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omg, Obi Wan=LAMER!

*Darth Vega*

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I thought of this when I was out running today:

Remember when Obi Wan killed Darth Maul??? Darth Maul had his saber down! So whenever I kill people online who have their saber down they call me a homo so that means Obi Wan is a homo too since he did the same thing! lol:p


Canoli - I edited the title of your post, the previous one was pretty borderline.

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Yeh but maul thought he had him wrapped in a bag and in the bin. so he was taking the piss by putting odwn his saber, he had no saber, so why have a guard, jsut maull is so dumb he didn't realise he was going to jump out and get a saber and chop him in 2 down a pit.

Well if you were down knocked down a ledge and this guy was taunting you and tsking his saber down, would you throw at him?

Me personally yes :)

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Well since Obi1 and QuiG ganged up on poor lil DarthMaul, I guess it could have been considerd a tffa match. However, when obi1 and maul were fighting it was a duel and If someone lowers their saber and comes at me I suppose its acceptable to attack.






Too much time

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not 100% sure, but i think when he is falling down the pit, his saber is on. and when he got sliced in half, the shot was only showing his upper body, so he could have been holding it down low out of the screens view. but like Kal-El said, it was on...

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his saber was definitely on:


first he was teasing obi by slashing the floor above him


second you can see the glow of mauls saber when hes getting cut in half


conclusion- mauls saber was definitely on

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Well...vader killed Obi-Wan in StarWars:A New Hope (original episode) while Obi-Wan was typing...so what goes around, comes around.


You know...they were dueling a no force duel, then Obi-Wan saw Luke and stopped to type him something, but didn't hit enter in time.

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hey, it's not stupid to kill people when theie saber is down, i mean, it's their fault that they leave themselves open. It IS stupid when someone kills you from behind, that sucks. Shows that people are too wimpish too face off with you in battle. That's what I think anyways.

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