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Scenarios. The death of SWGB on the zone?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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I hate to admit it, but even my infinite patience in this regard is being tested out here. The truth is, this patch is quite simply the final hope LA has to rectify the problem. War3, AOM alpha, and even titles like NWN are gaining an uneccessary boost to their already competitive appeal.


People have been coping without Rated (albeit it has cost the game MOST severely), but this garbage with the rooms has become the straw that is 'breaking the camel's back'.


There is an alternative solution to the rooms that I am unsure as to why it has not been pursued. The 'default' room (Galactic Tyrranny) should be changed to a Scenario Room instead with the RM rooms moved lower. For the world of me, I cannot imagine why this has not been done. RM players are typically older, more conscientous, and have always demonstrated a greater commitment to the game. It is logical (for more reasons than this) to assume that they would be more likely to take to using the correct rooms if they were retitled accordingly.


However, it is possibly too late even for that simple solution. The bottom line right now is that if this patch doesn't accompany some of the core changes which ironically would have been welcomed more strongly than an x-pac, the number of otherwise committed players (i.e. the experts/goods/high ints) that will leave will see to the effective death of all of the strategy forums and the end of competetive RM.

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Armageddon, I actually said something like that in a previous post of mine. Why not try switching the names of the game rooms, I think all they want is to be in the first rooms, maybe that will leave them.....


Also, I hardly ever, if at all play at the zone, sadly. But, If you guys are willing, I am there for you guys as another man in the blockade wall ;)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This is something I am praying that the patch brings. Either way, MSN ZONE has to change the rooms to allow the patch to work, I really hope that they also change the rooms.


I dont care were the RM rooms are, but we need them and we need to make sure that the Scenarios dont move in there.


Fingers crossed for later today.



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Ok, I DON'T normaly post messages on boards like this but this is getting WAY outta hand. Today is 7/11 and at noon in both the SWGB and CC RM 1 Lobbys(that being 102 games all told) there are just 9 RM games. Whats the answer?? I don't know but I have some ideas.

For starters telling the people that play scenarios or DM all the time to go to the correct room isn't going to get anything done. Its either kids that won't listen or stuborn teens/adults. Its like talking to dead man.

So what to do about it. 1) Well we could get a bunch of people to send The Zone an e-mail asking for more games pre lobby. Say around 70 maby. 2) Ask The Zone to change the names back to Galactic Tyranny and things like that and let anyone play anything......anywhere(not crazy about that one). 3) Fianally we could go the hard route. This last one won't be easy and would need DMUK to spearhead it but.....a online petition perhaps started right here with enough people siging it would be hard to ingore. If u take the fact that at most there are 600 people in SWGB at peak time we would need 300 to 400 people to sign it. This seems to be the best answer in my view.

I'd like to end by sayin that I do play a scenario every now and again but have mostly stuck to RM as late because this is a problem that needs fixed so I will boycott scenarios til then. I'm not a GREAT RMer but how can I get better without any RM games to play?

Any commets and/or ideas?

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I agree completely with DMUK. I play lots of Scenarios cuz i like some of them, but recently they are beginning to suck........... like kids changing them so they will always win...........


I have been playing RM games recently. Even though I stink pretty bad, but thats how you get better. My streak: 1W/1L!!


Anywho, if the Scenaro kiddies would goto Scenario Room, I would go. I have been trying to host Scenarios in the Scenario Room and advertising in other rooms, but with very little success. I think people are just too lazy to goto the Scenario Room to play.


Either the Zone needs to take some action to fix this, or they could just change the name of CC Random Map 1 to something like "All Games", and make CC RM 2 be the first room.



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I remember when it was "galactic tyranny" "rebel alliance" "sith masters" etc. It was alot easier then. Now we go into the CC RM rooms to find hero fests, fort blood, and deathmatch everywhere. I just went on there to find a few people in the DM room and no one in the scenario. I dont know how we'll ever get this to stop. :bdroid2:

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Just to be the voice of reason here, the scenario players are not totally at fault. I see Lucus Arts as having a lot more of the blame. They totally copied AoK, but only changed units without improving ANYTHING. The graphics are bad enough for any game, but for Lucus Arts (a graphics company) the graphics on this game are completely worthless $H!T. The AI also is not any better than aok, it may even be worse. Now all of this is insane due to the fact that GB came out 2 years after aok. THIS IS THE MAIN ReASON PEOPLE LEAVE.


I don't see scenarios as the death of GB, I see them as the only thing keeping it alive. There is absolutely no reason to play RM games when aok has better players, rated rooms, same gameplay and graphics, and MUCH better unit balance. The only thing GB has going for it is the scenarios because that is the only thing that is at all different from aok.


I have made an RPG scenario based on SWG, but thats only because I find no challenge in RM here. All the rm experts are in aok and I find no challenge in rm if the team isn't sided against me.


And another thing, why do we not have 75 game rooms like most other games, including aok?


PS. I agree senate is boring and worthless

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The game having 'bad graphics' has nothing to do with what is happening on the zone.


Scenario players ARE killing GB off by taking up slots that are meant for the RM players. Like people have said here, its totally selfish.


Decent RM players and even new ones cant find a game and are leaving the zone to play off line. The fact that SWGB uses the AOK game engine wasnt actually a shock to anyone - we already knew - hence why alot of people bought it.


I hope that with the release of the patch, Scenario players are FORCED to play in the correct room, with the zone adding the new 1.1 patch for CC, I hope they sort out the rooms.



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i have seen a number of senarios on the games and they are gettin me and other ppl really angry. word for the wise, there are other room to play in though. there are 4 Random Maps Games, 4 DM games and 2 custom maps. its like they don't see the room "Custom Maps Room 1 and 2." God, ppl are so blind sometimes. i just went to the game room, more than half are scenarios. this is sad. is this the fate of GB CC?

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Armageddon, I have great respect for you, and AU, your clan. But when I member of your clan, apparently a high ranking member, is doing exactly the opposite of your views, and hosting Scenario games in the RM room, and swearing repetitively at me, all for telling him there is a room specifically FOR Scenarios, I find it hard to repect AU as much as I should, and would like to.


If you would like this members name I have it for you, but I would like to try and keep it quiet as muchas I can on the forums as not to cause any embarassment.

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The most lame scenario to ever exist BY FAR is a Senate game.

I mean, how hard is it to win a game, that you make, by giving yourself a ridiculously unfair advantage to begin with? Ooh, I'll give myself a deathstar with 30,000 hit points and a severe amount of attack power that will wipe most enemies out with one shot. That's fair... give me a break. These lamers wouldn't last 20 minutes in an RM room....

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Random map Means Any map and a scenario is a map so there is no complaint and some people could just go into another room and the boycotters don't help because they take up rooms and just sit there which means that it is being wasted :lsduel: it is a fight of wills really everyone at some point in time goes into scenarios and then they have the cheak to complain Even my Clan is guilty of it we do use random map room 2 which is always next to empty :deathii: when the random map room 1 is always full :deathstar it's silly but at least we don't clog up other rooms people who want random maps should just go into random map 2 it means that there is a place for peolpe to play so it means that they can't complain about scenario rooms or you could always go into the scenario rooms since NO ONE uses them :bdroid1: i do understand what everyone is saying though it is paathetic they should rename the rooms but i am most angry with people locking themselves in rooms or using them for chat instead they should go to msn chat it's pathetic :o and just plain daft and a patch would just make people angry for some of theses scenarios people spend months it would be a shame for that to go to waste the best soloution is what has already been suggested changing the rooms to name like galactic tyranny and sith lords and things and try to make them bigger say a 149 more to take each room up to a round 200 clear up the lag and make more lobby's say 6 more taking it up to ten then no one can make a justified honest complaint.:cool:






For Honour

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Yes, it is sad but true that CC is dying because of scenarios in the RM room. Unfortunately though I think it is too late. Already finding even inters is next to impossible, and that is if a room can be obtained. In terms of RM games, CC is already dead IMO. :( If nothing is done then the RM room will be full of scenarios, but if something is done the RM room may well be empty, the way things are going right now.

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I enjoy both a good RM and Scenario, I hate it when a host decides to give himself the advantage but there will always be such fools but as we all know CC random map one and GB randpm map pne are the rooms with the most players and to add to this on most days at least 5-8 rooms are locked up or camped by people not there and it just aint fair. If you can get enuff people to go to the scenario room them i would have no objectio n hosting and playing games there and i don't tink most people would

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If yall must continue complaining about this, why don't you go and do something about it. The main reason people don't go to the scenario room is because it is always empty. If you want to help fix this, join the scenario room as well as random room 1. You can have both open, and make the room look like it has more people. Get enough people to do it you may get the change you want.


Although again I am gonna say that I believe that scenarios are the only thing keeping GB alive. There is nothing in this game that is any better than AoK. Plus all the good RM players stayed in AoK as they wait for AoM. My point in my preious post was not to condeem GB, but point out that the only thing this game has over AoK is that there is a lot more potential for scenarios because of the focus of the units.

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Originally posted by DAoC_Purelight

There is nothing in this game that is any better than AoK


IMO this game has much better balance than AoC has. I haven't played AoC in awhile so I don't remember which ones but there are a few civs that all the experts use, and the rest are n00b civs. Koreans got banned for being strong in DM, the patch made them worthless in RM. One of the civs, Chinese IIRC, was completely ruined by TC, and last time I bothered to play that game the Huns were a great expert civ.


This game also has better graphics than AoC. Ships explode in a plume of water when they are destroyed, rather than AoC's lame collapse into a piece of driftwood. They could have at least shown them sink or something. Buildings explode and it looks really cool in CC (cool enough for it to be worthwhile to make a realistic-looking scenario template of an entire map of stuff blowing up). AoC just had the building dissappear into a pile of rubble.


IMO this game is much better than AoC.

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