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I'm embarassed to ask this but.....


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Ok, this must be the stupidest thing to even ask, but like, I've been playing JK2 for quite some time now, and recently or maybe even before that, players have been able to get me to fall to the floor in no time what so ever. When i'm on the floor, then just backstab me right away.


Now like, I just want to know how they do this so that I can prevent it.


Even during CTF on "Warring Factions". I try to pull and push the people off the ramps, but they instantly block it even if they're not facing me, yet i can probably only block half. What's up with that?!


Anyways....please reply!




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This is the famous Pull and Sweep. They are using force pull or kick to ground you, they then turn 180 and either backstab or sweep. This tactic is spammed by many as it is one of the most effective ways to kill you quickly. Use force absorb to counter it so they can't pull you.

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yeah i know that trick, i don't use it cause I CAN'T PULL IT OFF! Like, i can just be standing there and I fall cause some guy "pulls me". But when i try pulling them, they either block it or then just fly towards me without falling. There's something they're doing that I'm not! And even to counter it, it's pretty impossible.




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If someone is standing still, the're harder to pull. Maybe wait until they are running, or swinging their saber to pull them. They have to be semi close too to pull them down i think. I never play force servers, but this is what i've heard others say.

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u wont end up on the ground from force push/pull if you


a/ are not attacking, jumping or using force powers...swinging wildly before you near ur opponent will make u flat on the ground fast


b/ have lvl 3 pull and push, this will automatically counter push/pull if you are doing a/


c/ have enough force in your pool to push/pull or b/ wont work


d/ face your opponent

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Originally posted by KoRn4ever

Most people do this attack with the kick, not with force-push/pull. You can avoid this by rolling to the side or something like this.


How the **** can you kick s.o.'s butt ?!?

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kick is simple, when you're within kicking distance, hold forward and double-tap jump...


a good way, often works, is to roll in towards your opponent and pull them as you get close enough... because rolling past them puts your saber into their body, you pull them at that moment, and they will fall (unless they have absorb on)... this is the easiest way to do it, but you have to have the timing just right... sometimes they will give it to you by trying to hack at you when you're close (then they'll fall), but experienced players will resist this temptation and probably wait till you end your roll and kick you...


the most foolproof way is definitely absorb, but if you're dark side, just avoid being too close to the enemy, and avoid moving around excessively... jumping's not a bad idea (since if you get push/pulled, you don't usually fall on your backside, just back to the ground)...


hope these little pointers help... :)

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