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A Republic Gunship we can all live with!

Darth Windu

Which would you prefer for the Republic Gunship in SW:GB?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prefer for the Republic Gunship in SW:GB?

    • Gunship as the 2nd Republic unique unit
    • Gunship as a toybox unit
    • Gunship as a cheat unit
    • I don\'t want the Gunship at all

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

ISimwiz, his ally was a bunch of houses and a command center. Yet it still took you forever to destroy it. Pbguy and i had a pretty massive t2, battle, followed by an equally massive t3 battle between him and his ally's remenants and me. I only won because i was able to plop a fort down on the battlefeild. Our scores were not equal, and pb's and his allies scores were not equal. On saturday, when pbguy hands you your a$$ ill be right there laughing.


That's ok Sith, u just told me on the phone u made this **** up. Don't even try to deny it, I'm sure no one wants to hear any more lies from you. It's too bad everyone can't hear you giggling "hey Will guess what I just said they will think you are a n00b hehehe im soooo cool now". Grow up please.


If you only won because you plopped down a fort then you really suck. And I can beat you in 1v1, so if you beat pbguy then I can beat pbguy.

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hey Will guess what I just said they will think you are a n00b hehehe im soooo cool now".

a) i have not talked to you on the phone since i posted

b) your trying to make me look like bill r with that whole im cool no one else is

That's ok Sith, u just told me on the phone u made this **** up.

Ditto letter a above

If you only won because you plopped down a fort then you really suck. And I can beat you in 1v1, so if you beat pbguy then I can beat pbguy. It's truly sad that you were rebels and I was still

First it was, if you could read, it was 2 armies against my one, and they were fighting a defensive battle and had the "home team advantage", thus, my building of the fort, leveled the playing field, in more ways than one, if you get my drift. Second, you only beat me with bullzye's help and if you want to argue that, ill bring him on to back me up.


Simwiz i find it quite immature that you come on to these forums starting flame wars with windu, leaving the intelligent posting up to people like kryllith. Now that windu no longer posts, you turn on other forumers like pbguy, jcb, joesdomain, and myself. Im glad that youve contain your urge to flame other people to only windus already pointless threads, stearing clear of threads where other, more grown up, people post. If you want to sit in the low life threads and sling mud at anyone who comes near you, be my guest, but it will be pretty lonely down there. I hope this closes the subject.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

(1) Second, you only beat me with bullzye's help and if you want to argue that, ill bring him on to back me up.


(2) Simwiz i find it quite immature that you come on to these forums starting flame wars with windu, leaving the intelligent posting up to people like kryllith. Now that windu no longer posts, you turn on other forumers like pbguy, jcb, joesdomain, and myself. Im glad that youve contain your urge to flame other people to only windus already pointless threads, stearing clear of threads where other, more grown up, people post. If you want to sit in the low life threads and sling mud at anyone who comes near you, be my guest, but it will be pretty lonely down there. I hope this closes the subject.


1 - The relic-capture was my idea and I executed it. Just becase your mommy banned you from the computer mid-game and we had to wait several weeks and I happened to talk about the game with bulzeye does not mean he helped me. You make it sound like a 2v1. At least you actually admitted to losing, that was more than I expected from someone like you.


2 - ROFL, you can't be serious. I mean you're joking, right? I was the one who said on the phone that you always had to be flaming someone, and when Windu-bashing got old you turned on me. You are really pathetic if you have to take someone else's argument to make yourself seem good. Do you have low self-confidence or something? I am also very amused that while you admit to losing to me you are for some reason denying that we talked on the phone. Sad.


And anyone with eyes and a monitor and a computer and an internet connection can see that you have started almost every flame war between us. You always make some smartass jab and expect me not to say anything. It is irritating at most, but the problem is if I don't say anything people might think you are telling the truth which would be very bad indeed. OTOH, people are not as dumb as you think, Sith, and they can likely tell if you are lying. I just respond to remove all doubt.


Sith, you act immature like this in school as well, gleefully laughing when you close someone's locker or spill Snapple all over the cafeteria floor. Or like 2 years ago when you would write on people's worksheets in algebra or make irritating noises during tests. I thought maybe you would have grown up a bit since then, but I guess I was wrong. You act like a 2 year old on the phone, on these forums and everywhere else. No wonder you are always getting banned from the computer. If I was as immature as you I wouldn't even have a computer and would probably be grounded 90% of the time.


IIRC Corran has even said that you started this flame war... something about putting a loaded gun in front of 2 people that hate each other...


And the reason I haven't done much strategic posting lately is because I got a new computer and am having more fun playing games that I couldn't a month ago, and usually only go on Lucasforums for 90 minutes every other weekday during architecture drawing class (they have pentium 3 pc's, not bad for a school :))... and all of that time is spent responding to Sith's peurile flame wars.


Pbguy, now I will post some screenshots to prove my point about one of our 2 games - the one where I beat you, not sith.

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Here they are! Or it I should say, I put it into one file for your convenience.


I don't remember WHY I saved these. I guess as I must have thought they would be useful sometime... maybe I'm psychic :)


I will admit that from the military stats, you gave me a harder time than your ally gave sith, but I don't think your ally was very good.



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Originally posted by pbguy1211

Just be ready to lose tomorrow.

i propose one game on your settings, then one on mine.


Umm, einstein, 2 games means there is a chance for a tie, there needs to be a third compromise game. And no spectators, especially Sith, since you whine I assume you may also cheat, having Sith send zone messages about where my units are, etc.


I only get the computer for an hour at a time, so we may have to save and continue. And it may be tomorrow, it may be Sunday, it will be whenever I have time.


I will host since I have a faster computer, and after I will post screenshots on my webpage.

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Simwiz, dude, thats the wrong game!:lol:

Thats the other game with pbguy, with you attacking him and me his ally. If i remember correctly, when pbguy quit because he was fed up with your slow speed, i was closing in his ally's cc, and pbguy was about to wipe your forward base off the side of the earth:lol:

especially Sith, since you whine I assume you may also cheat, having Sith send zone messages about where my units are, etc.

Werent you the one who was asking me to cheat for you? Oh, well, cant wait until tomorrow, and the end of this flame war (but knowing simwiz, he'll cry foul if he loses, being a sore loser and all):D

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

(1) Simwiz, dude, thats the wrong game!:lol:

Thats the other game with pbguy, with you attacking him and me his ally. If i remember correctly, when pbguy quit because he was fed up with your slow speed, i was closing in his ally's cc, and pbguy was about to wipe your forward base off the side of the earth:lol:


(2) Werent you the one who was asking me to cheat for you? Oh, well, cant wait until tomorrow, and the end of this flame war (but knowing simwiz, he'll cry foul if he loses, being a sore loser and all):D


1 - What, it's the wrong game because it's the one where I beat him? :rolleyes::lol: If I remember correctly, pbguy quit because he is a baby and cannot stand to lose. Also, if I remember correctly he never made it to T3 and I was in T3, so how exactly was my forward base going to be wiped off the side of the earth? Were his little trooper recruits going to slaughter my upgraded heavies and turrets?


2 - HAHAHA - No. I don't cheat. There is no point to winning if I cheat. Even if no one found out, I would know. And I wouldn't want such a hollow victory. Unlike you and pbguy I don't consider it that important to be seen as better than someone at a GAME.

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I was wondering about those stats because I could have sworn I was never even fighting simwiz in the one I was talking about. I totally forgot about the game I quit because the speed was pissing me off! :p


3 games won't be needed... read into that what you will.


I doubt you have a faster computer... and I'll post screens and the game file itself too. You just want to host to be able to use cheats don't you? And an hour at a time? I guess I'll have to make this pretty fast... be prepared.

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

(1) I was wondering about those stats because I could have sworn I was never even fighting simwiz in the one I was talking about. I totally forgot about the game I quit because the speed was pissing me off! :p


(2) 3 games won't be needed... read into that what you will.


(3) I doubt you have a faster computer... and I'll post screens and the game file itself too. (4) You just want to host to be able to use cheats don't you? (5) And an hour at a time?(6) I guess I'll have to make this pretty fast... be prepared.


1 - If you can't play on normal speed then you aren't very good are you? And you left because you were losing horribly. Or maybe you just couldn't locate that elusive Advance to T3 button.


2 - ...because I will win the first 2. Agreed.


3 - My computer is worth more than your house.


Pentium 4 2533 mHz


Geforce 4 ti4600 128 MB



Yeah, my point exactly. I host.


4 - How does hosting allow me to use cheats? You aren't the brightest star in the sky are you? No one can cheat unless cheats are eneabled, then everyone can use cheats. Hacks? Anyone could use them, it doesn't matter if they host. Though I can't get base++ mod for tribes 2 to work with Windows XP, so I doubt I could get hacks even if I wanted to.


5 - Yeah. See it's this concept of there being a few other people in a family, and they happen to like to use the new computer too... my sister isn't quite stupid enough to only use the old computer.


6 - Make it fast? You mean you're going to RUSH me? Oh no, please no, I was hoping you would turtle. :rolleyes:


Dont say that. The insecure braggart doesnt need to be provoked.


LoL, that's okay, I know you're just jealous because you are stuck with a pentium 1, and slow cable internet.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Oh, yeah, simwiz, high pentium three, and a cable connection that makes your dsl look like 56k.


High pentium 4 here :)


Cable may have slightly faster downstream so your webpages load 1/8 second faster than with DSL... too bad cable goes down every other week... and many games require upstream as well, and for that cable is even SLOWER than 56k, though you won't see them advertizing that...


ADSL has upstream about 2-3 times as fast as Cable's upstream. SDSL upstream is even faster and cable doesn't even compare.

Cable has downstream about 0.8-1.5 times as fast as ADSL's downstream.

DSL has never gone down in the 4 years I have had it; while just last July your cable was down for 2 weeks. There have been smaller downtimes sprinkled thoughout the year on comcast. The same cable that made you want to "Damn Comcast to hell" is suddenly your favorite type of internet? At least my internet hasn't sucked so much that I went on an online forum and cursed at it. :lol:


Taken from comcast website:

...faster than DSL.¹

1. Speed comparison is for downloads only and is compared to 640bps DSL. Maximum upstream speed: 128Kbps

Meaning: Don't even try to send files from your computer. You would be better off hopping on AOL to upload the file. And even their faster download figure is compared to the cheaper version of DSL, and at a far distance from the switching station. I am connected at about 1.2Mbps down, 300k up. And the "maximum" part? Better hope that your cable-internet using neighbors don't decide to upload at the same time as you.


Taken from counterstrike:

Select your connection:

modem = 28.8 k

modem = 56k

ISDN/Cable = 112k

DSL > 256k

T1/LAN > 1mb

Naturally the speeds used are upstream because both upstream and downstream is needed for a game and upstream tends to be the more limiting factor (since downstream is so much faster). In this example, DSL is over 2X as fast.



Also form Comcast:

If your cable service is out, your cable modem Internet service will be out as well.

Oops! It's a stormy evening, and no TV, and no internet either. That would be a lot of fun. :p


Both from Sithmaster:

Im sorry I've kinda been absent from recent events. There's a little cable internet provider named Comcast who, for more than a week, neglected an entire street's cable woes. They sat mercilessly spewing remedies like boost the signal and fix the wire, but all they were really doing was stalling their fat sorry @$$es. DAMN COMCAST TO HELL

Gunship UU=stupid



'Nuff said. Next time your cable goes down, I get to say I told you so... ;)


Certain people lack the social skills gained if they actually had lives. And he doesnt understand the concept of a joke.


Yeah, sure. You have a life. You sat in front of your computer all day waiting to see Lucasforums come back up and the game to be played out. While I saw Lucasforums was down and did something else. The second I got home, you wanted to know how the game had gone. You expected me to sit around the house all day waiting for the game like you did. :lol:


And you are the one who is so obsessed with AoM that you watch the same game cinematics over and over, and even take sound files from the beta and play them repeatedly on their computer.


Also, there is a difference between a joke and repeatedly calling someone a n00b on a forum. Past a certain point it stops being funny and starts to become stupid.


Pbguy, if Lucasforums stays up and I have nothing better to do, we could have our games tomorrow.

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Yeah, sure. You have a life. You sat in front of your computer all day waiting to see Lucasforums come back up and the game to be played out. While I saw Lucasforums was down and did something else. The second I got home, you wanted to know how the game had gone. You expected me to sit around the house all day waiting for the game like you did.

Umm...no. I went to cross country practice for the first half of the morning then to mcdonalds with friends, you know, those things you dont have, then i slept unitl like three and walked my dog and came back wondering if your stupid flame war would end.:p

And you are the one who is so obsessed with AoM that you watch the same game cinematics over and over, and even take sound files from the beta and play them repeatedly on their computer.

Im addicted to Aom, i cant help myself:D


And as for cable going down, thats the price you pay for fast as hell internet.:D

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

And as for cable going down, thats the price you pay for fast as hell internet.:D


And that's the price I don't pay for even faster internet where it really counts (mp games). Who really cares if the newest AoM screens show up a split second faster?

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I have an idea. Let's make a new thread. It's called "Weird Crazy Arguments About Multiple Unrelated Topics Which Nobody Really Cares About But Are Amusing To Watch And Have Rapidly Degenerated Into Flame Wars." Sound good?


Er... I'm really not sure who to believe, and I'm really not sure I care whose computer is better. Unless I play a game against you.


leave the intelligent posting to people like Kryllith

Hey! What about meeee! :rolleyes:;)


Honestly everyone, just have your game, drop it, and leave it. Unless, of course, you don't. Hrmmm.

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