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Need to know how to BInd BackStab

Kin Lun Phoenix

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THANK VIO!!!!!!! I was careless not to have stated what u said. I won't make that mistake again. But thanks



Toppdog, I already know about that part of the bind, but again that is not what I needed. What u put will not allow me to excute backstab even if the person is not behind me. I though at first that I can do that to adjust for my lag.

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What you want then is a script that will turn you 180 degrees & then do the backstab/slash. Chect out the script threads in the Multiplayer Strategies forum to see how to do this. There is no one perfect script/bind for this because you have to customize the amount of turn for each player & then you have to keep adjusting it depending on lag/ping etc. Either way, as Chrono said above, it wont work unless the guy is directly behind you when you do the backstab part of the script. there is no way to make a script to perform a backstab with nobody around you. You're getting into hacking code, which is way beyond me.


Here's a bind for medium DFA:


bind x "+forward; +moveup; +attack"


Again, like the above script, there are limitations. You have to have the guy close & in your reticle or it won't work. No script will get around this.


The only special moves that can be performed without your opponent in the right spot are the blue lunge & red DFA. You can do these all day with nobody around for miles.

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Thank you for trying. :) But I saw those post a while back.;) I guess I am really frusstrated that I can be pretty ok in No force duals, but suck like **** in servers with FFA, CTF, etc. Because of my Lags. I can beat newbies pretty ok. But just can't fight ppl that are good, when I am lagging so much behind. (they can do a DFA and I might not see it until I am dead). So most of the time I have to run around like a crazy chicken so not be kill by DFA. But it make me look like such an amauture, and can't do a decent kill without using DFA myself.:(

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Actually me and my friend created a code which allows an ncp lock to always be behind you even if nobody is....Of course it can be a pain some times especially in ffa or ctf because you'll want to back up and dfa someone or just swing yet you back swing and the n00b dfa's you while your doing it =(.....Other than that I love it because you can be facing someone/people and suddenly bust out a backstab and then boom......5 dead Jedi. And then of course they all hate you and are like "WTF U FAG?!?!" Also I love the fact that its an automatic kill when I kick you and or just pull you down to the ground, and with my max sensitivity mouse and spin script... backstab you into hell and theres no escaping it and rarely any survive.

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friends, jedi, countrymen...the n00b has spoken.


pretty creative scripting on your part. but if they say that they have every reason to. you asked for scenario? there's your perfect example right there. doing that requires no skill in the game whatsoever. press a key, do a move. people like you make me sick.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

please you couldn't kill me in a duel even if I had no saber. you doubt me come find me on http://www.volarisgames.com jk2 servers. I will show you a thing or two.


And btw, doing the backstab with no one behind is impossible.





I would kick your ugly n00b face any day. Anyplace , Anyday.

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Originally posted by sak

Top dog!


You are a true master not that darth maul wannabe(-Chrono_MOT-)

I could kill him before you could say backstab!!:p


Have you even PLAYED chrono?

He is pretty tough.

He isnt THE master....he can be killed....but he is damn good,thats for sure.

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-Chrono_MOT-.... I dont know if that was an attempted flame, but I could really care less, however I would like to show you what little knowledge you have on the subject you speak of...


A. You say the noob has spoken, well if that was directed toward me do you honestly think a "noob" could create a code of this magnitude? Don't be a fool...


B. Again you say "Pretty creative scripting on your part" well actually its not, its coding, far more difficult than scripting, the likes of which I doubt you or most people here could understand thats why very few will ever have/obtain this.


C. Lastly you said something like "Press 1 button do a move, people like this make me sick, it requires no skill whatsoever" Again showing your ignorance. Listen you press 1 button and if you want to count taping back 2 to preform a backtab, I do the same, the only advantage I have is that nobody has to behind me....Does that give me an advantage in dueling or such? No, and many times its a disadvantage because of its flaws...if you still believe that requires no skill whatsoever then you obviously are more dense then first preceived...


Finally if "people" like me make you "sick"......Tough.......Learn to deal with it....Or get over it....Because responses such as yours don't amuse me...

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Originally posted by 12ed Seph][oth

Actually me and my friend created a code which allows an ncp lock to always be behind you even if nobody is....Of course it can be a pain some times especially in ffa or ctf because you'll want to back up and dfa someone or just swing yet you back swing and the n00b dfa's you while your doing it =(.....Other than that I love it because you can be facing someone/people and suddenly bust out a backstab and then boom......5 dead Jedi. And then of course they all hate you and are like "WTF U FAG?!?!" Also I love the fact that its an automatic kill when I kick you and or just pull you down to the ground, and with my max sensitivity mouse and spin script... backstab you into hell and theres no escaping it and rarely any survive.



[/me bows to Chrono in acknowledgement]

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i'm with 12ed Seph][oth on that one (on the skill part) but hey, different strokes for different folks, if he likes that way of fighting that's his deal, if you like fair fights that's your deal too, you guys have to get used to other peoples oppinions and needs, this isn't only your world that goes by your rules only

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