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Another Anti-Ass fighting server is born!!!


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Hey all! Thought you might like to know about my server. I'm running the DUEL_SE MOD and its way cool. It has many of the changes in 104u but it plays better. Check this out -


DUEL_SE does this:

1) can't move as much during a back sweep

2) push, pull doesn't knock down oppenent with same level of points

3) Kick and saber throw do less damage

4) Running backward or rolling backwards is slower as it should be

5) Lightning does less damage

6) no mid-air blue lunge

7) Regular saber swings and good combinations are more effective then trick moves that many consider lame


9) Many new varaibles for admins to play with :)


Basically the game plays great now. The saber combat is much more realistic.


Some info on my server:

1) saber only no other weapons

2) switches between FFA, duel, and TEAM FFA

3) many, many new skins and maps

4) some force powers are disabled

5) no bacta tanks

6) game speed slowed down a little to enhance game play

7) GAME STATS enabled on the web page!!!

8) lots of other good things...


Saber Only Smorgasbord!!! [sL] (duel_se 104u MOD)

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You know, the only thing these Special Olympics mods accomplish is allowing the spastic headless chicken players who normally can't stay alive for more than 15 seconds in a normal game, to do just that.


If running around whacking away on the same guy for 20 minutes before he drops dead is your idea of fun, more power to you.

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That isn't the case on my server.


I'm just using the source code unofficial patch.


Works great.


Better get used to it, because when a patch does come out, it'll be the standard changes.


I find it funny that spammer and special move players hate my server. Bothers them to no end.


And I have blocking minimalized.

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Honestly guy, not a shot at you because I don't think I have ever played you, but the people I played on your server are not even what I would call "minor league" when it comes to skill and understanding of the game and it's play mechanics.


Just to prove a point I did nothing but kick people to death, not a saber throw, swing or backstab.


I landed in first place (with a rather sizable lead) in a few short minutes and hence, a vote was called to kick me.


I mean seriously, FFA, CTF, duel, whatever, if someone did nothing but put their saber away and tried to kick me, they would be dead in about 2 seconds.


The point I wanted to make was not that spamming would lead to victory (I mean the kick does what, a minor 20 damage?) but that people, for whatever reason, simply refuse to learn and adapt even if they know what is coming.

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WOW! Can't wait to get onto your server! Its been a bad day for me...some assfighting/kickwhore jerk decides to come onto my favorite server. God I can't believe the assfighters/kickwhore egos!! They're all bragging about beating everyone on the server...god how idiotic braggin about how good you are IN A GAME. Some ppl really need to get a life.


P.S. Ok im done flaming...

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You know, the only thing these Special Olympics mods accomplish is allowing the spastic headless chicken players who normally can't stay alive for more than 15 seconds in a normal game, to do just that. If running around whacking away on the same guy for 20 minutes before he drops dead is your idea of fun, more power to you.


Dude, I know where your comming from. I hate 20 minute spaz fests. I would never have put this up live if that were the case. I did alot of testing and tweeking settings to make sure that would not be the case. I actally increased damage on the backstab moves and on the overall power of all saber stances. I play alot so I would not put something up that sucked.


Heavy stance pretty much rules but the others still have their place too. Most people on ther server are adapting well and I see excellent and crisp battles going on most of the time. People are using a wide variety of moves to get kills - DFA, blue lunge, med finisher, back sweeps, medium and stong combinations. Much less headless chicken moves and spammers cause one good heavy strick can take you down.


Believe me I can backsweep and yawspeed whore with the best of em but I like this cause now people fight face to face more and backsweep when it makes sence to.


Anyway don't knock it unless you try it. Its much better then some of the other MODS out there where they nurf the saber so that it like swinging a wiffle ball bat.


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Just to prove a point I did nothing but kick people to death, not a saber throw, swing or backstab.


I landed in first place (with a rather sizable lead) in a few short minutes and hence, a vote was called to kick me.


If you came on my server and won a map by kicking alone I would not only give you a medal but I would kick everyone you beat.


Most of the regualars that play on my server are good players that can adapt and use a variety of tatics against an opponent. But I also get people that are limited and complain about certain moves being lame.


I always have said this: if its possible to do it then just be prepaired to defend against it because eveything has a counter. It does no good to complain. The only thing that would get you kicked off my server is if you attack when the saber is off or typing. The throw + push combo is the only thing that can be concidered lame in my view. I don't allow voting but I have several admins that are usually around.


This mod DUEL_SE is not very well known but it does some good stuff. It makes the saber stronger not weaker! Check it out here if you want:


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Very reminiscent of the U104 mod indeed. All in all I like it.


The only problem I see developing is that unless Raven eventually puts out an official "new patch" there will continue to be so many "mods" that it will only continue to seperate the players and/or force then to learn them all so they will be able to find games that are fun to play.


Even IF Raven releases a new patch, unless the masses agree on

it as being the best alternative to 1.03, we will all be in the same boat yet again.


Now dont get me wrong, I am glad to see this community thriving and making mods that are pleasent alternatives to 1.03 as theres nothing wrong with variety within reason, but too many of them just creates more differences in opinion and disagreements.


From the beggining of the 1.02/1.03 debates, the group I play with formed as we had like beliefs as to game setup as we felt it was more fun to play with the options that were available via the consol and .cfg files. That is basically what all these mods are doing now. It all boils down to finding a group of like minded individuals you play well with that can decide on what mod to play, stick to it, and have fun.


At this point, Public servers will always lack because of the constant changing of beliefs in what mod is best or offers the "most realistic" saber combat. Which is funny to me because JKO isnt about realism at all, it's about fun and entertainment via playing a GAME.



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Darth, thanks for the feedback. You make good points. Things can get out of hand if there are too many mods.


The server is kind of empty since I put mostly new custom maps into the rotation (about 16 great new maps). Come on guys. I always hear people complaining that no servers are running the new maps. I also have TONS of new skins loaded on the server. Not to mention live stats on a web page and its fast!

:D :D :D

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At first, due to the title, I thought this was another QuietSith "The end of life as we know it unless a patch is released" thread so I may have been a little harsh.

You have the right idea for a person who has issues with v1.03, and I wish you the best of luck and apologize if I offended you in any way.

I can't say Nerf mods are something I enjoy, but to each their own.

BTW, want to lay some $ on that challenge about the kicks? ;)

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

At first, due to the title, I thought this was another QuietSith "The end of life as we know it unless a patch is released" thread so I may have been a little harsh.

You have the right idea for a person who has issues with v1.03, and I wish you the best of luck and apologize if I offended you in any way.

I can't say Nerf mods are something I enjoy, but to each their own.

BTW, want to lay some $ on that challenge about the kicks? ;)


I never made personal attacks against you, so don't start up with me.

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Originally posted by QuietSith


I never made personal attacks against you, so don't start up with me.

It's not personal.

I have never called you names, stupid, gay, lame, whatever.

I simply take offense in the fact that because you do not like the v1.03 patch you will not simply go play your mod of choice and leave those of us who do enjoy it alone.

You like u1.04?

Great have fun.

But please enough with the constant threads complaining about v1.03, especially if you don't play it.


I, nor any other player, should not be forced to constantly defend the way I play, or the moves I use simply because you do not like them.


I am sick and tired of all of these <whatever> is ruining the game threads.


The game has flaws, but the funny thing is, so do most players.

Some of us adapted, some of us went and found a mod we liked.


Others, found a mod, but continue to complain as if they were still playing in that game version they could not stand.

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Uh, I've been responding to people who are unhappy with 1.03 and giving them alternatives.


Time to do some search back and check my responses to threads.


How about this - if someone complains let's either offer to help them or leave them alone.


I think that will keep the forum civil.

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At first, due to the title, I thought this was another QuietSith "The end of life as we know it unless a patch is released" thread so I may have been a little harsh.


Yea that was a bad title I guess. I have been called a lame ass-fighter myself. I never purposly run around backward, hopelessly trying to land a backsweep by pure luck. That to me has always been the definition of what an ass-fighter is. Those people don't have any skill but others who are deadly with the move and have perfected the timing get lumping into this defition and it pisses them off.


BTW, want to lay some $ on that challenge about the kicks?


I accept PAYPAL so stop by my server and try me. ;)

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by QuietSith

How about this - if someone complains let's either offer to help them or leave them alone.


Fine with me. Lay off on the backstabbers (as in saying they are lame or unskilled) and I'll lay off on the people who complain about it (as in saying they are lame or unskilled).


The actual irony of all this is you and I actually agree on the fact that v1.02 should not have been messed with, at least in they way it was.




Anyways, cheers, and good luck with your server.



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