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Absorb....what a wuss force


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Ive been plaiying for a long while now........since february, and what strikes me as the biggest problem in this game is absorb.

Its simply too powerful after they released the 1.1 patch.

On top of that its a force for defensive whimps and completely turns the game into the Quake game it should never become as force powers no longer apply...

Pull together with absorb is making people with no real skill other than pull and backstab become the master jedis which is a petty cause it could be so much more.


This could seem like a losers attitude but i do not really lose that often......im just not as entertained as i used to be....they toned down grip....which was too powerful at first....they should do the same with absorb......or everybody will use it and the whole thing will be a boring straight forward fps.


My point is....let the good players be the ones that masters great variety in their gaming not absorb noobs who were taught the pull spin move.

:( ulrik

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thats the point of absorb... to stop the darkside attacks. Listen for the buzz of absorb and when its off hit him with your lightning or whatever you use. I admit it should take up a lot more force to activate. I see lightning as more cheap... virtually unavoidable damage in a wide arc, if u run from it they chase u with it. I mean its cool and all but its just too damn easy to smack people with it...

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You can't say that drain is practically useless because it isn't. It's either that or go light and use absorb yourself and stop complaining, but then again the ones that complain about a power but never use it themselves because it would be "cheap" are just the ones that suck at using that power.

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If you say that drain is useless, then apparently you don't know how to use it. Pay attention to someone's force useage, and hit them after they haven't used a power for a little while. When used correctly, you can heal yourself far better than the lightsider's heal ever could hope to do.


And, if you take away absorb, what is a light jedi going to do, spend all of their time devising elaborate ways to run away when someone starts shooting lightning at them? Absorb is simply the most effective light side power, and because it is the one that truly works, all of you lightning/grip spammers want to complain about it. Just keep in mind that absorb doesn't actually hurt you, it just stops you from hurting them. Learn how to use your saber.


I do think that two things should be done to absorb, however:


1)You should be able to be pushed/pulled just as normal with it on.

2)To even the healing abilities while dueling, drain should still be able to work *a little* with absorb on. Maybe just at 1/4 normal power, so that it would be about as useful as force heal.


Just my thoughts on it.



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man, all u siths are complaning about absorb... How about Lighting, grip, drain, yall have all these kick ass force, that cant be stop, only by absorb.. The light side has only 1 force that can be protected by these atks. But still ur lightsaber can still hurt them, so learn how to u use ur saber! Plus absorb doesnt stay for forever, so stop complaning. Yo siths kind a still have the advantage, if yall spam with lighting and drain.

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You need to consider other people's views. If you're playing light, without that absorb, you are just plain ****ed. It makes dark grossly more powerful, and the Force sides should be BALANCED.


By the way, it's 1.03, not 1.1 you fool.

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Tyranus: Hey Darth Sidius, just got back from a fight with Yoda. Man is he an Absorb \/\/h0®3! I spammed lightning at him almost all day and he used his cheap Absorb to defend himself! I had to <shudder> fight with my lightsaber.

Sidius: |\|00b. Yoda makes a sound when he's Absorbing.




I hope if Raven bring out another patch they tweak Absorb so that Force Pull/Push will counter a Push/Pull from someone who's Absorbing, and that's all they do to it. That will seperate the concerned players from the n00bs.


Seriously, it's not the Force power, it's the players. I have never, repeat Never, pull+Backstabbed let-alone done it with Absorb on. Any halfwit would know that spamming the same move over and over again isn't skill, and the game's not worth playing if you only use one out of the many moves available (and one of the cheapest moves at that)

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Too bad they didnt just implement a way to shield ones self from lighting. That would be the appropriate response.


Question is, why cant you just force push someone with lighting ? With quick reflexes, the lighting guy could rack up some serious frequent flyer mileage.

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As long as pull+backstab is the most effective way of killing, people will use it, and they shouldnt be frowned upon for using it either - especially in FFA maps.


Why would ANYBODY want to spend ages hacking away tiny bits of health, when at any time they themselves may fall victim to either the pull+backstab, or a face full of flachette.


And nothing grates me more than people who think that just because you use pull+backstab, you are unskilled. *sighs* I know lots of very skilled people that use the backstab move. They only chose to use this method because they are playing in a FFA server where points count! (And who doesnt want to prove themselves by finishing top).


And these folk that keep their finger on attack while in light stance are skilled? No, just easy meat for folk that whine about backstabbers.


Its been said hundreds of times, if you are skilled, you will >> AVOID << being backstabbed in most cases - its got nothing to do with the backstabber being unskilled.



I rest my case.

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Absorb? A wuss Power?


These are the words of a @&%$ing lightning whore. I can just see aDOLF in a force duel.


*Shoots lightning*

*absorb Goes on*

aDOLF: OMG you cheater you're supposed to let me electricute you you n00b!!!

*aDOLF gets whacked by the saber*

*Starts to drain*

*absorb goes on*

aDOLF: OMG i can't believe you're h4xing so bad. I need health because this games about killing people with force not lightsabers!!!!

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Oh, give me a break. Absorb is such a dumb, wuss power. Dark is far more powerful than Light, even with Absorb. Why? Because Absorb makes a screechingly loud sound - so when I know it's on, I just hold off and dodge until it goes off. If the Absorber tries to close the distance on me so they can pull me off my feet, I just continue to back off, evade, and use saber throw until they turn off Absorb, or they just run out of power.


You see - everything has a counter-tactic, and the tactic that I've shared here works beautifully against Absorb toadies. It works so well that they Absorbers begin to complain that I keep running away when they have Absorb on, and that I only attack when they don't have it on. And this is true. Of course, whenever I zap them with Lightning, they don't exactly stand still either - all's fair in love and war.


Bottom line: Absorb is dumb :cool:

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Originally posted by Vagabond

so when I know it's on, I just hold off and dodge until it goes off. If the Absorber tries to close the distance on me so they can pull me off my feet, I just continue to back off, evade, and use saber throw until they turn off Absorb, or they just run out of power.


You forgot to add the part about everyone laughing their asses off at you because you're running away from a guy with a flashlight and a blue glow around him.

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JK2++ will balance the force powers.

It is in beta 2 and is MUCH better than 1.02, 1.03, 1.03a and U104. Beta 3 is going to be realeased any second now, and you don't need to download anything because it is server side.

Some additions include:

-Increased saber damage

-Harder to pull people over


That is just a taste, there are tons of tweaks in this mod.


Go to http://dev.wdonline.com to find out about it or http://forums.wdonline.com to tell us what you think.

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