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A Republic Gunship we can all live with!

Darth Windu

Which would you prefer for the Republic Gunship in SW:GB?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prefer for the Republic Gunship in SW:GB?

    • Gunship as the 2nd Republic unique unit
    • Gunship as a toybox unit
    • Gunship as a cheat unit
    • I don\'t want the Gunship at all

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ARGH! People!


The only reason this thread has reached a low is: (well actually there's several)

1. My internet is down so I've been away, and it's degenerated without me.

2. Worf.... and then a bunch of arguments and insults.

3. Discussion of how it's reached a new low.


Back on topic! Not the actual topic, of course, the OT topic of ground and air and stuff. That was actually interesting, if we ignore the fact that Sith was irritatingly blocking all of my wonderful ideas. ;):rolleyes:


Windu, I remember not too long ago recommending the same thing to a certain forumer...


Sith- hmm, I'm not sure where that sea thing came from. Anyway.

Not sure about this 'vong' thread... could you just give me a brief summary of why the Smugglers' Union is bad??

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this 'fractions of weakness.' First it was "Corran is making air too good!" and now it's "Corran is making weak air weak!" or some such. Right now, Corran is just confused.


Windu- Didn't I point out not too long ago how ground units are stronger than air, but not as mobile and fast?

And you yourself have said that air units are remarkably good in the SW universe. Why are you changing your stance now?

Ground can be controlled by air. In the SW universe, it is perfectly plausible for an air-based civilisation to construct airborne buildings and have an airborne military force and still control their planet. In fact, this has been done several times in the SW universe; for example, the Ithorians have very few cities on the ground of Ithor (in fact, there may be none at all, I'm not sure) and instead have large floating city-ship things.

In fact, even in real-world modern warfare, an airforce can mantain control over an area of land quite easily. I'm not talking about actual prowess in battle here, of course, I'm talking about the fact that an airforce can hold any location just as easily (in fact, possibly more easily) than a ground force. Unfortunately, in modern warfare, aircraft have to come to rest in ground bases... but this problem isn't encountered in SW.

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  • 11 months later...






This does bring back the memories, doesn't it... all twelve pages of them. In the words of The One, 'whoa.'

But honestly, it's not that bad. Okay, the gunship is bad. Okay, the discussion is bad. Okay, Windu's constant blustering is bad. But, just rereading the last page, I think my final comment about why the thread degenerated still stands.

Funny to think that the thread died a lonely, unmourned death after that same final comment....


Anyway. Some of the stuff I just saw browsing on the last page (mostly between Sith and I) looked like the usual discussion about various GB2 ideas, and I see no problems with resurrecting that particular epic, in particular the Air debate.


*hides from those who want evil to be destroyed forever... ie the entire LF community*

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Perhaps he wants to erase the past. Given the past of this particular thread... I wouldn't so much blame him as pity him.


I do indeed have something to say. Air is the answer!

For those of you with some sense or any vague interest in a possible GB2, hear me out. Hear the pull of the light side... it calls to you, it wants you to review the ideas above. For if you do not, we shall surely fall.

But I believe we will not! This is our moment! This is our time! This is our Independance Day!




*slowly looks around at complete lack of supporting crowd*


*even more slowly realizes his own lack of Americanism, and has no idea when Independance Day is*


*painstakingly slowly backs down from the podium, then turns and bolts at top speed*



Support Air! Please! Your various countries need you!

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  • 11 months later...

Indeed the Gunship thread was only just winding down when I finished lurking and started posting. And indeed my first few victories as an air whore came about mainly from the fact that people were not expecting an all-air assault, so were not prepared to repel it. Now that everyone knows I'm an air whore an all-air attack is harder to pull off, but certainly the fact that people underestimate it at first is certainly what makes it possible.

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