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Scripters Help!!!


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P.S. Hey Twins, I need to update my site with links for JK2, and was thinking of placing a link to your site on my site! Is that ok with you?


sure, just pm me with the url to your site, or is it hte one you gave me in your contact us?



my favourite one that i think all script monkeys should use is this one


bind MOUSE1 kill

bind MOUSE2 kill

bind MOUSE3 kill

bind a kill

bind b kill

bind c kill

bind d kill

bind e kill


you get the picture right?


they'll win every game like that, i guarantee it!

hehehehe, that's my secret of the game, it's how i win every fight in a FFA


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if i was a mod for this forum i would have banned most of the posts here. Jesus people, others come here and ask questions for a reason. Then everyone and thier mother who doesn't approve has to share their opinion. A saying comes to mind;


Opinions are like diapers, everyone has had one and they are usually full of sh*t.


Look, it's really very simple, you don't like scripts, don't use em. If you have a question i think we owe it as a human race to help answer them. Regardless of the question, you either help or you don't answer it. This is just post farming.


Next time you see a post that creates an urge in you to flame, stop, count to 10, and ask yourself "Is the time i am going to spend bringing others down really worth it? Or can it be spending it wisely somewhere else?"


I'm not saying opinions are bad, but when you don't help in anyway, you make yourself look like a gimp who trolls the boards.



On a side note, for those interested in scripting, i'm working on a script that let's you use all taunts in a duel. For example, you hit them real hard then use the taunt that the bespin cop models says, (something to the effect) "How's that feel?" then go to a laugh. Note this will make you 2times as vincible since you are tuanting 2 times. Another example, you kick em down then taunt "Get up", then laugh. I thinkn it would be great.




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Hi guys, I agreed with MediocreSlacker. When I slash someone afew time, I will let him/she kill me. At lease he/she feel good abt it. :p

I also dun like to slash newbies. But there are times when I got slash upsidedown too. :(

And I will keep go look for that guy and fight again. But ofcourse they are really pro.

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OMG...Who the hell cares if someone uses a script!!! Some of you plastic pocket protector wearing tards need to get a life. IT'S CALLED A VIDEO GAME!!


You all are out of touch.... so sad. Go on a diet, go on a walk, then go out on a date. Unbelievable.:mad:

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OMG...Who the hell cares if someone uses a script!!! Some of you plastic pocket protector wearing tards need to get a life. IT'S CALLED A VIDEO GAME!!


Hehe....you crack me up. What the hell inspired you to type this. In all reality, you are doing the same thing as the people you directed this message to.....complaining. If it's just a video game to you, why are you in these forums. Doesn't that imply you have more interest in the game? Perhaps you clicked on this thread hoping to find some scripts, but to your disappointment, it was just bitching about scripters. Like everything in life, lazyness is not something to be proud of. Scripting is plain lazyness. Again...it is just a videogame, but isn't the reason you buy them to figure out how to actually play the game, or to figure out the easiest way to be lazy in the game? Oh....and I'm engaged to be married....I have a full time job as a graphic designer.....I have many friends.....I go to parties.....I go see movies....and I play this video game. Do I not have a life?

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OMG...Who the hell cares if someone uses a script!!! Some of you plastic pocket protector wearing tards need to get a life. IT'S CALLED A VIDEO GAME!!


Um, yeah, like intoxictd said - what the hell are you doing here then? :rolleyes:

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Laughing at you twits, acting as if your all the moral authority on what people should or shouldn't do in a VIDEO GAME.


The original post asked how to do something, not get some doorknobs opinion about it being "a cool thing to do or not"


And while were at it... why are you here....you didn't answer any of the original posters questions... just gave your high and mighty opinion.

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As far as scripting goes, I could care less its something I was good at in quake 1 and used. Its not something I choose to use in JKII currently, other than speach and config files.


My advice for the original poster check out quake3 scripting sites

all the syntax is the exact same. Its gonna be pretty easy to make a dfa or other scripts.


As far as why people state there opinion Kid i dunno other than I think most of them see the honor and such that belongs in dueling that is constantly being destroyed by spamming, lame tactics, and scripting.

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Originally posted by NomadWR

Yes my URL is the one that I put in my e-mail to your site.


And thanks for the permition...


~Nomad WR~



no prob;)


one prob though...the site is down right now:( gotta talk to roboteddy but i have no clue what is happening because he hasn't been on AIM in 2 days and his computer must be off or something because we aren't getting to the site

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Laughing at you twits, acting as if your all the moral authority on what people should or shouldn't do in a VIDEO GAME.



Sorry Kid Hanover, but I'm laughing at your hypocracy, being that you seem to self proclaim yourself as the moral authority on what people should or shouldn't do in a MESSAGE FORUM. You're trying to tell all of us that are expressing our opinions on scripting, what we should do. Hmmm.

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It's very obvious that "Kid Hangover" is not an experienced "gamer" !


First clue is "Video Game" huh? Vid Games are played in arcades, and on consoles not online useing PC's.


So hims not sure about what we are talking about in the first place. He has no idea what a online "Gamer" is to start with(yet)!!!! ;)


~Nomad WR~


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Originally posted by NomadWR

It's very obvious that "Kid Hangover" is not an experienced "gamer" !


First clue is "Vidio Game" huh? Vid Games are played in arcades, and on consoles not online useing PC's.


So hims not sure about what we are talking about in the first place. He has no idea what a online "Gamer" is to start with(yet)!!!! ;)


~Nomad WR~



yes, i have to agree....it's not video games, it's pc games;)

and we're all online gamers:P


he's kinda....stupid:P

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I think all script posts should be deleted by the mods. I and I'm sure other people would consider scripting to be a form of hacking. Hacking in a PC game is giving yourself an unfair advantage over the persons you play. The point of the game was not to assign every fuction to a key and duke it out with a real player. Scripters need to learn some god damn skills and play the game the way it was meant to be played and stop waisting the people's time and space in this forum and any other forum where the subject is not scripting. Post some crap in a lamer forum. This is a multiplayer strategy room where JO players discuss there different strategies and share tips.


Or else make a scripting forum... :ewok:


*Mind my spelling, I was typing this while mashing the key since I was owned by a scripter...*

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Scripting is cheating as much as you bind your mouse1 button to attack. It's just more complicated. If you really think scripting is a form of cheating you are spending WAY too much time thinking bout it. The commands are in the game, everyone's game, the same instal that we all used on the day we bought it. It's in the game engine, with NO modifications, NO "hack" files. No 3rd party programs are used. Nothing but thought/trial and error.


I made a .bat file that opens a few programs for me for sound editting, backup my initial files and configures my sound card for the editting. Is that a hack?


I coded a program that stops pop ups, is that a cheat?


Once i wrote a program that quized me on terms and dates when i was in high school. Sorta like flashcards but i could use it on my pda and enter data for other classes. Did i have an unfair advantage that should be stopped?


Scripts have thier merit, not so much in this game. But in others, they are almost needed. Use them or not, doesn't effect me. Call them cheats, that shows ignorance. Ask yourself where you have obtained your "knowledge" about scripting. Is it from hear-say? Perhaps you thought you wittnessed a person using it. Perhaps it's insecurities of your "skill". Regardless of what it is, i'm sure it's not from using them yourself. Otherwise you would be in the same thought boat as me. They are harmless, and at worse, annoying.





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Wow... you guys reach pretty deep for come backs...


"PC games...not video games" There is a such a great distinction... NOT.


Look, you guys don't like scripts...fine.


However, I'm sure that there are plenty of people that read these posts that would argue otherwise..including the ones that are afraid to post anything on these boards regarding there marvelous scripting masterpices for two reasons.


1. they kick ass with it, and don't want everyone to know how to do it.


2. They know the"friends" they have online would frown on it.


Also, a vast majority of players are scriping, and if everyone who does it is so easy to beat with your "Jedi" expertise then you should welcome players to give it a shot...just so you can prove them wrong.


Don't worry I know what to expect......Blah, blah, blah, your a noob...your unskilled....your this.....your that....I could care less.


I'm fine at JKII, and I don't use scripts...believe it or not!! LOL


I just feel that if it's not a code hack, and many peeps are doing it, there should be no reason people can't openly discuss that type of thing on a JKII forum.


So to all you guys I offended I'm so sorry.


But i still find it interesting that someone will say how easy scripts are to counter, and then act as if thier the worst thing to ever happen to the game. And forget about "it closes a persons mind to experiment, and learn"... some of us play the game for fun...we don't live it.


So flame on.....


(this post is meant for the "jedi masters" that didn't like my original posts several posts back on this thread)

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well said Kid Hanover.


the game comes with scripting possibilities built into it for a reason.


plus, not all scripts are designed to give the user an unfair advantage, a lot of them just make things smoother or more fun, such as my script which at the press of a button shuts off the sabre, takes a bow and turns on the sabre again.


however, i must say that this game is the most easily exploitable-by-script that i've ever played. this is not the fault of scripters tho, it is the fault of the game designers.

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I fail to see how this game is more exploitable with scripts. Not trying to start anything, but i'd think there are a few others that are easier to exploit with scripts than this.


In my findings this game doesn't need scripts to play as much as others. Perhaps i'm looking at the wrong areas.


Games that have been ruined by scripts are things like TFC (many bugs) and early days of CS.

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Originally posted by JaraDaj

I fail to see how this game is more exploitable with scripts. Not trying to start anything, but i'd think there are a few others that are easier to exploit with scripts than this.


i'd love to explain why i think this game is incredibly easy to exploit. maybe there are others that are easier to exploit, i just probably havent played those, or experimented with their scripting engine.


about this game though. i can, for instance, make a script that at the push of a button turns my character around faster than the eye can see, executes a backslash, and turns my character back around again, lightning fast (the backslash/backstab still takes as much time as always though).

this i _could_ use while in midair against another opponent also in midair. thus in any "air fights" i _could_ insta-kill my opponent by using this script.


another example: the light (blue) stance lunge attack can be scripted to follow a backflip. in which case the player would to a fast backflip and while in the air perform a lunge attack. very deadly.


other FPS games are not as exploitable in this matter because:

1. the distance is greater

2. instant-kill isnt very usual in them

3. this game (in duels) bases the competion largely on players ability to press surtain keys after one another. Quake3 (same engine), for instance is more about using the territory, knowing the map, learning the arc and timing of weapon ammunition, etc.


thats _my_ opinion, anyways.


and, just to clarify: nah, i dont use these type of "unfair" scripts because that would ruin the fun of the game. i use plenty of other type of scripts tho, one to automate the bow-greeting thing we all do, for instance.

why am i proficient in scripting if not because ive made all sorts of "unfair" scripts (they are harder to do than a take-a-bow script, for instance)? because im a programmer.

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