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The Karathi Assassin Guild


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((OOS: There isn't any lava on Nar Shadda))


*Riss catches on to the edge of the building as he falls. He leaps above to the next level and crouches above the Jedi. He unsheaths his claws*


I tthhought Vaadeerrr killlled youu allll!

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(( isnt Nar Shadda like Corruscant?Remember those fire things?))


"Sir,I have placed the beacon on Riss.You are ready to fire."Said Tyrion.


"Launch the bomb now"Said Sel-Matad


*The 700-megaton bomb was lauched into the populace,centered on Riss*

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((OOS: Tyrion, don't start godmoding, that was really on the edge---and you never placed a beacon of any sort on Riss---you never had a chance in the fight.


Play seriously, please...your character needs a motive and something different than a 700 megaton bomb to kill everyone and end the thread :rolleyes: ))

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Originally posted by Redwing

((OOS: Tyrion, don't start godmoding, that was really on the edge---and you never placed a beacon of any sort on Riss---you never had a chance in the fight.


Play seriously, please...your character needs a motive and something different than a 700 megaton bomb to kill everyone and end the thread :rolleyes: ))



*ahem* What,you think I was gonna let teh bomb hit you?;):rolleyes:


"No,I cant do it!"Said Tyrion.He only had enough time to reverse the bomb's path and destroy the ship.


*boom* that was it,he came as quickly as he left.



(yes,I suck at these:p :(:D:o

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((OOS: No, Tyrion, just pretend you're a 'real-world' character in the Star Wars universe. IE...don't godmode :D


Just think of a few things:


Why does your character want to do what he/she is doing?


How is he/she doing it?


How is he/she able to do it?


Know those things and follow the RPG rules and you should be fine ;)))

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Originally posted by Deac

No jedi, no sith, no lightsabers. This is set during the Galactic Civil War


[What part of this did you not understand? Did you bother to read it?]


*Beler responds to Celeste's disgust*


Don't worry....you'll be new. According to the invite...you're a "gift" from some Lord Darkstar or other...

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((OOS: Deac has to temporarily leave the RPG (till July 12 or so)))


*Beler's comlink buzzes, and he picks it up, and excuses himself to talk privately for a minute. After he finishes, he returns to the table and addresses everyone (except Riss, who'd left)*


Beler: Ok, everybody, change of plans. I have to leave on a private mission for the time being, but I'll be back in time for the raid, which is in two days. In the meantime, Celeste will be in charge. *Beler walks out to the armory*


Celeste: Okay, so the first thing to do is check out this building while it's still night. Who's free to come with me?

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"Hmm... Celeste. Beler said I'd be posing as a dignitary. Can you grab my prinout on my I.D. please? It's always good to know who I get to play next. Oh, and don't worry about concealing too much weaponry. This katana generally fits pretty well under most suits.


Oh, and yes. I'm free for the next few hours, days, months... years. However long this job takes. I never focus on anything but the job."



OOS: Wow! My shortest RP post ever! But, I'm so excited. I get to be a dignitary! Yes! Exactly what I always wanted!

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At corruscant's distant moon-


"Wait,the altar is glowing!"said a acolyte.


*A dark,shadowy red glow was comign from teh altar*


*A tall,broad human came forth from the altar,carrying a huge axe and slays each and every acolyte


"Fools,they thought I was a god and would bring them immortality,they are too gullible..."said the figure.


"Now,to get more followers at corruscant..."



How's that?Is it ok to have a evil character?


Edit-and no,he isnt god-like.I'm just giving a VERY vague idea about him.

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First of all, we are on Nar Shadda, near or in the Assassin's Tower.





You can post your own character here, no need to post it anywhere else.

Each character can be proficient in two types of weapons, and may have one special skill and cybernetic enhancement, should they wish.

No killing other players. If you attack another player who has not gone rogue, the rest of the party will do their duty and kill you. No traitors.

No godmoding.

Classes e.g: Marksman, swordsman, medi, demolition men, tech etc.

No jedi, no sith, no lightsabers. This is set during the Galactic Civil War


You need to be an assassin. You need to post an introduction like everyone else: example


Name: Beler Jil

Weapon Skills: Pistols and Rifles

Class: Marksman

Enhancement: Cybernetic Eye for aiming with viewing augmentations.

Skill:Called Shots


However: If you want to use that character as a side character, then I think it's fine. For example, your assassin character could be sent to assassinate him, or be related to him in some way.))

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Originally posted by Redwing



First of all, we are on Nar Shadda, near or in the Assassin's Tower.






You need to be an assassin. You need to post an introduction like everyone else: example




However: If you want to use that character as a side character, then I think it's fine. For example, your assassin character could be sent to assassinate him, or be related to him in some way.))


((OSS:You know,I really should read the first post before joining into a rpg thread:D :p))


Name:Kelthos Strife


Weapon skills:Pistol,Rifle, and Vibro axe


Helmet with targeting system.



That's all.Is that too godlike(I'm use to being a jedi)

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Here is it,revivised.


Name:Kelthos Strife


Weapon skills:Rifle and Vibro axe


Helmet with targeting system.

Called shot(are we using skills like Ad&d or just out of the blue?)



That's all.Is that too godlike(I'm use to being a jedi)

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*Beler returns, looking very pleased.*


Well team, we won't have to worry about the Rythoni Clan anymore. Rythoni's dead.


*Beler's eye projects the image of Beler sniping Rythoni*


All right, everyone aboard the ship on the landing platform*

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((OOS: Ummm...I dunno why Tyrion isn't posting.


Superthrawn hasn't been online. I can remind him to reply when he gets back.


I dunno where Bobo Fart went. Haven't seen him online either.


I think Genota is just lazy -_-* :p))

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(OOS: Sorry all, didn't mean to scare you there. I was on vacation this weekend, and preparations have kept me away for a couple of days, so no chance to warn everyone. So, I guess I get to tie everything in now...)


San'sti'tre returned to his corner before gazing at the printout that had been handed to him. He looked around quickly, and noticing no one looking at him, continued on. The information contained upon this paper was not to be known to the entire group. In fact, it was to be known to no one. This changed everything. After memorizing the words, he stuffed the paper in his pocket, and forgot about it.

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