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a whole list of taunts? Huh?


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Possibly if the compound command was split into two, maybe it might work then: bind x +kill/taunt . But, of course, it might depend on how you actually found the format of the command in the first place.... But keep your eyes open, there's bound to be someone showing off with them..... Or, better yet, someone who loves to share information..... Well, that's all I have to contribute to this thread.....



-Darth Vitruvio

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I guess some of these taunts are for single player and NPCs only. Like the Reborns say "I thought it would be more difficult" or Tavion saying "Master Desann wil be pleased". Maybe thats the +praisetaunt?


Also in Multiplayer the bots say stuff like "I shall be more powerful when I return" (not audio but text). Maybe thats what these commands are? I didn't encounter anyone who made use of this so far....

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When I looke din the cmdlist the normal +taunt and -taunt are there written as i have. The other taunts are written like tauntGauntlet, tauntPraise, tauntKillInsult etc and there is also vtaunt. I tried the commands are they are listed - no error message saying the command was unknown but it didn't do anything either so maybe the taunts need to be built into the model and raven have only done it for certain models!

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I saw this on a coding thread. this should give you three taunts.




In the cg_event.c under





An entity has an event value

also called by CG_CheckPlayerstateEvents






"static int tauntcounter = 0;"


change the case EV_TAUNT:... to




switch (tauntcounter) {

case 1:

trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*taunt1.wav" ) );


case 2:

trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*taunt2.wav" ) );



trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*taunt.wav" ) );

tauntcounter = 0;


} break;


then open the cg_players.c and add




to char *cg_customSoundNames[MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS].

Now you just have to add a taunt1.mp3 and a taunt2.mp3 to your player sounds from assets1 and you have different taunts ingame.

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Yeah, some new taunts would be nice, but so far all people have been able to do is get a script that binds each taunt command at your fingertips (or in my case, a script that allows you to switch player skins on the fly; no I am NOT a script child with gameplay :D ). I personally would love something other than "woohoo" for Lando, but it won't happen any day soon.


However, if your gaming experience revolves around an in-depth taunting and vocal system, go grab yourself a copy of Tribes 2 (or Tribes) for what I expect to be $30 US today. Coupled with a few player-made extras, I had around 1000 - 3000 taunts bound to a small voice bind menu. Now that was entertainment. :D


But in any event, I have considered porting said player-made taunting packs over to JK2 to be utilized by the taunting engine. Just imagine a random player saying "Naturally, you didn't know I was wearing my special, super thermal-B long underwear" from Batman or walking up to a dead body to execute a choral "You are an idiot! --random, musical laughter--," and you have the jest of what I mean. The problem is, JK2 uses .mp3 format whereas said packs use .wav, and God only knows what scripting labyrinth I will have to go through... :eek:


If I ever manage anything and get it to work properly, I'll keep you folks posted.


Merc out. :fett:

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/me chuckles. So far, all I can find to the pathing of +taunt (for now, I would like to find the +taunt function somewhere in the raw code, so I can bend it to do my bidding :p ) are those same worthless commands deathTaunt, praiseTaunt, etc. If someone is brave enough to find it for me if I cannot, I would be more than grateful. :cool:


Once I find it, I hope to find a way to pipe raw taunts in instead of from the skin packaging.


I was also hoping on changing around a few of the death messages to something more in par with Tribes. For instance, let's change that stale "Player X was smashed by Player Y" to "Player X shares a little blue friend with Player Y," or possibly substitute in a few of the satchel charge death messages in for the Det Packs. Heck, I might end up with a mod if I'm not careful, plus a trip to the Editting Forum. :rolleyes:


To Lunatic Jedi: "I've got your number! I've got all your numbers!"

Never understood why that taunt always made me laugh... :)

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Hmmmm, pretty interesting stuff. From what I can make of the whole lot of (C+?) gibberish inside of the game, Raven must have been planning a full taunt system to begin with, as I see references to voice flag grab taunts, flag cap taunts, enemy incoming, ad infinitum. I suppose this end must have gotten scraped halfway down to make the release deadline or something. Oh well... I'll take a better look at it tomorrow... I need sleep.

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I love tribes. Nothing like saying "miss me!" when someone tried to snipe you but missed. or saying "I've had worse!' when someone does finally keels you :). btw if anyone wishes to try me on Tribes (not tribes 2) look me up , my name is {KoH} Gandel.


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