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Darth Crackhead model....


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I have no problem with "Darth T". If you look at my first post in this thread, I thought that the name placed with the image would be an issue. Sith Inquisitor certainly had an issue with it, as did several other people.


Some people are just more sensitive to issues than others. That's what is wonderful about freedom of thought.;)

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How about darth bubba or darth sambo if you want to do darth crackhead.. THe truth is why cant we have a crackhead ..and so what if hes black.. Your the one who thinks its a stereotype rather then he just happens to be black i Mean grow up and stop trying to ruin everything.. besides darth crackhead is funny.. would yourather darth african american??? alot of black people think its awful that we have to say african amercan.. cant we say american? Are americans born here american american's?

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In 1999 Fetchit's name was again in the headlines. Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace included a character named Jar Jar. Critics claimed that Jar Jar, a bumbling dimwitted amphibian-like character, spoke Caribbean-accented pidgin English, and had ears that suggested dreadlocks. Wearing bellbottom pants and vest, Jar Jar looked like the latest in Black cinematic stereotypes. Newspaper editorials and internet chatroom discussions repeatedly invoked Stepin Fetchit's name. For example, Joe Morgenstern of the Wall Street Journal described Jar Jar as a "Rastafarian Stepin Fetchit on platform hoofs, crossed annoyingly with Butterfly McQueen."17 This incident suggests that Fetchit's legacy is to be remembered as a coon caricature: lazy, bewildered, stammering, shuffling, and good-for-little except buffoonery.

Darth inquistor.. this is the crap that you read??? This part of the artical obviously came from someone who wants to be in the spot light.. HOW CAN YOU COMPARE A CREATURE THAT DOESNT EVEN EXSIST TO REAL PEOPLE>> WTF WHO WROTE THAT TRIPE ..its just absolute tripe...

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

How about darth bubba or darth sambo if you want to do darth crackhead.. THe truth is why cant we have a crackhead ..and so what if hes black.. Your the one who thinks its a stereotype rather then he just happens to be black i Mean grow up and stop trying to ruin everything.. besides darth crackhead is funny.. would yourather darth african american??? alot of black people think its awful that we have to say african amercan.. cant we say american? Are americans born here american american's?


Gonk, is this directed at me?:p

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Geez, this is NOT the place for discussions of what is and is not politically correct. The word crackhead is NOT a stereotype name for black people, it's a stereotype name for someone who smokes crack. If you find something offensive about this skin or the name, then you are trying to manufacture controversy, and that is totally unnecessary. Share your political and social views in some place appropriate for that kind of thing. Take the time to consider that you may be offending someone else while you jump on something you think is offensive.

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Well your opinons have been Very bad ... bad options.. JUST STOP IT..theres no need to close the thread infact you didnt show nay reasoning to close this mans thread.. you sir are out of line i sudgest you applogize for trying to ruin this mans work.

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Originally posted by nucular_jedi_14

hey septic i like this project! Mabye u could give him Ice Cube's voice from Friday or Next Friday.That would go for a sweet voice!


Break yo'self fool!


Oh man, now I want a Smokey model! And you know this, MAN!

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That part about JA-JA being an attempt at racial profiling is a load of crap. More like a classic example of how someone with a chip on their shoulder can find something that angers them out of anything.


Whats next? Darth Vader is a symbol of racial profiling because he wore all black and was portrayed as being evil, or will that be applied to the sith in general?


Some peoples children...

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

Whats next? Darth Vader is a symbol of racial profiling because he wore all black and was portrayed as being evil, or will that be applied to the sith in general?


I had a professor in college who tried to push that notion on us the very first day of class. So I raised my hand an politely asked, "Then why does he have any army of WHITE stormtroopers?" After the class was done cheering and laughing she said, "Well, I never saw the movie." Scary.

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Ok, let me explain myself more clearly. having grown up in a town with a minority population of 0, I have seen racial profiling most of my life. Every time we heard about a crime being committed in another town by a black person or any minority, I would hear idiots say things like "Well, you know how THEY are". When our teacher made an anti-drug documentary all she featured were statistics from urban areas with large minority populations, when I pointed out that crack and cocaine were prevalent in suburban areas as well, she smirked at me, like I was joking. Anti crime posters always featured a minority. I knew from research this was BS. So, when I saw this Darth Crackhead model and i saw the image, it pi**ed me off.


I was not the only one who thought this was out of line. I want to make clear, I AM NOT APOLOGIZING, I stand by what I said before.


No, I do not think Jar Jar Binks was a racial stereotype.


Darth Vader being a symbol of racial profiling because he wore all black and was a villain. To the person who said that, think about what I said, and see if this really has anything to do with the subject at hand. Just use your intelligence.


Everyone has a right to express their opinion, as you certainly have here. As have I.

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The model itself is fine but i find the name Darth Crackhead associated with that model to be very vulgar.


To those who say if this was a model of a white character with the name Darth Crackhead nobody would care, unfortunately the SAD truth is the model is not of a white character, also the term Crackhead is SELDOM associated with white people. I really hope the creator of this model changes the name because there is absolutely nothing funny about it.


ps I am not white or black, i am brown(Indian).


my $0.02

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Originally posted by NemoX

The model itself is fine but i find the name Darth Crackhead associated with that model to be very vulgar.


To those who say if this was a model of a white character with the name Darth Crackhead nobody would care, unfortunately the SAD truth is the model is not of a white character, also the term Crackhead is SELDOM associated with white people. I really hope the creator of this model changes the name because there is absolutely nothing funny about it.


ps I am not white or black, i am brown(Indian).


my $0.02


EXACTLY my point. Thank you, NemoX.

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You know what guys? If you don't like it, don't download it. Almost everyone here is twisting the author's intent around to suit their own whims. I'm sure I too will be flamed for this but I really don't care; obviously, some people are going to be dissatisfied no matter what.


To the author: do what makes you happy. You know what your motivations are, so do not let others discourage you by trying to tell you what you are saying. If you chose to go ahead with the project, or this bickering makes you chose to abandon the project, do it because it is your choice, and your choice alone.

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Originally posted by BradFu

Geez, this is NOT the place for discussions of what is and is not politically correct. The word crackhead is NOT a stereotype name for black people, it's a stereotype name for someone who smokes crack. If you find something offensive about this skin or the name, then you are trying to manufacture controversy, and that is totally unnecessary. Share your political and social views in some place appropriate for that kind of thing. Take the time to consider that you may be offending someone else while you jump on something you think is offensive.


Couldn't have said it better Brad :D

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