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Protection From BackStab


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Works everytime



You *Bleep* with a little *Bleep*ing *Bleep* and lets not forget your *Bleeep*ing cat with it *Bleep*ing you in the *Bleep* when your *Bleep*ing with a *Bleep* while your *BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP .

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This tactic usually only works if you are fighting someone you KNOW is going to pull...


But if you get up off the ground quick (holding jump), often times you will get up in the air above their saber. Then, like any normal jump, you can then give 'em a swift kick to the face :D


Usually it'll knock 'em flat on the ground. If you can, a quick saber throw while they are down will tell 'em not to try that on you again.


You HAVE to nail that kick though. If you are fighting a lamer who uses the rapid-spin technique while backslashing (which you will find is used VERY often now), you HAVE to hit that kick, otherwise you will just fall back down into the spinning saber.

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This might have worked a monuth ago but now that all the hardcore spammers use the spin it will only delay your death :(


I find the only defense against an ass fighter is absorb and a gun getting close to try and saber his back is sucide but a baslter rifle to the back can work absorb so he can't turn and pull you to him.


That all Ive been able to come up with trying to fighting him with your own saber is VERY hard. even with absorb to stop pull he knows that he can survie a few shots to his back. 1 maybe 2 should kill IMO. A back damage modfier if you will like a headshot shotting or slicing a rear hit box should incrase damage 100%. If it can be done Im not sure it can. I can't see it being abused as it's easy to face an enemy but it would stop ass fighters casue they would die if anyone fighting foward slashed their back.

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Gaming Nut, if someone insists on ass-fighting (running backwards while swinging), then the kick is a very effective method of killing them. Combine that with a saber throw or two and you'll have them whining about how lame you are for spamming kicks in no time ;)

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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

Funny. I've never had a problem with this technique.


As for Dark Force-users...Don't quite know what to tell ya'. Try some extremely harsh language.


Next time you are online search for a guy named "Desler".

He is one of the few people who I have ever seen properly use Dark Rage in a duel (he's a damn good duel player too).


The clever thing he does, that so few other players do, is use it as a means to execute his own backstab.

He will almost let you pull him down on purpose, knowing that you will run in and turn your back to execute a backstab.


He then immediately flips on Rage before he touches the ground.

Due to the increased speed when in Rage, he then immediately flips up (before you reach him) and as his feet touch the ground, he has turned 180 and has started his own backstab, but you don't know this because you just turned around and started yours.


The thing is, he is protected by Rage and you only flip on Protect when you get knocked down.


You both backstab, he walks away from it, and you don't.


For those of you who play FF duels and really want to see someone who is incredibly fast, precise and clever when playing the Dark Side, you should look for him.

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i will give u my tecnique against this its quite simple usually backstabers have absorb and pull at max so to stop him from knocking u just do this FIRST be sure of having pull at 3 if u dont this wont work then duck and wait for him to try to pull u after (DO NOT MOVE OR U R DEAD U MUST BE REALLY STADY) for making the knock imposible AFTER he makes the pull ROLL that should leave u in safegrounds he will look at u and say to himself mmmmmmm............ how come i did not knockhim after a while he will run out of force and will start going bersek then u must choose 1st when he gets close give him something of their own medicine (kind of lame so dont do it) or my favorite drain him grip him then make a trow and kick him (sure kill) and he will have no force to get free :D by the way renamber the fact that u r not in the ground does not mean he wont try to backstab so when he turns to backstab u just roll and trow he will get mad saying FUKING NOOB my advice reply: whats the matter cant knockme???????????????????

GET A TECNIQUE! and then let your self get killed by a noob he will get even more mad and while wating try to persuade him that what he is doing is wrong :D

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok


Next time you are online search for a guy named "Desler".

He is one of the few people who I have ever seen properly use Dark Rage in a duel (he's a damn good duel player too).


The clever thing he does, that so few other players do, is use it as a means to execute his own backstab.

He will almost let you pull him down on purpose, knowing that you will run in and turn your back to execute a backstab.


He then immediately flips on Rage before he touches the ground.

Due to the increased speed when in Rage, he then immediately flips up (before you reach him) and as his feet touch the ground, he has turned 180 and has started his own backstab, but you don't know this because you just turned around and started yours.


The thing is, he is protected by Rage and you only flip on Protect when you get knocked down.


You both backstab, he walks away from it, and you don't.


For those of you who play FF duels and really want to see someone who is incredibly fast, precise and clever when playing the Dark Side, you should look for him.


Hm.. that guy sounds very interesting...



Be on the lookout for him, I will :yoda:


-teutonicknight :saberb:

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