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Need to know how to BInd BackStab

Kin Lun Phoenix

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I sorry to have to ask this. But I really need to know how to bind Backstab to a key. I hate using this move most of the time. But I really need to use it in CTF. I been playing CTF recently, and I can hardly kill any Flag Carriers. They pull me and just backslash me. My Pings are at 300+ so I could never time it right so that I can do the "flip forward and attach down", and back stab. Even when I pull them to the ground, I can't do the backstab or slash. I play with weapon CTF, and they just pull all the weapon out of my hand. The only way for me to get a decent kill, is to set traps. But I am starting to feel frustrated that even when the flag carrier runs right in front of me. I can't hardly do anything to kill them. So please if there is a way, tell me how to bind that move.


ps I could even just settle for binding the Medium DFA. I will understand if you guy don't want to tell me though...

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oh please. i am asking for the button to JUST the backstab. not pull backstab, and also not to have a button to press that will automatically turn my back and backstab (I heard the was possible too. I still care about have actual fun u know. Like what the t3eeor said, is just a pressing attack button. I still would be able to see the back of my head. but by Binding the attack will allow me to time back stab accordingly to my lag. I am normally two saber lenght away from the actual target. Plus in CTF, it u play enought. pull backslab/slash is quite normal. I got kill hurdrends to time like that, but in CTF I don't mind. Because that the main way to kill flag carriers with saber. DO U THINK THE FLAG CARRIER WILL STAY AROUND FOR U ATTACK OR DO A DFA on them. They just run and dodge, as much as they can. So if u do know how to bind, please I would like to know. I am really tire of not being able to help my team, even when the damn Flag Carrier is running right in front of me, hell sometime I get kill by the Flag Carrier acouple of time (pull backslash...).

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What I really need is to do just bind normal backstab without the enermy being directly behind me.


If u think about it, it is not too much of a cheat. The enemy still have to be behind u to hit him. The only difference is that it allow me to use it before they are directly behind me. BUt being *@%@ lagging doesn't allow me to use properly. We my character uses the backstab, the actural target is aready gone from my hit range.

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ECOM y are u bother to post here, u either must want to bump your #post, or don't understand what u read, or U are just slow. I just said that FIRE button does not work because of the amount of PINGS I have.


I Personally would hate pull backstab, but try playing Capture the flag using saber to kill the Flag Carrier without using Backstab/slash. If u can give me another solution of using saber that can kill the Flag Carrier (since they pull all the weapon out your hand) than by all means, I wouldn't need the bind.


Second it is not that lam, I am not asking for a bind that will automatic turn your back on an opponent and stab. Just so that it can be excuted without backstab that need a ppl directly behind me (at least what the computer thinks). Plz take your time to analye this sentence to find the logic and arguement in it. And u will realize that it's not that lame.


But all means post up what u think I COULD possible have use this as a CHEAT, that is different from using a normal Back Stab. Hey if u are right, than I wouldn't want anyone to post the bind here anyways

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there's only one thing us masters seem to understand you saying, so let me put our points of view into perspective:


You want to bind a key so that when you press it, it backstabs.


Well, in a sense, that's impossible, since backstab isn't a "single press move" - it requires several sequences: facing away, press attack, pressing backwards, and being a certain distance from your opponent.


On top of that, what you are asking us to help you do is incredibly cheap for one. Second, the bind we'd be able to give you isn't what you think it is - because a one-key-only-backslash bind is impossible, you would need a script.


I'm certain that no one here in their right mind would script that for you just so you can time your backslash better. That's something only a true n00b jedi would ask for. Buy a better connection :p


Plus, how do we know you really have a 300 ping? I've played with a 32 person server where there were several HPBs, and there was no lag whatsoever.

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For a master U sure lack so call perspective, and don't read very well. TRy going back to the top and actually read all the post. I mention that I was at 56k! Also I was just hoping that the kind, friendly, and helpful ppl of this forum would help have a decent CTF game, and write a script that would able to a backstab that can actually hit someone. Instead of telling me to spend, spend, spend money on quick connection. WHich I can't because I need it for my University.


And if you were a real "master" u would probably offer me advice on getting a quickest connection possible, with modum tip. Like a true master by the name of [JHQ]SPOON did. Which did help improve my pings a little on certain servers. But regretablly still not enough. All you have told me is how all u great MASTER like to jump to conclusion when ever some mention SCRIPTS, BINDs, and BACKSTAB/SLASH


Also all you guys is pick at my request, but still fail to tell me a scerio in which my request would be cheap. Like I said on the TOP, if u make sense, I wouldn't want u to write the script in the forum either.


Dest I know U mean well, but it not so easy to backstab when you are a good two saber lenght away. By the time MY COMPUTER excute the backstab, the target is way out of range due to my PINGs.


ps of course I am a new Bie, your point? I can still know how to handle a lightsaber.

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what i dont get is: WHERE THE F IS THE ADMIN??

im sure he is around when i am making a joke some day and he gets it wrong. but why is this thread still up? no wonder th traffic is high and we cant use the search funktion. if they would clean up the dirt at the beginning nobody would post here and bother with such a stupid guy who just doesnt get the point: get a reasonable connection or get lost! do u think that this script u ask for would only be used by u??? no dumbass all the guys wih low pings will use it too. and u know why? because they want to time backstabbs better against u mofo. i always kick hpbs because they are lagging most of the time and fighting them is a eal pain in the ass.

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lol by true master I mean master of the lightsaber technique, as well as the force in jk2. Come search me out on volarisgames.com servers and I will show you why they call me a master. it has nothing to do with helping you. you failed to read my post intelligently - why are we going to help 1000 hpbs gain an advantage (a very cheap one) when we already have to worry about the lpbs who do nothing but run backwards? my point exactly. no one is saying I'm not friendly, nor are they saying no one else here is unfriendly. I'm just trying to tell you as realistically as possible that it's time you got rid of that dinosaur you call 56k and get with the times. no one should play online games with a 56k anymore, it's outrageously ancient. get a cable modem.

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-Chrono_MOT-, there in your last statement rises a problem. In a lot of the country, people don't have the choice of 56k or cable. its 56k, ISDN (which isn't any better for gaming), or DSL(which in the case of no competition, they can charge over $50-70/month for service, plus the addition $$$ for installation if they aren't running any free installation promos. I just happen to be lucky to be able to have Charter, even if the NODE does go down sometimes. but then I always have a way around that, plus alloting more downloads.

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the backstabbs are cheap already dude, so i one way u r correct: it cant get any cheaper!

and isdn is much better than modem, u can get a minimum of 50 ms! but only to good servers. i have dsl and my provider forces me to have a latency of over 70ms, very frustrating but stil acceptable for online gaming...

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Yes I agree, I think the Backslab is too powerful. But I am just asking for something (the script), that can balence my lagging problem in Cature the Flag only (Hell I hardly get kill by a Back stab in Duals).


I personally think the CHEAP way of using backstab (((beside from CTF))) is when they pull you on the ground or kick, and than use Back stab/slash for a quick kill. However in CTF I think is is fair, since the flag Carrier only runs away.


p.s. Great MAster y don't u try killing the Flag Carrier in CTF with a saber without using backstab/slash (also no guns, since most of the time they pull it out of u anyways).

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If pings are you problem, then binding a key to the backstab won't help.


If you bind a key to it, you are basically telling the game to do a 180 (so your back is to your enemy) and then telling it to press back+fire. It's exactly the same thing as doing it yourself, and it won't help at all for lag.


There's no other way, sorry. If you're lagging too much, upgrade to broadband or a better broadband ISP. If you can't do that or can't afford it, well, tough. Sorry.

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i would just like to say one more thing this is a help forum not an ethics board, if the guys want to know how to bind a backstab tell him u ppl don't decide wat he can do or can't do. or at least have the decency not to post, i mean look it took like 15 posts just to get a decnt answear the rest were "i know but im not telling" it\f you don't aggrea with wats hes trying to do don't post, or if u really have the urg to at least give a decent answear.

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