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Multiple personalities. How many do you want?

Gaelin Masek

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I've seen a lot of people saying that they will have one character for Bounty Hunting, one for Jedi, one for Politics etc.


Does nobody else think it's kind of.... a cheat. I don't wish to insult anybody, and in all fairness I am very inexperienced in the world of MMORPG's.


But still I think having the ability to be everything just by logging in under a different name is uncalled for. I think you should just change your current character.


Obviously you would have to give up other skills and professions but thats the sacrifice otherwise... I really don't like it.



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It's NOT a cheat. Not for me. What it means, is that if I am bored for a while with my primary char, I can log in with my secondary, or tertiary, and try something else. Perhaps I want to know just what happens if I specialize in a weird field of expertice, or I might have a char that I like, though I might not want to play it for a couple of weeks, because I am tired of it for now. My experience is that those things happens to almost everyone who plays MMORPGS.


Playing with mules, though, is not my cup of tea. It's not a cheat proper, but it is bad style. If you give things, wether it twinking or muling, it displays bad style.


And also, this means that you take gaming time out of your primary char. You can have one really good char, or spend time improving a lot of chars. None of them will be as good as that single char, though. So I laugh at the person who believes they will have one jedi and one sithlord and one BH at the same time. It's hard to care about more than one character so much that you can inout that amount of time in it.


I'll play one major char. But with all that customizing freedom, all those skills, all those species? Hell has not fury enough to stop me from trying them all out, given enough time. I know I will wake up and think "hey, I wonder how a wookie animal trainer would be?" or "hmm, a mon calamari rogue who joins the hutts, wouldn't that be cool?". I will still mostly play one char, but will I stop myself from trying out those ideas? You kidding me?

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Originally posted by setsuko

Playing with mules, though, is not my cup of tea. It's not a cheat proper, but it is bad style. If you give things, wether it twinking or muling, it displays bad style.


That's what the Devs are trying to clean up before release. They don't want a person with 2 character (one Rebel, one Imp) giving info from one side to the other. They also mentioned if they give one character per account people will go as far as to buy another account and still be a mule. Would the Devs stop THAT? More accounts, more $$$$$!

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well.. dont know how to say it.

im tottaly not familiar with MMORPG....


my main charachter is Corzip Dinn. he is the one who work with and for the Associates.


but i dont know what the advantage is of more chars. i mena,,, the other char doesnt go on untill you play him... so supose you want one to mine..., he/she stops the moment you log out and go to your other char. so i think it doesnt ,matter... ill stick with one.


but if you are able to have more i already have a name:

Atex Dinn... cousin of Corzip

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I agree with Wraith. I want to play SW Galaxies because I love to RPG. I certainly intend to have multiple characters, both Imperial and Rebel most likely. Like Corzip said, the character comes out when you log in to play him or her and deactivates when you aren't. If I have an Imperial and a Rebel character, I'm not going to pass information between them! It's called role playing, something that should NOT be a novel concept by now. You are not playing yourself. You are playing a fictional character who exists only within the game. The point is to escape reality. There is no way on earth (or elsewhere :p) that I would log in as an Imperial, get Imperial information, and use that to benefit the Rebel character I log in as next. That defeats the entire purpose of roleplaying. But using only one character also defeats it, because you'll only end up "role-playing" yourself, which isn't much fun at all!


(I should probably note, though, that I have never yet played a MMORPG...when I say I RPG, it's on boards or via instant messenger :D)

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The only way I could see the dev's stopping the cheating behaviour of transferring info between characters out of game is restricting players to one character per game, and one account per IP address, with the option of retiring (read deleting) your current character and creating a new one.


Of course even this is far from perfect...

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I like the ability to have more than one character. It lets you explore different aspects of the game. It also allows households with more than one person that wants to play some flexibility.


I plan on at least having 2. One will be a neutral wookiee (may end up in the rebellion eventually, but that depends on what happens to him in the game) and the second will be an imp human and probably a slicer.

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I understand the idea of multiple characters allowing you to explore different aspects of the game.


But your single character can change his/her profession and skills, maybe even race, although probably a time limit before it takes affect.


I know it would involve training up new skills, and if it was a crap, training your old skills back. But sacrifices should be made I feel. Besides that is not my real problem with it.


what i would consider cheating is having 2 characters and both being opposite faction and using information to benefit both sides, but they'll probably prevent that somehow...o well my ideas are put to waste again


That's it. You make a character, deliberatly join the Alliance only so you can discover the location of their base. Thus switching back to your Imperial player and leeking the information.


Personally I think that should be punishable by death...

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orthey make make each account only be able to hvae one faction lets say if you have a neutral character..all the rest and him at this point could join rebel or empire...but if one chaaracter is rebel then they can ONLY join rebel until him or all leave...it wouldn't matter if some characters had no faction though, cause it wouldn't make a difference..maybe they'll do that..tohugh it would take away form the diversity of exploring different sides and all

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Is it just me, or do I get the feeling that I am the only one here who has ever played more than 3 MMORPGs in here? More than 1? j/k :D


Well, seriously, I agree with Mr. Red. This is a role playing game. Sure, few who plays it really plays it like an RPG, perhaps some 10-25%, depending on the game. But to enjoy roleplaying truly, I'd have to have several chars to satisfy my roleplaying needs. Perhaps I make a very interesting character, that I use to roleplay a bartender. Hell, I might even buy a bar with one character, and then hire my other char, and use it to communicate with my bar patrons. There are millions of ways to utilize the idea of several chars. Nine hundred and ninety nine thousand of them involves different things than spying on the other faction.


Use your imaginations. After all, that is what separates RPGs from twitch games!:)

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