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I'm tired of you babies...


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Originally posted by Luc Solar

"I agree with the poster of this thread. This is a FPS game. As someone said before, the win IS the fun."


No. No no no no no. If that is how you feel, too bad. I feel kinda sorry for you....but you'll probably "get it" some day. :p



"People who complain about assfighting, bsing, etc. are those who can't adapt or get enough skills so they can do it themselves."



This is bull****. I can't believe I have to listen to that crap over and over and over again!

Even though just about every single post says: "Yes, I can counter it, yes I can do it myself, that is not the issue", someone replies with: "People who complain can't adapt or get enough skills so they can do it themselves."


(Like...how on earth could *you* know the skills of every complainer?)


But no, I'm not saying that a skilled player could not possibly ever play like a lamer or spam a move. Anyway, that's beside the point...as is "skill or no skill" or "kill or get killed".



Let's get this straight once and for all:












Ok? :mad:


Well, Luc, you're kind of contradicting yourself here. You stated that in your original post, the game should be fun for everyone. Well, what if 95 percent of the server thinks the WIN is the fun, and the other five percent just want to have their "fun"? Who wins? As far as your reply on adapting to the game..well, I used to get CONSTANTLY owned..all the time. I was the guy who was getting killed ten times in a minute. Well guess what? I ADAPTED. Now..I make the kills, and know the counters. Besides, if someone is getting killed that much, something is wrong with their defense. I consider myself a good player. If guy spawns in front of be after I kill him a few times, I do as you do. Let him decide. Guess what? Nine times out of ten they point their ass towards me and unleash a hail of saber swings. You define backswing moves as "spam”. Well, I say, stick with what works. No one ever says anything about missile "spam" or cannon "spam", but as soon as someone starts doing pull/backstab..watch out! They're spamming!! It kind of seems this whole thread has upset you, judging by the comments you’re making towards other people "feeling sorry" for them, and belittling them saying "they'll get it someday". Maybe you need to "adapt”. If not, and you’re doing fine in the game, good job. My fun is to WIN. Sometimes I goof around, but the majority of the time, I don't play to lose. In my opinion, people who have fun winning far outweigh the people that have fun "just playing"

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Originally posted by mjsca


Well, Luc, you're kind of contradicting yourself here. You stated that in your original post, the game should be fun for everyone. Well, what if 95 percent of the server thinks the WIN is the fun, and the other five percent just want to have their "fun"? Who wins?.........

You define backswing moves as "spam”. Well, I say, stick with what works. No one ever says anything about missile "spam" or cannon "spam", but as soon as someone starts doing pull/backstab..watch out! They're spamming!! ....

My fun is to WIN. Sometimes I goof around, but the majority of the time, I don't play to lose. In my opinion, people who have fun winning far outweigh the people that have fun "just playing"


Let me clarify: Winning is *a (important) part* of the fun. That goes without saying. What I don't uderstand is the kind of people who would go on killing a person who's f.ex. AFK over and over for the whole day and the next day and the next day ad infinitum thus scoring an impressive amount of frags just for the sheer joy of seeing a big number next to their name.


Winning is a part of the fun, but winning without effort, without having fun *doing it* is the thing that I don't get.


If you have a button labeled "insta-kill" on your keyboard, would you go on pushing it and racking kills all day? I doubt it.


(Yes, I know I'm exaggerating, but I'm just trying to make a point...)



In my post I talked about spamming in general, not pull-sweeps or whatever. I don't really care what it is. It makes no difference whether it is backstab, "crouch", "jump" or "backwards-roll" that people are spamming. It is still boring and very "un-Star Wars like".



...sorry if my earlier post came out a bit...well..you know. I was just sick and tired of hearing the old "you whine 'cause you can't counter it"-crap.

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Originally posted by mjsca

This my first post here, and I registred only to post this thread. Every single time I play, I constantly hear people crying about what I do or what someone else does. I even see it in these forums. I use the backstab/pull move constantly. I'm not talking about ass fighting either. I'm talking about using timing to execute the move. Why? Because it's a one hit kill, and I can move on to someone else, and so on and so on. Not for frags, but for the purpose of defense or offense. I always hear "get a new move", or "that's cheap", and some other choice words that deal with my mom, or sexual preference. Well for all of you who say that, guess what? You died, I didn't. If the designers put it in the game, I'm going to use it. I think it's time for you babies to learn how to COUNTER the moves, or learn how to PERFORM the moves that I, and many, many others execute. I think the only reason you cry is because you don't know how to play yourself. Ever heard of absorb? If you don't like using Light side, hell, turn on dark rage when you get knocked down. Want to knock someone down that has absorb? Know how to kick? There's many ways. If you get owned, then well, too bad. Spawn again, and if you're that pissed, go back and try to take the guy who got you out. Don't insult them, or cry, because it makes you look like little babies. Learn to deal with it, or learn to do it. Simple. Just for the record, I'm not addressing all of you on this forum. If what I have said makes you upset, you're the one I'm talking to, because your're probably one of the players I'm talking about. For everyone else, I applaud all of you that find new counters, learn new moves, and commend people that kill you. You keep the community's positve attitude alive.


Can't you just turn off the chat?


Isn't there an option?


All that whining for nothing.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


LOL! Duelers are always pointing at FFA pros and claiming that they are horrible.


I never said a good FFA player would complain, just the inexperienced ones.

Yes, there are some damn good FFA players who can take on multiple opponents, and constantly be aware of their surroundings and be in full control.

The point I was trying to make is that FFA, or standard "death match" is where you will find most of the inexperienced players (as in sheer numbers).

Think about the first time you played this game online, you went to the in-game browser and saw "Jedi Master"? "Capture the Ysalimari"? WTF is a Ysalimari?

Everyone knows what a FFA game is so most people try that out first.

Hence the "How do I change the colors in my name?" and "Press K dude" comments that are abundant in that game type.

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The BS is a serious fluke in the game. Why should a hit like that be so strong? I dont see the point of it at all. It really should be weakened in a patch, because it is ridicolous right now.



I also agree with Luc completely on this:


Originally posted by Luc Solar


Let me clarify: Winning is *a (important) part* of the fun. That goes without saying. What I don't uderstand is the kind of people who would go on killing a person who's f.ex. AFK over and over for the whole day and the next day and the next day ad infinitum thus scoring an impressive amount of frags just for the sheer joy of seeing a big number next to their name.


Winning is a part of the fun, but winning without effort, without having fun *doing it* is the thing that I don't get.


If you have a button labeled "insta-kill" on your keyboard, would you go on pushing it and racking kills all day? I doubt it.


(Yes, I know I'm exaggerating, but I'm just trying to make a point...)



In my post I talked about spamming in general, not pull-sweeps or whatever. I don't really care what it is. It makes no difference whether it is backstab, "crouch", "jump" or "backwards-roll" that people are spamming. It is still boring and very "un-Star Wars like".



...sorry if my earlier post came out a bit...well..you know. I was just sick and tired of hearing the old "you whine 'cause you can't counter it"-crap.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

I doubt this will make any sense to many of you, but then again...why the hell would you give *your* seat to some old lady? After all, it's your seat and you found it first, right? :rolleyes:


My thoughts exactly. So many self-centered jerks out there.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Let's get this straight once and for all:












Ok? :mad:


I 100% agree. It's just not fun.


I'm one of those wierd people who play games for fun - real life is a more serious matter. This is not to insult anyone, but some people just need to chill out (not you Luc).

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"...sorry if my earlier post came out a bit...well..you know. I was just sick and tired of hearing the old "you whine 'cause you can't counter it"-crap."


No problem at all. I can see you're insterested in the discussion, and I'm pleased at that. Your insta-kill button analogy was a good point. I think if it becomes TOO easy to kill quick, it begins to get boring. For me, I'm comfortable for now. It's funny..right before I posted this, I was playing. For the hell of it, I went to medium stance..using no backstab. Talk about getting my ass handed to me! I couldn't take people out fast enough. I'd get one, but the rest would hack me up, or shoot the hell out of me. So..with that in mind, do you think it's now more of a matter of stayling alive? I sure as hell do. And as far as the "spam" being "un-starwars like", I agree with you in some ways. But it is a computer game. You're not suggesting that I have a missile launcher, spam missiles like all hell, defending my base, but then switch to a different weapon, JUST becasue I'm spamming? I think the "spam" is a part of every FPS. Maybe your idea and mine differ on what a FPS should be.

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For the hell of it, I went to medium stance..using no backstab. Talk about getting my ass handed to me! I couldn't take people out fast enough. I'd get one, but the rest would hack me up, or shoot the hell out of me. So..with that in mind, do you think it's now more of a matter of stayling alive?


Just to be fair, I take on multiple players at once very often, be they sabreists or gunners. Gunners go down faster, after a quick pull on their guns. Sabreists just take time, and well placed lunges. I dont use backstab anymore, because honestly, I feel more than a little dirty using it.


I'm really not a very good sabreist, either. I'd say (1-10) I'm about a 7 or 8. Ok, but not great. I like them guns.


As for the spamming being a part of the game today, thats true. But is it effective spam? Nine times out of ten, it isnt, so people really dont worry. Think about it. If I fire 5 rockets at random intervals down a wide corridor, how many people do you think I'm gonna hit? (firing into crowds doesnt count, thats just smart)


BS is certainly spam, or can be, and its effective. So now we have this debate about whether or not its wrong.


Wont change things, really. As long as people can hide behind their computer screens, they'll continue to make people mad without fear of retribution and retaliation.



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” For the hell of it, I went to medium stance..using no backstab. Talk about getting my ass handed to me! I couldn't take people out fast enough. I'd get one, but the rest would hack me up, ….”


LoL! Yeah…I know. I’ve been playing a lot using only normal medium swings, and ending up with zero kills. The main reason, however, is that since everyone is only doing the DFA & spin like crazy – combo, there’s no chance in hell that you’d be lucky enough to land numerous hits on someone jumping around without anyone else even touching (=killing) him meanwhile.



”You're not suggesting that I have a missile launcher, spam missiles like all hell, defending my base, but then switch to a different weapon, JUST becasue I'm spamming? I think the "spam" is a part of every FPS. Maybe your idea and mine differ on what a FPS should be.”



I don’t know…perhaps it’s just our opinions on spamming that differ? I don’t think ”going crazy with the flechette’s alt-fire” is spamming, but; Fighting a person who is doing that and only that all day does, however, get annoying/boring at some point. I guess the key word here is repete..repite…uh…repetititi…umm…nevermind :D



Oh, and Quietsith,

(”but some people just need to chill out (not you Luc).”)


Well, I’m not sure if I agree on that one. I probably should chill out every now and then too.

It’s just as :yoda: has tought us: Tempting the :lightning: is…but control your :swear: you must, only then are you ready to post.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

For all of you calling these types of moves, "cheap" and so on, here is what I have to say to you... Think about it this way. Whenever you do it to someone you rejoice and your team mates rejoice. But when they do it to you, it suddenly becomes a cheap move. Isn't that just a lil stupid lol.


I don't do it to people because I think its cheap. It doesn't become cheap because someone used it to kill me, its cheap to begin with.



Originally posted by |DEM|Mosleg


There's a way out of the pull backstab cheap move. When you fall get up pull their ass and cut their head off.


I have to ask, have you actually played this game before?



”You're not suggesting that I have a missile launcher, spam missiles like all hell, defending my base, but then switch to a different weapon, JUST becasue I'm spamming? I think the "spam" is a part of every FPS. Maybe your idea and mine differ on what a FPS should be.”


Except that you do run out of missiles, and at that time you get rushed and the attacking team kicks your ass. Unfortunately lightsabers tend to not run out of ammo.




Backstab should not be removed.


Nerfed? Ehh...maybe, but I don't know. The spinning while doing a backstab? That, thankfully, is on its way out, and I hope it does for BS what it did for DFA.

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