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Arena Beasts?

Kit Fisto

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Just out of interest, will we ever see the various beasts seen in the genosis arena walking around in single player or multiplayer as npc's? Is it possible to create models of these creatures and have them function/attack in a realitic way in JK2?

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I have warned him, again. He knows what's going to happen. Now let's try to get back on track with the topic, or Kit will end up with a useless thread.


As for having the Geonosians in an SP game, I'd just assume that you would replace the Probot Droid. It floats and shoots, what else would it need. It really depends on the use in a level.

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Okay back to the topic:


Hopefully, with the new co-op mod for mp coming out

(if it ever does), we just might be able to create new npcs

without having to replace old ones. I'm not quite sure how this

will turn out if it ever happens.


We really just need the single player code. I feel that we as the

community could further benifit ourselves with it much better than

just trying to get by with a co-op mod. I'm not suggesting we

abandon the co-op mod. I'm just suggesting having the sp code

with be a large benifit to the community.


Besides, just replacing probots with Geonosians wouldn't do so

good. A Geonosian is an organic creature. Not a floating chunk

of metal and parts. It would really need it's own animation.

It would seem better anyway.

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I was actualy talking about the Acklay, Nexu and Reek beasts. You know, the three released into the arena with the intent on killing our three heroes? I know it would be damn hard but think how cool it would be feeding stormtroopers to them in the sand arena level! :)

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If I remember correctly, back then a long time ago I was reading

some thread with a guy on there claiming he and his team had

a legal copy of softimage and a motion capture machine.


I'm not really sure where I saw that on here, but I'm gonna check

the old posts back a few or a lot of pages to see if I can find it


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Not gonna happen without more stuff for Raven.


We cannot create gla's (regardless of software) so we have to use the ones we have.

To bind a .glm to a .gla you need a referance bonestructure, normally we get this from the .xsi files that are imported into max. We have no XSI's for any bonestructure other than _humanoid. You_might_ be able to cobble together a bonestructure by looking through the gla binary and ripping out the bone names(they're clear text strings) and (using the humanoid as referance) making a skeleton with those bones, however you wouldn't know what default pose the structure had, so I doubt you get much without _hours and hours_ of experimentation.


What we need from Raven is a gla exporter for something (whatever they used for final export, xsi or max) _then_ these things are possible

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It would be cool to be able to re-create some parts of the Arena Battle. With all the new models being worked on we won't be missing too many of the major characters that appear in it.


Stupid question: Could you import some of the models and/or animation sets from Mots to JO?

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