. Him being uber-evil balances the force. Then killing everyone else helped too.

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i see...




is Sidious and Palpetine exactly the same guy, or did Sidious somehow take over Palpetine? (because i was flipping through a friend's comic on 'Dark Empire' and it showed Palpetine being able to take over other bodies and he wanted Leia's 3rd child)

because, if Sidious and Palpetine were the same guy, then he was plotting all this right from the beginning in EPI, when the Palpetine shown wasn't even Senator yet? In that case he probably could have killed Amidala without the need of Maul. It does make sense in EPII since it allowed him to make his clone army though. :D

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Lime-Light...no need to insult someone if they make a mistake - that just leads to flame wars, and we don't tolerate those around here. I find it's more useful to politely correct someone...and they often respect you more in the future.


And, er, wasn't this topic about the Yavin Swamp level? :confused:


Personally, I didn't mind it at all, apart from the framerate hit on my ageing (2 year old) system. Heh. ;) But then, I always explore every nook and cranny on a level - especially if I find myself ending up near the point where I started the level in the first place. There is always a way...and it's part of the challenge to find the right path. I can't say any of the levels in Jedi Outcast were very dissimilar to those of other games in that respect. Anyone remember playing Wolfenstein3D...to the very end...and trying to find all of the secret walls? Now that was a nightmare of disorientation...

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