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Hall of Shame-Post Ass fighters here

Nice Saber

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OI am so fed up of ass fighters. Just been on a server, where I would get push/ pulled andf the my opponent would swing round and backstab me. That was there only move. Surely a game cannot be reduced to this? I asked the person if they were able to do any other move, they didnt respond.


I am posting there name here as a kinda hall of shame, I want people to post player names of those who are ruining the game by abuse of this tactic. Name and Shame.


Only post if the player refuses to stop exploiting the move after you have asked him a number of times.


First on the list:



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Next on the list...

Me, Homosexual Ewok. :D


v1.03 has been out for quite some time now guy, learn, adapt or move on to another game.


Absorb and protect.

Absorb and protect.

Absorb and protect.

Absorb and protect.

Absorb and protect.

Absorb and protect.


*Hint, use those ^ to stay on your feet/alive.

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Next on the list....Masonis(light), aka Darth Masonis(dark side)


Dude. If you're fighting someone and that's the only move they know, you owe it to yourself to try a different strategy.


Try using...Absorb and Protect :D


And if you do get knocked down, the fight's not over yet....you can skewer the would-be backstabber, you can kick them as you flip up, and you can jump out of the way. I've even been knocked down and risen to backstab the offender before he could pull his backstab off. I'll leave it to you to learn the rest, young padawan. ;)

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Next on the list Seraphim....Ok so I'm not an ass fighter, only play of nf servers too, but I wanted to be part the group.


Anyway since everyone else is giving good advise heres mine!




Stay in School kiddies!


and ah if someone comes at you with their backturned try a timing a dfa just right, a lite lunge won't deflect their saber, a heavy lunge might hurt them alot but it leaves just enough time for a bs to be pulld off, and a normal attack from the back is no match for a bs. Or you could just attack them from their side...

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Well there are plenty of them... i don't usually remember names but one that does come to mind is ArtifeX. i heard to much about how this person was suppose to be really skilled at saber fighting, so i went to their sever to see for myself and... its no wonder they were so "skilled", pull+backstab or pull+kick-in-you-in-the-face, or do the notorius run backward and swing, thats all they did... quite a disappointment.

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I was dueling with a guy in ffa_bespin up on the pad who did nothing but run around backwards. The funny part was when I jumped up onto the little overhang thing and just stood there watching him while he ran around for about 45 seconds thinking I was still behind him.


I see people go over the edge in maps like ns_streets all the time because they run around backwards. It can actually be kind of funny to watch them.

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For the guys that just run backwards at you, Saber Throw repeatedly while paralleling their course cuts through them like a knife through butter......DFA is sweet, and of course, on weapon-enabled servers any weapon weapon will do, my favorite is to lay a detpack or two in their path and blast said ass a-flyin'.

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Hehe- Thanks guys for your rsponses! I have been playing for awhile, and often do use Absorb / Protect and am getting better at evading attacka from an Ass Fighter. The reason I started this postwas becaues I had been enjoying a team FFA game against another player. Im one of the people who enjoy the longer saber fights in 1.03, but I did occasionly get killed my the backstab move executed by Killer_man. I started to find it amusing because that was th only move he did (along with pull / push). There I was, having absorbing saber fight, and all of a sudden, Im ass hit! it is a littlefrustrating. Still, I never thought about trying to kick when on ground, but will do so in future.

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it's not that deadly a move. if someone's a push/pull backstabber, then just goto the light side and have push as one of your force powers(make sure you have push armed) and when someone trys to do it on you it doesn't work. as for kicking...it takes someone really skilled at that to run up on you before you can hop back up. just backjump out of the way

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oooh question about backstabing: if your pulled kicked off your feet is it better to lye there or try and jump up quick? I usually try and jump up quick but get my head chopped off? If you lye down does the backstab miss you?


(please gimme an answer, I have feelings too :( a simple yes or no will do)

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When it comes to getting knocked down...

Kicking up/off incoming opponents works the best for me, but it takes a little practice before you get the hang of it.



If your opponent is very close (as in right in front of you) turn on protect/rage and quickly flip up. There is a chance you will poke them with your saber on the way up as you spin (usually killing them instantly) and protect/rage will take the brunt of the damage from the backstab if they land it.




If they are several feet away and you are on any type of ledge or catwalk, turning on absorb is a good idea. There have been times when I pulled someone at the wrong angle and they slid way past me. There was no way I could make it to them in time for a backstab, so I charged in and as they turned on protect and flipped up, I did a force push sending them over the edge to their death. Absorb would have prevented that.

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The BS move is whored because it works, only a few people choose not to use it, or in the case of newbies, don't know how.


Learn to work around it, best way to do that is to keep playing the BS whores, thats what I did, and it Works!

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hate the BS move... some days ago i was on a duel server where somebody called Crusader came in... he used pull/push + BS... he killed everybody on the server 2 times in a row, i got him one time through... he didn't expect the forward+attack+jump on medium style attack :D

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PezJackel - he pulled and backstabbed like no tommorow, he attacks people typing or people with their sabres down (even when they've HIDDEN themselves to get away).



If you come across a backstabbed, medium finisher his @ss! :D

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The new scurge is those *******s that create scrpits to super speed their back attacks so you get hit 5 times with one move.. can you protect from that?!? Something must be done its ruining the game :( makes me want to wait till the next patch comes out where all that is toned down to make people.. ..get ready for this ACTUALY SWING THE LIGht saber.. not depending on one move like they were competing for first place in the special olyimpics

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

The new scurge is those *******s that create scrpits to super speed their back attacks so you get hit 5 times with one move.. can you protect from that?!? Something must be done its ruining the game :( makes me want to wait till the next patch comes out where all that is toned down to make people.. ..get ready for this ACTUALY SWING THE LIGht saber.. not depending on one move like they were competing for first place in the special olyimpics


If you mean the people who do a back swing and spin around about a dozen times, yeah, tell them to lower the sensitivity on their mouse or stop spinning it.

That’s all that is man, just a mouse spin.

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Ive been playing purely duel now since ctf has got so bad, i used to play ctf for hours, but now nearly everyone backstabs and its so hard to find a good long duel.

My fav duel server is vVv server, me and J.HeX practise in there most nights, ive not really met many poeple from the boards on the servers (except Kal, not a memorable fight i must say :p )


Wot servers duel servers do most of u guys use? :eyeraise:

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