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2 notes about 1.04 patch


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Originally posted by Deetox187

Hey idlemind what settings do you guys use on your {RH} servers? is it just default? i was on one of them last night and the blocking sucks, if you want it more like 1.02 you should turn g_sabertracesaberfirst to 0 and maybe up the damage a bit.


Just a suggestion, i used to really enjoy playing you guys in 1.02 but i will only play 1.04 if i like the settings hehe.


If you like 1.02, I have a server up:

NOTE: Its not up always but alot none the less, and its ADSL/Sweden.

But I always play on BBB Fraggers, great server/Good connection, look for V-tecc, I rule theses people, care to be one of them? :)

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A reminder to players and dedicated server runners: I recommend that you set g_saberTraceSaberFirst to "1" only for duel modes, set it to "0" for all other modes. This will make the saber combat last longer (because blocks work more frequently) in duel mode, but they will be shorter in other modes.


Also, for players: note than you should be able to push while knocked down now (like in SP). So if someone does knock you down and goes for the kill, you may be able to force-push them away if you're facing them.

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Thanks for making push and pull almost worthless. *cries*

But great game otherwise! :)


And friend, the only way to 'balance' a game - is to overpower EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING - then everyone has EQUAL rights to every power at it's maximum - then it's based on skill on who has the talent to use the moves correctly the and the fastest. Try it internally - boost everything and see what I mean - I am talking from experence here :)

See : Street Fighter series :)

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Will there be further patches?

Dont you think there is an imbalance worse then before between light- and dark-sided players?


Why the tweak on grip? (no more running)

No one ever could grip and throw me of a ledge - And if they did, I would grant them that.

That force is useless now.


Why the change to backwards running? - More realism? - A Jedi can jump 10-20 meters up in the air.. but he runs backwards as slow as a crippled turtle, dont you think this will slow down the action in the game? I know that I do.


If the change from 1 tap over to 2 taps on kick was done because of the problem people experienced while trying to jump over a short wall, why didn't you guys make it an option in the controls-menu instead? Let us choose, that can't go wrong.


Or do the opposite: 2 taps = normal jump (if close to an object)


More random blocks and less saber damage = less skill = less fun. IMO


I've played this game a couple of hours every day since it was released, and I love it.

And I am not complaining because I was good then and suck now.

I Never spammed anything before, neither do I spam anything now. I always won then and I always win now - It's just that I have less fun now, with the red saber stance weakened and dark forces made almost useless.


Please see this for what it is: constructive criticism.


1.02: DFA was a problem, ...got nerfed (good)

1.03: BS was a problem, ...got nerfed (good)

1.04: people are complaining about kick now, ...will it get nerfed too?


Instead of crippling moves and forces, why didn't you just strengthen the less powerful ones?


1.02: Light Vs. Dark... dark was the more powerful... so you:


Tweaked Absorb (Good)

Nerfed Drain (Bad)


Result= 1.03(04): Dark Vs. Light ....light is the more powerful now!


I hope you will answer me, and that you understand my point.

Thank you again for a great game.. .so great that I refuse to stop playing it! - V-tecc

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This is just your opinion and I mostly disagree in the most you said.


And Kicks are not overpowered. They are because some g@y NO-FORCE servers have jump to lvl3. No force servers with jump, Like Jump is not a force. Kick is a use of the Force Jump. Activate all other forces and you'll see how useful the Kick is.


Grip is for use in some special maps and not in every map. It is mostly used along with drain where after you have sucked enemy's Energy you can drive him to abyss while can't even push because he has no energy.

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Originally posted by GrEEk_OuTcAsT



This is just your opinion and I mostly disagree in the most you said.


And Kicks are not overpowered. They are because some g@y NO-FORCE servers have jump to lvl3. No force servers with jump, Like Jump is not a force. Kick is a use of the Force Jump. Activate all other forces and you'll see how useful the Kick is.


Grip is for use in some special maps and not in every map. It is mostly used along with drain where after you have sucked enemy's Energy you can drive him to abyss while can't even push because he has no energy.


Dude... Yes its my opinion.. care to read it again?

I havn't said anything claiming that Kick is over/under -powered.

I was talking about the switch from 1 to 2 taps.


Some people (not I) complain that kick will be the next spam move. I dont care, I DONT want it to be changed.


I have been playing this game since it came out, and I was ranked #2 this week at http://www.csports.net -So I don't think I need you explaining grip to me, I had far much more use for this move then just on "some maps" - Without combineing it with Drain.


Please ... my post was directed to ChangKhan no one else.

And if you dissagree with me, fine... there is a vast number of people that agree, just check these forums... I dont want this to start as another debate...



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You can disagree with me whenever you want but not with claiming shiets. I said WHY I disagree with you and I explained some things. They only thing you said to prove you are right is to report that you are 2nd in a ladder. Who gives a F? You can rule whatever ladder you want, this doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with you. The forums are for discussion. You express your opinion not claim.

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Originally posted by GrEEk_OuTcAsT



You can disagree with me whenever you want but not with claiming shiets. I said WHY I disagree with you and I explained some things. They only thing you said to prove you are right is to report that you are 2nd in a ladder. Who gives a F? You can rule whatever ladder you want, this doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with you. The forums are for discussion. You express your opinion not claim.


Listen... what part of dont talk to me dont you understand?

You started rambling about kick not being over powered? - How is this disagreeing with me?? I thought you had to claim something for someone to disagree with it... I have not claimed that kick is overpowered. So why dont you either read my post again (or for the first time) ... and just stop replying OK??


As for me being ranked #2 i csports, If you knew what you where talking about you would know that that proves I have played a lot, not that Im good in a ladder -Which would mean that YOU need not explain the usage of grip.


BTW, who invited you to reply to me? -Let me simplify: Stop posting to me!


Especially not when your arguments include words like "g@y" or "sheit" - Then I wont recognize you as intelligent




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All I have to say is this is a great patch and I'm glad Raven gives us the ability to tweak the game - kinda wish these cvar's reported to master servers, but hey it's not a perfect world.


I'm currently using these settings, and I highly recommend them for FFA Saber only - with force or without force:


seta g_saberghoul2collision 0 - Less Saber Blocking.

seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0 - Less Saber Blocking.

seta g_saberdamagescale 4 - Saber Damage x 4 (Default 1)


seta disable_item_medpac 1 - No Bacta Tanks.

seta disable_item_medpak_instant 1 - No Health Packs.

seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant 1 - No Large Shields.

seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant 1 - No Small shields.


seta g_forceregentime 100 - Force Regeneration Doubled (default 200).


seta g_dismember 300 - Full dismemberment.

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ChangKhan, I noticed that you wrote that the flawed "painsounds" were fixed. I don't know what you mean by this, but when I play 1.04 and get hit for 1(!) damage, my model screams as is he got hit for 40 damage. Anyone else have this problem, or am I wrong here?


I know that many people will say that backstab got "nerfed", but what if that move had been like in 1.04 all along? No complaints here, the backstab move feels about right in damage now.

It's particularily balanced from a risk/gain point of view, since you pretty much don't risk anything running backwards into your enemy, so the damage shouldn't be great either.


V-tecc, if you're so good, how come you have so much f*ckin' trouble with kicking? It's pathetically easy to do. Try sidekicks if you want to only use 1 click and want less straining on your fingers.


Was your good grip skills only in 1.02? Because you say that have no problem in utilizing grip, while at the same time say that the power is worthless now. Do you mean 1.03/4 or 1.02?

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seta g_saberghoul2collision 0 - Less Saber Blocking.

seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0 - Less Saber Blocking.

seta g_saberdamagescale 4 - Saber Damage x 4 (Default 1)


This combo sounds quite unhealthy quiet! :p


Hmmm... okay, a normal yellow hit= 30 damage.... x4 = 120 damage.... with "two times" less blocking = a match over in 3 seconds....


A lunge = 40-50 damage... x4 = 160-200 damage... less blocking = one dead enemy....


Don't get me started on the red kamikazi users = lets say about 280 damage, *with* less blocking!


Geeez.... but, it could be interesting to try, and I'm not saying it isn't fun..... Maybe a tad more realistic even?

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Originally posted by cjais

ChangKhan, I noticed that you wrote that the flawed "painsounds" were fixed. I don't know what you mean by this, but when I play 1.04 and get hit for 1(!) damage, my model screams as is he got hit for 40 damage. Anyone else have this problem, or am I wrong here?


I know that many people will say that backstab got "nerfed", but what if that move had been like in 1.04 all along? No complaints here, the backstab move feels about right in damage now.

It's particularily balanced from a risk/gain point of view, since you pretty much don't risk anything running backwards into your enemy, so the damage shouldn't be great either.


V-tecc, if you're so good, how come you have so much f*ckin' trouble with kicking? It's pathetically easy to do. Try sidekicks if you want to only use 1 click and want less straining on your fingers.


Was your good grip skills only in 1.02? Because you say that have no problem in utilizing grip, while at the same time say that the power is worthless now. Do you mean 1.03/4 or 1.02?


Darn... you people can't read can you?


Didnt have a single problem with kick then... nor now: can kick you to death in 1.04 without any complications... just sucks tapping twice


The problem i have with grip is: That you can no longer run/roll fast with it...


Grip is worthless in 1.03/4

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Originally posted by cjais


This combo sounds quite unhealthy quiet! :p


Hmmm... okay, a normal yellow hit= 30 damage.... x4 = 120 damage.... with "two times" less blocking = a match over in 3 seconds....


A lunge = 40-50 damage... x4 = 160-200 damage... less blocking = one dead enemy....


Don't get me started on the red kamikazi users = lets say about 280 damage, *with* less blocking!


Geeez.... but, it could be interesting to try, and I'm not saying it isn't fun..... Maybe a tad more realistic even?


You can try it on my server - it's how it's set.


I think you may find it prevents special move and kick spam.


Keep in mind though red is powerful, once that red person executes a move you can wipe em out with the yellow or blue (or another red) .. just hit em a few times or less with blue and theyll think twice in using red .. especially DFA - very painful for them. :p

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Originally posted by V-tecc

cjais why are you even talking to me?

You have yourself said that you never tried the game before 1.03, so you have no reference...


I'll let this stupid comment stand as a testament to your ignorance towards your fellow humans.


For the record, I DID play 1.02, just not very much online, but I did get a feeling for the blocking, running while gripping, red - "batsaber"-effect, flawed blocking etc.... I played enough to realize that 1.02 saberfighting was about as much skill as jk1. Thank god.


For the umteenth time: The fault in 1.03/4 saberfights ISN'T the blocking, it's the low damage. The blocking is perfectly fine and makes for heated fights - they just get longer than necesarry because of the high blocking. That is all.

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Originally posted by cjais


I'll let this stupid comment stand as a testament to your brainpower and ignorance towards your fellow humans.


For the record, I DID play 1.02, just not very much online, but I did get a feeling for the blocking, running while gripping, red - "batsaber"-effect, flawed blocking etc.... I played enough to realize that 1.02 saberfighting was about as much skill as jk1. Thank god.


For the umteenth time: The fault in 1.03/4 saberfights ISN'T the blocking, it's the low damage. The blocking is perfectly fine and makes for heated fights - they just get longer than necesarry because of the high blocking. That is all.


And I'll let that uncalled for insult stand as a testament of YOUR mental capacity (or lack there of it) and as a example of your obvious theory of treatment of fellow man.


Did you play 1.02 for a brief moment? - Oh how good, and with all that vast experience you still dont know how to dodge a kick?

/based on your most humorous comparison of JK2 with Karate Kid in another thread.... veeeerry funny .. *yaaawn*


And to comment the only non-moronic comment you had:


So you think autoblocking makes heated fights?

why dont you loop the SW movies? Since you are such a fan of watching. I on the other hand like to have the game under my control, and not the other way.


Lastly: Stop replying to me.. pleeease

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V-tecc: Stop shadowboxing.


Quiet: They might refer to the fact that you died a whole lot quicker in jk1 and that the blocking wasn't no where near the level it is in 1.03/4.

LOL, I remember the fights in jk1 where you, as soon as you got hit, rushed to swallow as many bactatanks as possible to be able to stand another hit..... Damn it was deadly in that game.


[Edit-] I meant jk1, 1! not 2! LOL, hope you understood it anyways...

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Originally posted by cjais

since you pretty much don't risk anything running backwards into your enemy


Yop ....and i don t think personnally it seems right in the first place

I would have been much happier if Raven dealt with Blocking arcs ( no guard for flanks and rear ....like when u block bolts and saber throw ) rather than with Backstab, cause obviously ppl will allways try to find a way to get around the overpowered all angle guard : say with saber throw, kick or simply guns ....But in the end no decent player will use saber

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