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Clan [JK2N]


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As posted on the main page:


We have always openly discussed our intention to eventually recruit some of the best players in the world to be on an officially sponsored JKII.Net clan. Well, now that the community has had an opportunity to test drive Jedi Knight II, the time has come to hold tryouts for clan [JK2N]


The details are simple. We're looking for some of the best players in the world to participate with clan [JK2N]. Yes, you can already be in another clan, since clan [JK2N] will likely play mainly special event tournaments. Naturally, we'll host the clan's site right here on JKii.net.


It's time for you to sharpen up your saber skills and get ready for tryouts. Shortly we'll be announcing tryout dates and sign-ups. Your first match? It's not totally written in stone yet, but it looks like clan [JK2N]'s first match may be against who else? The best Raven Software can offer... that's right, we're looking to put [JK2N] against Raven in what will be an Internet broadcast event (Radio)... so it will be an exciting first match to say the least. Keep an eye out for sign-up details coming shortly!


**Also, if you would like to provide a server for tryouts and/or special event matches, contact ChrisC3pO (chrisc3po@lfnetwork.com) with your server specs. Any help in that department is most appreciated. Stay tuned for more details!

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This is crazy. Everyone knows about the tv show pop stars right? This is just like that. This is an insult to all of those who have spent a HUGE amount of time building a team, and learning to work with each other to the point where they can read each other's minds.


If there is one thing I like about this, its that this team will NOT be able to compete with teams like the one I have just described. You can take the best players, but that doesn't mean they can work together.

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ummmm.....interesting this sounds....sign up fof trial i do.....padawan again i become.....force is strong in people who sign up here......sign up i do...but disagree i do......may the chosen be selected....May the force be with you all........... need it you will.......

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

I certainly qualify... if it's a 1.02 server.


Sokar no offense but you aren't THAT good, i've played you a few times and all you use is heavy stance and do lots of DFA's (the best players use all the stances). I can beat you almost every time and i wouldn't even consider myself good enough to join this jk2n clan. Besides they will obviously be playing the patched game so us 1.02 old schoolers wouldn't be allowed to join anyways.

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Hi, i play for Jedi* (top ranked clanbase tdm clan)

Came 2nd in Jolt duel tourny - Proceeded to play the winner and beat him nf


Came 2nd in Wireplay ffa tourny


In the battlestats JK2 wow i got the highest Player Win/Lost ratio (75/3)


Not braggin ,just wanna give Raven a good spanking :)

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if raven wants to pay me to play for their allstar team then id be more than willing.




however i believe that you could save a lot of time by just sponsoring our team, Darksaber http://www.teamdsbr.com



i feel this way because we are still currently undefeated in every aspect of jedi knight 2 that we have ventured into as a team, team deathmatch nf and ff and even ctf ff as nobody will play us in nf.



i would be more than happy to lend our teams server which is hosted in detroit.



and anyone that believes their team is actually better than ours i would be more than willing to accept any and all challenges on TWL, http://www.teamwarfare.com or you can stop by #dsbr on irc.enterthegame.com and talk to either myself, matt, or narbes about setting up a game/scrim whatever you want.



thanks for your time.

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Originally posted by Deetox187


Sokar no offense but you aren't THAT good, i've played you a few times and all you use is heavy stance and do lots of DFA's (the best players use all the stances). I can beat you almost every time and i wouldn't even consider myself good enough to join this jk2n clan. Besides they will obviously be playing the patched game so us 1.02 old schoolers wouldn't be allowed to join anyways.



What are your names in JKII? You sound like you both need a good saber only butt whooping.


But you are right :( us old school 1.02 guys will never get a chance to join this clan. I have hope that the new patch (AND YES YOU SILLY FOOLS THERE WILL BE A 1.04) will come out in soon and I will be able to play with a larger pool of victims again.


On the bright side my clan already owns 1.02 FFA saber only so I have no need for another clan.

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^ I have no idea what this fool is spouting off about. I have no freaking clue who he is, and he damn sure doesn't know all the names I play under. If he had beat me so badly, I would have remembered his name, but alas, I do not.


I saw him hyping up [yoda] in another thread, he is no doubt one of the members. Probably mad because I wouldn't join, two of themcame to try me out and couldn't understand why I wouldn't stick around to play with a 400 ping.


Screw a clan anyway, every clan I've ever encountered on my main server including -tw- (tiny wankers), [yoda] and especially [sc] were very very bad save maybe a single memeber.


Where's your server at FatalStrike? Is it open? I would like to check it out sometime. Stop by I might be in there as Master Sokar, I might be in there as someone else, who knows? Eh, whatever.

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Well, I got Jk II two weeks ago and Im the worst player ever.... but I think it will be fun to find out how fast I'll lose....


Losing in 10 secs means I'm really, really bad

Losing in 15 secs means I'm really bad

Losing in 20 secs means I'm bad

Losing in 25 secs, by being sniped by the alt attack of the E- 11 Blaster Rifle means I'm almost an initiate player!





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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

^ I have no idea what this fool is spouting off about. I have no freaking clue who he is, and he damn sure doesn't know all the names I play under. If he had beat me so badly, I would have remembered his name, but alas, I do not.


I saw him hyping up [yoda] in another thread, he is no doubt one of the members. Probably mad because I wouldn't join, two of themcame to try me out and couldn't understand why I wouldn't stick around to play with a 400 ping.


Screw a clan anyway, every clan I've ever encountered on my main server including -tw- (tiny wankers), [yoda] and especially [sc] were very very bad save maybe a single memeber.


Where's your server at FatalStrike? Is it open? I would like to check it out sometime. Stop by I might be in there as Master Sokar, I might be in there as someone else, who knows? Eh, whatever.


LOL first of all i'm not in a clan and i sure as hell didn't "hype up" any clans in another thread like you claim. People always try to recruit me too but i'm not into the whole clan scene. Second i change names a fair bit also, i go by Deetox sometimes, Blerg and Count Mooku are other names i have used on your server. I'm sure you remember Blerg don't you?


Like you said i don't know what other names you use, but when you are Master Sokar i have beat you almost every time. Don't get me wrong, you are good, you can kill me and our scores end up relatively close but the point i was trying to get across is that you by no means qualify as one of the best players in the world. Doesn't sound to me like you've ever been up against a player like that, well i have and let me tell you those guys would wipe the floor with you (as they did to me).


Not to mention you whore strong stance and get most of your kills with the DFA, sorry but that is a noob move that anyone can use to rack up their score in 1.02 so forgive me if i'm less than impressed. I DFA too but i don't rely on it like that, i take pride that the majority of my kills come by using a combination of the stances and moves. At any rate you might not see me on your server again until you add some more maps to the rotation because i am flat out sick of Bespin every single time. PLEASE add some more maps!

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