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Do All of you Guys play on Zone.com?


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Originally posted by Bar_Tender


I actually posted my reason, but I will elaborate. I'm one of those weirdos who actually prefers playing people he KNOWS, instead of playing on a random server. For finding games with my friends, loading QTracker, a small and quick-loading program, makes more sense than loading JO, which takes a bit of time. Also, with QTracker, I can search for more than one friend at once, unlike the JO search function. With QTracker, I can find the servers easily, and go straight into them when I load the game.


where can i get this Qtracker?

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

one question...


Why ppl use third party programs to find server... THe game has one.. and is very usefull!!! Why would they even think of using a program to find a server?


I use Gamespy 3D instead of in-game browsers because:


1. I can set a list of "buddies."


2. I can set lists of favorite servers as well as see every server out there


3. It does just about every multi-player game, so I need to fire up only 1 application to see who's playing JKII, Q3, Tribes, etc. (and highlights servers with those in my buddy list). When I want to join a server, I just double-click it and it will launch the appropriate game and my custom configs.


4. There are IRC scripts that integrate the game launchers with IRC so it will announce that I joined a server, give the time and the address so that other's in my IRC rooms may choose to follow.


Do NOT confuse this with Gamespy Arcade; I can't stand the one at all.

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i use gamespy because i play rogue spear as well, and all of my old rs friends are on gs, and i dare not go to zone for rs, they actually have ppl pay for a patch that is supposed to stop cheating and doesnt, yet the people buy it and get cheated against anyway, so i stay away from zone as if it were not only a plague, but hell itself. :evil6:

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

in game server finder=useless. :)


Only if you're stupid and can't find a game without every little detail spelled out in perfect english in front of your face.


The ingame browser is the fastest, the All Seeing Eye is really fast and has some great sorting options. I use both. GameSpy and the Zone are utter crap, avoid them like the plague.

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Only if you're stupid and can't find a game without every little detail spelled out in perfect english in front of your face.

I was donig it to get my ponit across, Q-Tracker and the all-seeing eye are the business.

Gamespy and The zone are obsolete.

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Because something is Microsoft or has .net requirements doesn't mean it must suck.


Zone.com was one of the first serious and stable 3rd party online gaming clients and it still is the best for this even because of other reasons it doesn't support many games. Yes for JK2 the zone is not the best thing because most servers are dedicated but for the other games it rocks. If has an awesome game finder is ultra fast, uses minor resources, is ultra stable and uses a perfect Friends program. I can't really understand people using Gamecpy (both arcade and 3d). For the arcade users it is just stupid. With every click you do you have 400 banners in your face and you also have to wait for some time till they disappear. Non-broadhand connections have a great problem with Arcade because your bandwidth is downloading more banners than server info with results of awful unreal pings and more. From the other side Zone is very stable and doesn't have annoying banners. Yes the .net thing was a bad thing but still, it is the best service for me.

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Originally posted by GrEEk_OuTcAsT

Because something is Microsoft or has .net requirements doesn't mean it must suck.



LoL i agree.. I assume most of you guys must be using a version of windows... (XP 2000, me, or even 98!).. unless yall are using linux, or mac os (EWWWW)

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