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Female Skins and Models!


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Female skins and models are lacking to say the least so I thought I would compile this list of the best ones for you. ;)



hmmm, can't seem to find the link to the Nina Williams skin I have. If anyone knows it, please post it.


Note to all server admins: Please add as many female skins as you can to your servers, Thank You.


btw: I have put in an official request for a Trinity from The Matrix Model, if anyone wants to back this up, here is the link:

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Originally posted by GreyKnight



U trying to turns us into tr@nsvestites huh??? :mad:


Ain't gonna work ! :p


Unless, we get a nice red dress with a big split up the back?




lol...not at all...I'm a girl and I always play as a girl and I know a lot of men that like playing as girls (kinda like when you played Tomb Raider). This post is just to let people know there are more than the standard 3 female skins and hopefully get a few server admins to download them! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yep, Trinity kicks major butt and would whoop the a$$ of any of the others on the list.


thats cause Trin knows the matrix and uses it at here advantage.

i cant think of the other girls doing such moves.


padme? i hope she can

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