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Kicked from favorite server!


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I have been kicked from a server because i was accused of hacking! On the temple level* I used the glide bug as always (Not to show off) And then i used a new bug i learned that only works on the temple level. It makes me jump uncontrollably high. (Like to the top of the level).And everyone gets pissed and starts trying to kick me! And it worked. I think only about 5% if the JK2 Community knows this bug. And now every time i try to join server, i get kicked! If you want to know the bug just email me at attbi@mparsons.com:evil5:

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Heh. I was playing last night and a n00b saw me do it in the middle of our fight so I showed him how to...


n00b- Hey how do you do that.


Lord Exo Diaz- Wtf! I'm l33t!


n00b- No, seriously, how?


Lord Exo Diaz- I'm not l33t? Go to hell!


n00b- No! Not that...How did you jump from here all the way to the top?


Lord Exo Diaz- Sigh...I was joking. I know what you were talking about. Just jump when you hit the bump in the pillar.


n00b- Cool!...Hey I can't get it to work!


Lord Exo Diaz- Thats because to don't have the hack to make it work. WTF! I'm a L33t h@Xx0r.


n00b- Wha! Where can I get it?


Lord Exo Diaz- Sigh... Joking with you agian. Just keep trying and practice.


n00b- Hey! I Got it!


n00b falls to his doom.




At least I thought it was funny.

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Sick of being called a hacker? Create a demo of you doing the "Tricks" on a non cheat game and send it to me (please upload the file to a webserver and send the link in an email to kurgan@iastate.edu).


I'll review it when I get time and if it's legit, you'll see it posted on Outcast Strategy! ; )


Put your money where your mouth is, and then you can refer them to the site in the future, that should shut 'em up!

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Calling people "noobs" because they don't like people using exploits?

As a matter of fact, if you have to rely on exploits, you suck. Yawspeed and specialmove scripts are in the same league. If you can't play the game yourself, you shouldn't be playing it at all. Maybe Quake3 is more in your skill range.

You're acting like a passenger bragging about him being the best driver around.

This stuff is considered what doping is to sports. Get caught doing it in a tournament and you're out. Why? Because its far from fair play.



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Originally posted by Kurgan

I'll review it when I get time and if it's legit, you'll see it posted on Outcast Strategy! ; )


Put your money where your mouth is, and then you can refer them to the site in the future, that should shut 'em up!

Exploits on Strategy Sites...

People showing off 'tricks'/exploits and really consider this funny...


I think the community keeps going down.

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Vega, just as cheating, doping is the decision of the person doing it. No matter the consequences for THEM, I'm talking about how it affects the others. And if someone takes pills and don't know side effects, too bad for them (we're not talking something against headaches here, but substances apparently illegal even outside of tournaments and or dangerous.

My point is, they get themselves illegitimate advantages.



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