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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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It was a careless mistake I made!!! When I was resampling those custom sky's pics I didn't resample one of them at 1024x1024!! It was set to 1011x1011! So, all I did was change it into the right format and blam! It works and I can see the custom sky when I load the final pk3!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! MAN, thanks everybody!!! Now, all I have to do is cut down on the lag in my level!! :) THANKS EVERYONE!!


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You *could* kiss me. You wouldn't enjoy what happens about four second afterward. Hint : It involves a vary sharp and long knife :)


Your welcome, though. Just glad to help.


Oh, and uh... it's SHADriss. Not Shardriss. In the language it comes from, there's a BIG differance! (Sword of Shadows as opposed to a reather nasty tasting soup-type meal)

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you want the same effect as in the ladder right? Try the first ladder, the map file is in there. You should be able to figure it out from there.


But i'll tell you here anyway. This is from memory, so I might make a little mistake. When i say entity i mean an NPC in this case of course.


I you want to spawn one entity after you kill another use NPC_target in the entity's property window. Just put NPC_target target1 for example. This will spawn another entity named target 1 after you kill the entity it references.


Now to do a wave of enemies. You can use targetname to give a group of entities the same targetname. Just select a couple of entities and put targetname target1 in the entity window for example. Then you will spawn a group of entities after you kill the entity that references them.


Now to spawn one entity after a wave of entities. You use target_counter for this. You should add a count value in the entity window that should be the same amount as the number of NPC's of that are gonna target it. For example if you have 5 reborns in a room and you want to spawn Desann after you kill all 5 you should put count 5 in the entity window of the target counter.(not sure if the exact code is count 5) You target the reborns on the counter using the normal method. And to target the next wave of enemies, or Desann you use target2 in the entity window. For example type target2 Desann and then name the NPC of Desann to Desann using targetname Desann in the Entity window. Confusing? That's just because i'm not explaining it very well i guess. As i said check the Ladder map for an example. The map file should be in the zip or the pk3.


Good luck

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wow long post. Thanks alot WhiteShdw! :D It works perfectly :D


Now than-hopefully my last question (Thanks all for helping ^_^)


I took a screenshot using the method Rich says in his multiplayer mapping tutorial. I placed this is a folder called levelshots and names it ffa_MYMAPNAME.jpg (Obviously not that exact name lol)


Now than, when I load up jk2 it uses the default-saber pic!





PS: My info_player_intermission seems okay, but produces a HOM effect when joining game.

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You didn't follow the Screenshot tut all the way, man. After you've taken the pic, you have to take it into Paint or Photoshop and resize it to... imagine this!.... a POWER OF 2!!!


After that, it goes in the PK3 under the levelshots directory.


As for the .nav file, that's a SP specific file. It works the same way a bot waypoint file does, telling the engine how to move NPCs in the game. So you SHOULDNT have one for MP anyway.


Good luck.

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Just as I mentioned before everything works with my custom sky. But now a new problem has arisen. When I compile at FullVis Extra, pack up everything and enter my level the lighting is totally blown out. Instead of nice warm lights the entire level is saturated with ultra bright white. I read in a post somewhere on these forums that basically stated the same problem as I do and mentioned that you correct it by finding a leak and fixing it. Now, I compiled well over a dozen times and the process never finds a leak, so I don't think that's it. Is it possible that I have too many lights (96 to be exact)? Any suggestions?



P.S. Sorry about the mistake in your name Shadriss

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Hmmm. Maybe some hyper-active janitor came in when you weren't looking and replaced all yourlights with high-wattage bulbs?


Actually, I remember this problem being mentioned before also. Correct me if I'm wrong Rich, but as I understand it, the principle differancec between the standard Fullvis and the Fullvis Extra is the number of passes it does for Lighting. Now, it's POSSIBLE (to my mind) that these extra passes may also add some brilliance to the lights, as it's being done multiple times.


Dunno if that's the case or no, but if it looks good at Fullvis, but no so good at Fullvis extra... well, just do a fullvis release. Not like we'd know the differance from our end. :)


On that note, though I hate to repeat myself, I have to ask assistance concerning MY lighting problem. Problem is this - After the compile is done and I enter the map, I've noticed something curious... the shadow pattern on the top plane of the capped cylinder (the platform) is exactly the same as the UNDERSIDE. Now, maybe this has something to do with the fact that it's a patch, but I'm not sure. But as there is no light source beneath the platform, so far as I can tell it should be dark. I tried putting a series of caulked brushes inside the platform to "catch" the light, but that didn't seem to work either.


Any kind of answer, even "THat's just the woay the process works" would be fine - just need an answer as to weither it's something I can fix or no. TTFN, people.

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Hmmm i solved on of my own questions myself.


Aparently Radiant messes up when you try to add end caps to

bevels and such that you have resized. (making them taller doesnt

do anything but draging them wider/deaper does) It seems to

add a cap to them that is the original size of the brush before you

turned it into a curve. Also you may have to use control I to flip

the textured side of the ends seperatly from the main curve itself.

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Originally posted by Shadriss

I tried putting a series of caulked brushes inside the platform to "catch" the light, but that didn't seem to work either.


Have you tried putting some regular textures on one side of the brushes, to catch the light? I'm not sure if a caulked brush will stop any light.

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It's me again, with my overexposed lighting problem. I've just discovered another clue when I re-compiled my map at FullVis Extra. At the end of the compile processing I recieved this message:


Lightmaps exceed max memory (13762560 > 8388608)


After I recieved this message I went back into my map and cut down on the number of lights. Originally I had 94 lights, I chopped it down to 64. Surely, I thought this would possibly solve the problem. But I recompiled and recieved the exact same message as before. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree by deleting more lights...It must be something else....Thanks for any assistance on this question!




P.S. I did compile at FullVis and again the map was saturated with white light, what could be causing this problem??

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

A bit complicated. When you compile, sof2map creates extra vertices on the edges of brush faces (for reasons that I won't go into). If you already have too many vertices on one face touching the edge of another face, the second face will end up getting split up into hundreds or even thousands of vertices during compile. When the game tries to draw that, it gets confused.


Ok i'll tell you exactly what i am trying to achieve and how i tried to do it and hopefully you can suggest a way for me to do it cos i keep messing up:)


I have trying to make a duel map of the tatooine desert where quigon and maul fight (cos its one of the few movie fight locations not made yet)


i got a tatooine skybox working and made a BIG outdoor flat area of desert with a low sky to speed up compile times. (this worked well. if you stood near the middle it looked like the map kind of blurred into the skybox creating an illusion that the desert just keeps of going). I am intending to restrict the map to the centre using invisible walls or something so that people cant run off and get lost, and around this area would be the queens ship prefab and other stuff


i then used the mesh editing tool to make sand dunes and bumps and stuff but i got that max_patch_planes error



is there a better way of tryna make a map like this???

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Mmm... you might hafta give up your infinite sand effect, but you could simply layer dunes (side by side layer, that is) so that the dunes block off the player instead of just having it restrict him randomly. Then you could make your ground area much smaller (would be faster compile and lower framerate too).


As for Lightmaps exceed max memory, that is caused when there are simply too many lightmaps (or the lightmaps are too complicated). If you deleted a bunch of lights and it still does it, then likely you have a specific troublesome light somewhere. Do you have any lights they could potentially be lighting the void? Or any lights that shine onto very very complex brushes or patches? For that matter, are you sure you have no evil brushes?All of these things could cause it. Read http://qeradiant.com/faq/index.cgi?_recurse=1&file=31#file_163 for a full method of repair.


Annnnd as for you Wes, I assumed you'd already done that. Why would you need to make a cap without a bevel anyway? :p

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First, to Wes. THBBBBBBBBT! You actually tried to cap a bevel you HADNT MADE YET!? Boy are you gonna hear about THIS one! :)


Second, to Rich. Actually, I WANT those brushes to cath the light and make the underside shadowed. Problem is, that even with those in place, the bottom cylinder cap's shadow pattern matched the top cylinder cap's. Does projected light pass straight through a patch? And if so, why arent the caulk brushes I put INSIDE the cylinder catching the light and making the shadowed area that SHOULD be there?


Third, to myself. QUIT YER YAPPIN!

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Rich, sorry for the late answer, I had an accident so could not go to work.


If you remember, you had a question in reply to my question about weather effects. You asked, if you put more than one fx_rain in a map with difference count values, will one affect the others?


Well, it will. I put four system/outside brushes in a room and fx_rain entities into each brush with different count values. There was no difference in the amount of raindrops.




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Originally posted by Shadriss

First, to Wes. THBBBBBBBBT! You actually tried to cap a bevel you HADNT MADE YET!? Boy are you gonna hear about THIS one! :)


Third, to myself. QUIT YER YAPPIN!


hehe me wonders if he tried to texture it before he made it too ;)


mmm i second that: To myself. quit yer yappin!

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Does projected light pass straight through a patch? And if so, why arent the caulk brushes I put INSIDE the cylinder catching the light and making the shadowed area that SHOULD be there?

Easy way to get around that, actually. Don't even need the caulk. With the default compile options, patches do not affect shadows, BUT you can modify the command line of your compile and add the flag "-patchshadows" to correct that.


Well, it will. I put four system/outside brushes in a room and fx_rain entities into each brush with different count values. There was no difference in the amount of raindrops.

Mmm yes, I believe someone else informed me of that a month or so ago. Thanks tho!


For some reason my textures won't show up in radient textures...

Your paths are incorrect! Go to File/Project Settings and make 110% sure that the paths point to YOUR copy of Radiant. Also make sure that you installed Radiant to the correct path.

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