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AOTC Quotes!


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Obi Wan: "follow that speeder"


Anakin: "I decided to come and rescue you"

Obi Wan: "Good job"


Mace: "We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers"


Palpatine: "I see you becoming the greatest of all Jedi"


Obi Wan: "Blast, this is why I hate flying"


Yoda: "The dark side clouds everything"

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Yoda: "powerful you have become Dooku, The darkside, i sense in you."


Yoda: "Joined with the Dark side Dooku has, Lies, deciet, creating mistrust are his ways now."


Or in the speeder chase

ObiWan: "What took you so long?"

Anakin: "oh, you know master, i couldn't find a speeder i really liked, one with an open cockpit and the right speed capabilities."

ObiWan: "If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your wit you would rival master Yoda as a swordsman."

Anakin: "I thought i already did."

ObiWan: "Only in your mind my very young apprentice."

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Obi Wan: "She's a politician and they are not to be trusted"


Padme: "Ani, my goodness you've grown"

Anakin: "So have you, grown more beautiful I mean"


Anakin: "Some day I will be the most powerful Jedi ever"

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mine Very favorite just because of the coolness of it...


Anakin: "I killed them. I killed them all. Every single one of them, they're all dead! And not just the men...but the women, and the children...they're like animals. And i slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM!"

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"Not again. Obi-Wan's gonna kill me"




Anakin: Don't worry no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me.

Obi-Wan: It's too risky. Besides your senses aren't that attuned my young apprentice.

Anakin: And your's are?

Obi-Wan: Possibly.

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Anakin: "I killed them. I killed them all. Every single one of them, they're all dead! And not just the men...but the women, and the children...they're like animals. And i slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM!"


I love that one! ;)

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By the end of this thread if we re arrange all the posts we'll have the script for episode 2........


Nute Gunray: "She can't do that, Shoot her....or something.."


Nute Gunray: "This isn't how it's supposed to be, Jango, finish her off"

Dooku: "Patience viceroy patience, she will die."

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Originally posted by covenant_bad



Victory? Victory, you say?

Not victory, a defeat, it was...

Master Obi-Wan. Begun, the Clone

War has!


Missed that one a bit..goes like this


"Victory, victory say you master obi-wan? Not victory...the shroud of the darkside has fallen...begun, the clone war has......

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I just love those lines that Anakin gives to Padme. They are. . .classic:p


ANAKIN : ". . .and now that I'm with you, I'm in agony. The closer I get to you the worse it gets.


PADME begins to squirm a bit.


ANAKIN : "The thought of not being with you. I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar."


Now guys, it doesn't get any better than that. Except when I tried the lines on some girls, they gave me a strange look.:confused:

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I liked these a lot too :


Obi-Wan Kenobi : 'I hope he doesn't try anything foolish.'

Captain Typho : 'I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him.'


Obi-Wan Kenobi : 'Cloners? Are they friendly?'

Dexter Jettster : 'It depends.'

Obi-Wan Kenobi : 'On what, Dex?'

Dexter Jettster : 'On how good your manners are... and how big your pocketbook is...'


Taun We: 'The Prime Minister expects you.'

Obi-Wan Kenobi : 'I'm expected?'

Taun We : 'He is anxious to see you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please, this way!'


(The way Taun We says that, just great. :p)

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One of my favorite lines that no one has mentioned yet:


In the arena as the Reek, Nexu and Acklay approach our Heros (and Heroine) chained to the stone pillars...


ANAKIN: "...and what about Padme?"


OBI-WAN: Glances over in Padme's direction "It looks like she's on top of things"




Gotta love those athletic and combat trained women who remain cool under pressure! :D

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