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Your thoughts on Absorb

Chewie Bakker

What do you think of Absorb?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of Absorb?

    • Absorb is fine
    • Absorb\'s not the problem. Absorb AND Pull + backstab is.
    • Absorb robs a Dark Jedi of their offensive powers
    • Absorb gives the Light Jedi the offensive \'edge\'
    • Leave the game alone and Start PLAYING it
    • Absorb is useless against my 1337 Jedi Skillz

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There seems to a large discussion on the advantages, disadvantages of Absorb.


I've listed a few of the thoughts regarding this issue and placed them in a nice poll, so we can see what the general JK2 community feels about the great debate. The options I've listed are:


Absorb is fine. You have no problems with Absorb. Leave Absorb as is.


Absorb's not the problem. Absorb and Pull + Backstab is. Your main problem is that when a lightsider has Absorb on, they are able to use the pull and backstab manouver without you able to counter.


Absorb robs a Dark Jedi of their offensive powers. The main reason you go with the dark side is to fry people with lightning, and grip them, etc... and Absorb means I can't do this.


Absorb gives the Light Jedi the offensive 'edge.' You believe that while on Absorb, a lightsider has more offensive Force options that a darksider.


Leave the game alone and start playing it. You're sick of all the whining about the game. Adapt and survive is your motto.


Absorb is useless against my 1337 (dark) Jedi skillz. Bring it on! You believe that Absorb only drains a Jedi of their valuable Force pool and in the end gives you the advantage.

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Feel free to leave a short explaination of what you voted for and why (Like QuietSith has). Some input on how you think Absorb could be fixed or why you think 'fixing' it will ruin it will be welcome also.


If you want to say something longer than a couple of lines, though, I suggest going to the thread Absorb? Cheesy Power and having your say there.


:gben: The Force will be with you, always.

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None of the individual force powers are the single issue. Using "script" is the problem for the casual gamer. Yesterday I witnessed a clan named "TK-" using "speed + absorb" force powers at the same time. When I asked where they got the script the entire clan started telling how great they were...oh well.

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Said it before, ive voted so i may aswell say it again - Absorb has been made way too efective, so much so that no other force power rivals it, or counters it. Which other force power equals its effectiveness? A player can maintain Absorb indefinately - Theres your answer. Thats without mentioning Absorb/Pull/Backstab.

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yeah...obi uses his saber while yoda uses his hand though...dunno why the difference...


i voted for nothing wrong with absorb...

my explanation...i actually wrote a lot in the other thread...but seeing that the main 2 being chosen at the moment are 'abosrb is fine' and the 2nd one about 'absorb with Pull/Backstab is the probelm', i'll just explain why i chose the former over the latter...


simply, whether or not absorb is on your opponent, he can still pull/backstab you. it doesn't increase his pull power or his BS power. many say this is an unavoidable unblockable situation. that would mean you cannot auto-block, cannot kill him while you're on the ground, cannot use force to (example) push him away. So even without absorb, he can pull you down say when you are running or slashing and do the BS on you.

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CapNColostomy: 1337 means elite :)


I choose absorb is fine, bcoz absorb r for those who want a saber fight and not a force contest. Most players use it for such occasions. I think its the most honest force power in the game.


I think the mana system should b as it was in Dark forces 2, there would b less force spamming.

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I was just about to vote, when I read the "Absorb is useless against my 1337 (dark) Jedi skillz" and it totally cracked me up. :D :D


Good one!


"l337 Jedi skillZ" LoL!



Anyway...I don't see absord as a problem when it's not used "offensively". I guy whos' constantly spamming repeater alt-fire with absorb on can be a pain in the butt... (No need to mention pull-&-sweep, I believe.)


In a one-on-one mano-a-mano fight a dark jedi is dead meat. But in a typical 15-player FFA, a lightning-whore can rack up impressive results.



Never leave your house without absorb, my friends.


Anyway...I see absorb as a way to get good fights. Otherwise it's simply "pullsweeppushogripvertheedge", which is boring.

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ok, hears my view, all you have to do, when someone uses force absorb is to just hack 'em down don't worry about it. But it is pretty cheap when they blow you down to the ground with force push/pull then it take you forever to get back up, and then they stab you (that's what I voted for) it's just very annoying to have that done to you, but, if you use force grip, try to find a ledge, and drop 'em off it, qucikly, or you can point straight up quickly enough, then you can push them and do some damage, then you go for the kill. Anyway, I got carried away, so, STAY COOL :cool:



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The nappy pull, spin, and backstab maneuver...


That's exactly why I have one star invested in Force Protect. Though the Pull+Backastab usually doesn't affect me - because I've got three-star push - I always have my hotkey (and Gamecommander 2) ready to momentarilly switch on protect just as I start getting up. It not only protects me from the backstab, but the little weiner who tried to cheap-kill me always gets a little naster surprise: a 'Saber up the arse.


Works every time... Just as long as I have the Force mana, that is. '-)

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I voted Absorb is Fine. Of course, I play primarily as a Light side Jedi. :)


That's just the way it is in games. I can remember not too long ago when people complained high and low about the use (and abuse) of the Dark Side powers, namely Lightning and Drain.


I don't perform cheap moves like Pull+Backstab though. That's for 114m4z.


It all balances out, people. Adapt or get fragged.

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Okay, this is really a shameless *bump*


So far...

#1 Absorb + pull and backstab is the prob with 14 votes.

#2 Absorb is fine with 9 votes.

#3 Absorb nulls Dark Jedi, Absorb gives Light the offensive, and Leave the game alone and start playing it with 3 votes each.

#4 Absorb is useless against my 1337 skillz with one vote.


C'mon people, make your vote count!


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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Absorb is great!


It's effective, and it forces the two players to fight evenly with no force. I understand that the lighsiders who use Absorb along itwh pull and backstab are pretty gay, but they're using up force that won't be regenerated as long as Absorb is on.


I guess it sort of balances out.

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Keep it up.


Judge me by my size, do you? And where you should not, for my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it. Makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you.

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