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Double sabers cracked! Pics inside!


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Besides being reply #200, I was wondering Sithlord if on the side, you could take crack at making animations for the second saber, so in a sense, you are helping out Attack of the Clones MOD AND the JEDIMOD... that way we all win... is that cool???

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yea, I thought so, but your avatar was different, it was that of Paul Walker, the guy from the Fast and the Furious that wants to be on Vin Diesel's team.but it'd be cool if maybe DEST could have a webpage running of JediLive so people can check then to see if his server is online or offline. but I heard he will be releasing it anyday now, not certain on exact date... my thing from earlier was just a teaser:) ;)


But it'd also be nice if IIF-Sithlord could make the animations for the 2nd saber, since he did say he was an animator for the Attack of the Clones TC, which will be featuring dual sabers w/ animation anyway..

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I can't get connected! Is says awaiting gamestate.......then it juts sits there until an error comes up saying invalid game folder.....what do i do? I have the 1.04 patch and have auto-d/l on. But it still don;t work. Can someone help!!??

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My Goodness WTF is up with jediknightii.net why are they are dragging A$$ on Updating the files.I think they should understand this is the BIG ONE that all Of Us have been waiting for..Get with the program, not to mention with all of us checking the site every half hour(some maybe more often)that we are eating their bandwith ,

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