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Clone Campaigns to get a patch

Guest DarthMaulUK

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When you are playing as Player 3 (green), on the minimap, you can't tell the difference between your units and nova clusters (or atleast I can't ). They should change that.


Starfighter and A-Wing need serious changes too.

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I might not get this patch then....I LOVE troopers and would be perfectly happy if I could play with nothing but them sometimes...making them less effective? I don't care for that. They already get their butts handed to them by fighters or air cruisers and such.

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stealth unit idea is great.


i wouldn't mind seeing air cruisers with a little more defense against AA troopers. it is silly that one AA trooper can kill an air cruiser simply by chasing it across the map.


also, a little more power to grenadiers would be nice in T3. they are the supposed counter to mechs but they lose 1v1 in early T3. strike mech attacks still do far too much damage for a non-nova unit.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The patch is due Thursday - this is the official word. Naturally, we will be the first site to have it for download from our NEW files site.


Our new files section will allow you to finally upload your maps,scenarios etc and vote on how good they are..cool or what! It's all coming this week.





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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

The patch is due Thursday - this is the official word. Naturally, we will be the first site to have it for download from our NEW files site.


Our new files section will allow you to finally upload your maps,scenarios etc and vote on how good they are..cool or what! It's all coming this week.






Awesome, great news. Thanks

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

I also have an issue with detector units. Exactly why can a scout see a cloaked jedi starfighter when an advanced fighter right next to it cant see it????

Doesn't make much sense does it? :) Maybe if the fighter was actually cloaked (say, with a cloaking device) then it would make more sense. I guess fighter pilots are just weaker-minded than scouts, so they tend to be fooled by the Force while scouts don't. :)



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Just to clarify my +1 range idea, it would be +1 range but -1 area of effect, so the air cruiser would have the same effective range, but less ability to wipe out entire troop armies in one shot, less potential to destroy attacking cannons. With the area of effect as it is air crusiers are the ultimate counter to cannons, and it becomes a war of attrition with forward bases: you can't kill the enemy air cruisers without losing your entire air force because of enemy AA turrets, you cant destroy so much as a single building without losing your cannons because of air cruisers, and it comes down to who runs out of resources first: the one who keeps losing some 30 planes at a time or the one who keeps losing air crusiers.

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Of course, if the side with all the fighter picks up a couple air cruisers to wipe out the AA turrets then the tide totally shifts. Another counter would to bring in a few AA artillery units in air transports, drop them, let them fire at the cruisers, then pick them up again before the cruiser can blast them. This also works rather with with air dropping assaults to wipe out the AA turrets or jedi masters to convert the AA forces. Of course, the air cruiser has the option of going after the air transport, but it risks placing itself in the mercy of the fighters. A good strat here would be to sacrifice some fighters to the turrets in an effort to down the cruisers, while holding the transports in reserve. Then drop the assaults and level the place as much as possible...



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sometime today - thursday, the patch will be released. I am trying to see if GB.com can get an exclusive download - but with time being alittle tight, this might not be possible.


However, we WILL have to patch on our server to download within seconds of it being released. So don't panic!



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