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Things I want to see in X-men 2


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1. It is not called X men 2: clone wars, where they fight a group of cloning peoples called the phalanx.

2. They don't fight the phalanx.

3. The movie is not on the phoenix saga (they go to space and save this girl named lilandra and try to take back this crystal called the emcron crystal, and Jean turns into phoenix, the guardian of the Crystal.)

4. Magneto makes a return, as well as some different bad guys (Juggernaut, Apocolypse)

5. Some new X-men join up (Nightcrawler, Gambit, Beast, possibly Archangel.)

6. Wolverine gets a uniform like he has in X-men: Evolution.

7. They don't change Rogue into a punk girl, like she is in the same show.


That's all I can think of, any other thoughts?

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Nightcrawler (So was the Human Torch and Iceman)was already at the academy in the first X-men movie, seen when they are playing Basketball. But maybe this time he'll be old enough and trained enough to actually join the team. - Cool idea


I'd really like to see Juggernaut. And I mean the whole story behind Juggernaut. You know, being Charles Xavier's Brother, and finding the artifact/crystal/gem that gives him the Juggernaut strength.


I'd really like to see Gambit. I'd also really like to see Beast, beings he was one of the original members in the original X-Men comics (he's also my favorite X-men). Colossus would be cool too, or even Psylock (She'd be hot!)


I really think they messed up the whole Rogue thing. They kinda made her a combination of Rogue and Jubilee. You know, Wolverine is her "Guardian Angel" figure, kinda lost and and alone. But I really liked how they explained her white streak of hair.


I never liked the Character Angel though, not even when he became Archangel. So I won't be heartbroken if he doesn't make the cut! ;)

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

Remember, though, Robert Drake (Iceman) is as old as the rest, as well as the human torch. and Nightcrawler is blue.









Mystique is Nightcrawler's mother :D


I know that, but the scenes were meant as cameos, no more than.


In the classroom scene, where "johnny" (The human torch) is making a fireball in his hand to impress Rogue, "Robby" (Iceman) puts it out rather explosively with some ice. It was just meant as little cameos. I know that Nightcrawler is supposed to be blue, but in the Basketball scene, you see a kid teleporting around the court, and I believe it's supposed to be Nightcrawler. I could, however, be wrong.


Yeah, I knew about Nightcrawler and Mystique's connection. And scince Mystique lived, I guess they can play that angle and add Nightcrawler to the team... we'll see.

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oh, and they really couldn't add Psylocke without archangel, because she tried to rob him.


Also, now that you think of it, they were, weren't they? :p


Also, Colossus and Omega Red would be prefect to add together, because they are both russian... well, one is a russian death machine :D

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

oh, and they really couldn't add Psylocke without archangel, because she tried to rob him.


Good point! I suppose if it means seeing a hot babe play Psylocke, the I can put up with Angel/Archangel.


I still want to see Gambit and Beast though! :D

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"Gambit takes a plane to New York because he was contacted by Prof. X and told to!"


not really that hard, but you'd have to make it more interesting for the movie I guess. :D


I'd love to see Gambit, he's my fav. X-man. Beast would be cool too, but I noticed that Colossus was being taught by Prof. X. When Logan was first running through the mansion and ran in on a session (Kitty later ran through the door), Prof X mentioned "Peter" and since Colossus' name is Piotyr (sp?), the Russian equivalent of Peter, I can only assume it was him.

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Originally posted by Darth Homer


... but I noticed that Colossus was being taught by Prof. X. When Logan was first running through the mansion and ran in on a session (Kitty later ran through the door), Prof X mentioned "Peter" and since Colossus' name is Piotyr (sp?), the Russian equivalent of Peter, I can only assume it was him.


Nice catch Darth Homer! I wonder how I missed that one!


*Runs home to watch his X-Men DVD* ;)

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

oh, and they really couldn't add Psylocke without archangel, because she tried to rob him.


Yes they could. It could be inbetween movies. Like Lando got promoted because of the battle of Tanaab remember? But it doesn't give us anything on it. She just has to show up...done. They didn't have to explain how Iceman got there or any of the others. Didn't really try to except for the main characters. So there you go. One of the easiest loopholes in movie making to add a character.

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