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I'm going to go ahead and add those side ridges. But as for the flames from the back, I don't think that would be all to good. it would be nice if I could have them only show up in a jump, but I don't hink that would be possible. Unless I can weight the ends of it to some part of the body that moves down during the jump. I'll have to check on it though. Having it on all the time would be tacky and would only be an excuse to have a shader on there.


[edit]Also, I might just make a jabba model. It would only be a map model though. Possibly for use in a good Sail Barge or Jabba's Palace level, if someone actually make it look good. (Note: the ones already released... suck)[/edit]

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well, kman, at first i was a little skeptical of this model. was i ever surprised! although a jkII purist (i.e. i feel only star wars related characters should be used in-game), i think the model you have created is *BLEEP* incredible.


i'm having a hard time picturing a hero from the early 20th century on earth wielding a light saber, but maybe a mod with new enemies/levels/weapons could be made that he could kick some major @$$ in. dunno, just a thought.


please don't take offense at my comments, and PLEASE don't ban me from the forums because of my opinion ... j/k. :D


great job, kman ... keep up the great work!

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  • 2 months later...

I have put him away for now. I'll most likely pick him back up after I finish Samus and Plo Koon. The model is unwrapped and ready to be animated. Hopefully, I'll be able to get that part of him done myself.

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