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Help me find a way to fight kicks.


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OK, played my first duel server tonight (usually I don't have the patience to wait).


Did pretty good. Not one newbie in the whole group of opponents, they all knew what they were doing. I still got up to 10/2, using a combination of moves. Lots of lunges, a couple backsweeps when I got them in a corner, a couple yellow DFAs, and a few normal saber swings.


Then one guy decides to drop his saber and start kicking. I couldn't find a way to touch him. Everytime I came within 3 feet of him, BAM one to the face. He adamantly claimed he didn't use scripts, said it was just in the clicking. Honestly I believe him.


So how does one attack someone doing this? Anything other than out kicking the kicker? Because I really HATE that, makes for the most ridiculous looking display and is plain boring to participate in. This is something I may script, as if I totally own someone trying it on me a couple times, hopefully they will stop and go back to actual saber fighting.


It just frustrates me to no end that the people who designed this game thought it reasonable that someone can kick THROUGH a light saber being thrust forward with a great deal of force. I can watch the animation, his feet and legs are going through my fricking saber and hitting me in the face.

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You know to avoid a kick, any kick, you just crouch. They'll still do a backflip, but won't damage you.


This puts you in the perfect situation to do the lunge.



So my suggestion, when up against someone who is JUST kicking, is to crouch, and as soon as a kick is attempted move forward crouched and do the light lunge as soon as they land. You should hit, because the lunge has the range.


Even if you get kicked just as you strike because they are panic-mashing the jump button, you've just caused upwards of 40-60 points damage, and they've MAYBE caused you 20. If they are one of those types who have their saber OFF, they can't block it either.


It's been a complaint of mine for ages that the collision detection in the game isn't up to snuff. I've stabbed my saber right through the back of many a back-spammer and still been killed by a back stab or sweep. It IS ridiculous.


Just remember, as well, that using the kick DOES use their Force pool. If they are using it constantly, eventually they will run out, and then you can lay the smack down upon them. A quick burst of Drain or Lightning, even a couple of pushes may force them to switch on Absorb, which will drain their pool even faster. Mind trick is also a nice one to use, even Lvl1 in a Duel will render you invisible, and you might get lucky if they've got no points allocated to Seeing...and even if they DO have lvl1 Seeing, that will drain their pool too.


Saber throw will keep them at a distance, and with their saber off, they have no defence. That's 30dmg per hit.


The only advantage the kick has is that it ignores shields. But there ARE defences against the spammer....

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Originally posted by tempest8008



You know to avoid a kick, any kick, you just crouch. They'll still do a backflip, but won't damage you.


This puts you in the perfect situation to do the lunge.



Not true, I side kick off people crouching constantly. The reason I know the hit caused damage rather than just doing a flip is they die and the round ends.


The best defense is to simply "zig-zag". As in keep moving with fast left-right sidesteps. A non-moving opponent, ducking or not, is an incredibly easy target.

The blue stance lunge defense may work on FFA servers due to the general low skill level of most players when it comes to counter attacking, but on full Force duel servers, experienced duel players will kick you death constantly if you try it.


The reason I suggested the zig-zag is, as I said, I do use kicks in my play style. And as any person who does can tell you, a few missed kicks will rapidly drain your Force power due to the energy expended in Force jumps. If you sidestep a few kicks and they have absorb running while they attempt the kicks, listen for the absorb sound to end. They are now totally empty on Force power (thanks to the missed kicks). A smart player would retreat, but if they attempt another one, simply sidestep, let them land next to you and pull them off their feet. Follow it up with whatever move you like.

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A kick is when you run up to someone a tap jump twice quickly. You need force jump to do this. You will do a backflip off the person which knocks them over and deals damage.


The defence I use against this is either just keep dodgeing or blue lunge. You have to be fast at both though!

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok


Not true, I side kick off people crouching constantly. The reason I know the hit caused damage rather than just doing a flip is they die and the round ends.


So side-kicks work, huh?

But not the straight-on kicks?


Well, I'm not too worried about that, as long as I'm moving those are hard to connect with.

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The only reason you can't front kick people who are crouched is because of lag, you can't send jump commands to the server fast enough for the second tap to register before you're over the opponent's head.


In certain low lag events, I have been able to kick crouched people. I've also kicked people laying on the ground, people doing dfa, and so on. It just depends on how fast you can get your jump commands sent to the server.


Since side kick only requires a single jump press, it is much easier to side kick someone who is crouching.

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Yes, kick back to give them a taste of their own medicine.. but yes, you can avoid kicks to a degree.. I met with a guy who left his sabre off and went through the lineup just by kicking us.. once I learned how to do it I spammed it a bit but toned down.. it is a good move to use here and there and can be a great finishing move especially when you are very low on health as well... get used to doing sidekicks for those heavy stnce DFAers.. once they commit to the move sidestep and sidekick.. if you're lucky they'll fall and you can lunge or what have you..

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Often times I'll fight the kicker with a series of specials and or kicks of my own. I myself am really good at kicking. However my kicking only comes out when I fight somone who is cheap. I duel them and they use there saber and I take them out really quick. Its more or less embarassment for me. Sometimes I use it against force users with absorb on. So basically defense is crouching, avoiding, specials, combos, or kicking. You must jump backwards when the kick you so that damage is none or low. Or time your kicks to kick them first or counter there kick. It is very helpful to kick and is very embarassing to those who are cheap. Master this move, but don't be a whore.

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Originally posted by Robbiesan

if you're lucky they'll fall and you can lunge or what have you..


Going into DFA is better. The knockback portion of kick just so happens to be about the distance you go through the air doing a DFA. ;)


Can be quite deadly.

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on a force server defeating kicks are easy if you know what to do. try and bait your opponent into and kick and then backup right before he would normally go to kick you, then when he lands in front of you pull him. it will knock him down and then backstab him. or you can push him as he rushes in toward you and it will knock him down and then you can do as you please. if they use absorb then use the bait tactic and then kick instead of pulling. also use saber throw and push to make them keep thier distance. Its all about make your opponent do what you want him to. people will tell you I would do this and that, but what really matters is controlling your opponent, and the funny thing is they dont even know your doing it.

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