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Screenshots, How dost thou take them? (ANSWERS INSIDE!)


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Okay I've tried almost everything and still do not know how to

take a screenshot. I found that levelshot or whatever and I binded

it but all it does it clear my hud and say screenshot wrote except

my hud doesn't come back and the screenshot it was supposed

to take isnt there, acctually it worked like 3 times but I've tried to

take like 80 pictures. Anyway the picture quality sucks also, even

though Im running 1024 x 768.


I appreciate the help if any :D

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Bind a key for taking screenshots. for example:


bind f12 screenshot


Once you bind a key and take one, a folder called screenshots will be created in your base folder. You can then take screeners until you run out of harddrive space. Also using this method, the screenshots gamma will be correct unlike all the dark screeners you see around the net. :)



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a much easier way i thought (and the way i use)


Press "Printscreen", its somewhere above your cursor keys (i cant remember where cos im on an apple now!)


it copys the whole screen to the clipboard, now just paste it into any decent paint package,


I wouldnt really recommend it if you dont have a lot of RAM though :D



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a much easier way i thought (and the way i use)


Press "Printscreen", its somewhere above your cursor keys (i cant remember where cos im on an apple now!)


it copys the whole screen to the clipboard, now just paste it into any decent paint package,


I wouldnt really recommend it if you dont have a lot of RAM though :D



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