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The Karathi Assassin Guild


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Right people, I've picked out my weapons:


Blastech MX 50 Sniper Rifle. Nice zoom, no disintegration.

Bryar Rifle. Slow rate of fire, packs a punch.

Marksman Pistol. Real fast, real accurate.


The only weapon that is not for defense is the sniper rifle. Should that go wrong the other guns are to get me out alive. Get your weapons ready before we move out.

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Merr-Sonn MSD-32 close-range disruptor pistol. Only ten shots, but a hell of a punch.

Czerka ST-X8 Vibroblade. Best vibroblade around. Silent and deadly.

Assassin's knives...standard affair. Deadly in the right hands.

Short-range Assassin's blaster. Dismantles for concealment if necesary. Silent and no flash.

Standard stripped-down Blastech DL-44 blaster pistol. In case there's no other options.


Celeste: Right. I'm ready...

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Merr-sonn XII ion rifle,Elite guard class Vibroaxe dual sided with a EMP forcefield(Can go through shield very easily,but it's blade is moderate,nothing special),primative pistol with titainium bullets,genectically enhanced body, Titainium strength armor,with built-in power pack to greatly lighten the armor.


Is that too powerful?

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[Not really too powerful]


Right, Kelthos, the plan's changed. You are to secure the base of the building and greet the rebel agents with the password. After the target is down, you are to secure the retreat point.


Move out!


*Beler enters the Karathi ship-unmarked with autopilot on, but turrets available in case of attack, and an override system. He sits in the large lounge, polishing his sniper rifle*

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  • 3 weeks later...

[Everyone's gone again]


Ok team, I'm goin to take the shot....



*Beler aims....


and fires, causing the target to fall in a heap. As the people scream, the team begin to move to the retreat points. Beler senses someone behind him. He turns to see a blaster leveled at his head, and an imperial officer.*



Imp: Got you Beler. I knew this simple plan would work...




Imp: Yes. We hired you to kill a disgraced official, and we get in on the plan, we have some of the galaxy's most wanted arrested. But what of your friends? I have a squad of stormtroopers guarding each exit of the building. None shall survive.

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((heh, I'll go remind Tyrion and superthrawn to reply


If people don't reply...then I suppose it's cuz they're on their way to Kessel...




Celeste hurridly exits the building after Beler took the shot. But before she could make it, she noticed a squad of stormtroopers at the exit...checking everyone who left.




Riss glanced down from the balcony to see the same thing. "Traiiitorrrsss!"


He unsheathed his claws.

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So do you still want me to join you? Be a G-man?


G-Man: Oh no. The time to join our agency is long past...I'm not even acting as one of your supposed "G-men". We don't exist.


You forget something, G-man...


*G-man turns to reply, "No Such Agency!" when he is blinded by a flash from Beler's occurlar implant*

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*While the G-man is blinded, Beler grabs his marksman pistol and fires at his face, burning it away. The G-man screams, and dies.*



Beler to all surviving team members: Go to Evac point two...and don' t talk to anybody.


*Beler hurls the G-man's body off the side of the building and begins to descend to fire escape*

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The room explodes into panic. Everyone runs for the nearest exits. Even the stormtroopers dash for cover as the building's foundations crumble. Riss is thrown off the building but lands on the lower roof of another. He lands on his feet, like a cat. Celeste slips to the evac point...

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  • 1 month later...

*Beler runs toward the point, only to see the ship take off without any of them. He then hears a beeping*


Sithspit! Evac two is live! Go to plan Theta!


*Beler runs, and falls down as the shockwave of the exploding bomb hits him*

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*Celeste reaches the evac point just after Beler. The last thing she saw before everything went black was a blinding wave of fire.*




*Riss sees the evac point go up in flames and scowls*


Sssso much fforr that. *turns and scampers the other direction*

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  • 3 months later...

Mind if I tagg along?


Adorca- a male Wookie. FORMER Jedi/Sith knight. Frontal assualt type. Weapons: Crossbow, hand-blaster

. Special ability: exelent pilot


G'Orba- Male Hutt. Former drug dealer, current guild commander (unless objected). Hand to hand warrior.. He is covered in black armour with a spike ball at the end of his tail. Weapons (unnatural): Blue-flame-gun-thingy, Crossbow. Special ability: VERY fast and strong, especially for a Hutt.


A speeder bearing the symbol of the guild pulled up in front of the burning building. A Black-silver streaked Wookie Piloting with a Hutt in the rear. "Arha, rawa. Raugh, awwr, arr." (Remember, we are here only to search for the others. too bad we arrived back at the rost late) The Wookie said...

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[Just edit out the jedi thing and it fits the rules. We always need more people. The Leader of the Karathi guild has already been mentioned as a human, but the Hutt could be a middle-man]


*Beler sees the guild speeder getting close*


Huh...this wasn't in the plan

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