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Cloud's Buster Sword


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Elegy: I'm still debating that myself. I loved the plot to FF6 and the unique character development, though I managed to have Shadow die. :(


On the other hand, I loved the uniqueness of FF7's treehugger - demigod plot, and was obsessed with Chocobo racing.


However, if we want to talk a good plot, solid game, and fun storyline, my opinion is that Chrono Trigger is > all of them (it's esp. better than its sequel. What a piece of -! :D ).


Anyway, I think we're losing sight of the topic here. Any updates on when that sword will be finished agreatjedi? :)

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MUST... HAVE... GIMME!!!!!!!!

Playing FF7 again and then I stuble across this. JARRRRR, that RoX!!


FF7 rulz them all :)

Only played FF7 and FF8 cause I don't own a console, but FF7 is a much better game than anything you can think of :D


Do the sephiroth blade and skin afterwards okay? :evil2:


Man would that be baddazz!

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"Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage" for Dreamcast. Yes, I've played it. It's mostly cutscenes, but a little bit of monotonous gameplay as well (third person with that massive sword). I don't recall the exact title of the comic book (er, "manga") it's based on, but it says so in the credits.


One of the Final Fantasy games (I don't follow them sorry) had a guy with a similar weapon, a gunblade or something (in both games, the sword has a pistol in the hilt) in one of their ads, I remember that.


I figure the above mentioned game was a bad translation and should have been "the Sword of the Berserker" or "the Berserker's Sword" or something like that, in fact, in most adverts I've seen for the game they put up one of those alternative "corrected" wordings. It's kind of like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" most people I've talked to think it's "Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail" or "...and the Search for the Holy Grail" or whatnot. ; )

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Originally posted by Kurgan


One of the Final Fantasy games (I don't follow them sorry) had a guy with a similar weapon, a gunblade or something (in both games, the sword has a pistol in the hilt) in one of their ads, I remember that.



It was FFVIII, the guy who had it was Squall.:):D:cool:

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secret of mana was good but secret of mana 3, aka seikens 3 was AMAZING. you should all play it now. although it was never released in the states


Emulator? That was how I got my copies of FF2 and FF6 (after they were no longer being sold retail), and finally beat FF4. :D


As for Sword of the Berserk, I never owned a Dreamcast (only DC RPG I beat was Grandia II, and that was because of its ported copy to PS2 :rolleyes: ).


One of the Final Fantasy games (I don't follow them sorry) had a guy with a similar weapon, a gunblade or something (in both games, the sword has a pistol in the hilt) in one of their ads, I remember that.


That would be FF8, and the protagonist of that one was Squall Leonhart. Dunno, just like FFX, I liked the graphics and gameplay elements of the game, but hated the plot... Maybe it's just me? :)


In any event, I really want that sword, as well as Sephiroth's ubersword as well. :D


Merc out. :fett:

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry



That would be FF8, and the protagonist of that one was Squall Leonhart. Dunno, just like FFX, I liked the graphics and gameplay elements of the game, but hated the plot... Maybe it's just me? :)


In any event, I really want that sword, as well as Sephiroth's ubersword as well. :D


Merc out. :fett:


The Uber sword was good,but cloud's best one was teh one that curved sharply at the tip.I think it was Mithril Sword or something.


I like FFVII the best.The graphics arent nearly as good as the rest,but it had that dark,gothic feeling that the others didnt have.

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Cool sword. I'm not much of a Cloud person, however. Well, since this is on the topic of Final Fantasy, I'd sure like to see a skin of Vincent. He was the absolute coolest FF character ever. I mean, he's got the mechanical claw arm, the long jet-black hair, the headband, the red eyes, metal boots, he was a Turk (secret agent with a suit, like MiB's), doesn't age so he looks young although he's 50+ years old, turns into ferocious monsters and the list goes on.

Vincent has a very mysterious, quiet, vampire-like personality. He has the best lines in the game, and he uses guns. (Not to say I prefer guns over swords/lightsabers, but that's pretty cool.) It's only too bad that the game doesn't elaborate on his story more. I think he makes for a better main character than Cloud.


(If you don't remember Vincent Valentine, he was a secret character that you found sleeping in a coffin in the ShinRa Mansion, next to the labs where Sephiroth was being tested on. Also, I personally believe that he's Sephiroth's father. I mean, come on, he looks a LOT more like Seph than that ugly scientist Ho(jo.) Plus, he was also going out with Lucrecia, and they both have long hair, weird eyes and superhuman mutant powers.)


Finally, to stay a little more on topic, I want to see a gunblade skin of Squall's original Revolver model. One that shoots, too.

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The Buster Sword has been released!

It does have custom sounds. Most taken from FF7.

Thanks for your support guys. I hope all of you enjoy, whether you’re a Final Fantasy fan or not.

Now what are you waiting for? Get to the files section and start downloading!

By the way. I do plan on making a player model to go along with the sword…

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What can I say... eViL!

Now we just need a mod that turns all the characters in single player to the guys from FF7

Kyle - Cloud

Jan - Tifa

Mon Mothma - Aeris

Desann - Sephiroth (duh!)

Admiral Fyar - Vincent (would look cool with his iron claw)

Luke - Yuffie

Shadow troopers - Cid

Reborn - Cait Sith (the name kinda fits)

StormTroopers - Red XIII


Now that would be bitchin'. Think about having 10 Red XIII running at you from all sides =-)

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Good idea, but I think that would be a tad too much work for just one person. :p


... but just to go with the flow of your post, it would be a tad smarter to (WARNING: SLIGHT SPOILER BELOW):




















Place Aeris for Jan instead of Mon Mothma. That way, you get to assume that she's dead throughout most of JK2 SP, only to find her alive in the end. :D


Merc out. :fett:

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Alright, my request for a Vincent skin was at the bottom of the first page, so it probably didn't get read much, and I rwally want one, so I'll quote myself.



Originally posted by Shadow Angel

Cool sword. I'm not much of a Cloud person, however. Well, since this is on the topic of Final Fantasy, I'd sure like to see a skin of Vincent. He was the absolute coolest FF character ever. I mean, he's got the mechanical claw arm, the long jet-black hair, the headband, the red eyes, metal boots, he was a Turk (secret agent with a suit, like MiB's), doesn't age so he looks young although he's 50+ years old, turns into ferocious monsters and the list goes on.

Vincent has a very mysterious, quiet, vampire-like personality. He has the best lines in the game, and he uses guns. (Not to say I prefer guns over swords/lightsabers, but that's pretty cool.) It's only too bad that the game doesn't elaborate on his story more. I think he makes for a better main character than Cloud.




(If you don't remember Vincent Valentine, he was a secret character that you found sleeping in a coffin in the ShinRa Mansion, next to the labs where Sephiroth was being tested on. Also, I personally believe that he's Sephiroth's father. I mean, come on, he looks a LOT more like Seph than that ugly scientist Ho(jo.) Plus, he was also going out with Lucrecia, and they both have long hair, weird eyes and superhuman mutant powers.)



And I failed to mention that he has a cool-looking cloak with a collar that covers half his face sometimes.


Even more off-topic, if you think the JKII multiplayer announcer ("The Force is (not) with you.") sucks, you MUST check out this thread.


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