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Who would support a US led operation against Iraq?

Who would support a US led operation against Iraq?  

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  1. 1. Who would support a US led operation against Iraq?

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I'm all for taking out sadam himself, we're capable of finding a way to do it that doesn't involve wiping out his already crippled military machine, if we demolish it before hand we'll be left with Iran taking over Iraq and then we'll have a much bigger problem.

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the Brits will probably send help, Turkey would give us bases. The French will be to cowardly to help but will say they support us. Germany might help. The rest of the world, will say go for it but do nothing.


While we are taking out Iraq, lets nail Iran, and maybe Arafat.

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Originally posted by Rogue9

I'm all for taking out sadam himself, we're capable of finding a way to do it that doesn't involve wiping out his already crippled military machine, if we demolish it before hand we'll be left with Iran taking over Iraq and then we'll have a much bigger problem.


Completely off subject: 9er, you missed your own birthday party on RSN ;)

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Originally posted by Zargon

hahahaa, nice idea Keyan, and lets bomb france too, they wil surrender before the bombs hit the ground :D


Let's just make sure we have all their escargot recipes before we wipe them out - if I had no new escargot dishes to try, my life would have no meaning at all.

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Originally posted by Commander 598

How is Iran gonna take over Iraq...?


Simple, they just have to replace the letter "q" with the letter "n":


Iraq -------q-->n-------> Iran






ha-ha-ha-ha, not funny... I think I'll go and sleep now.

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Originally posted by Commander 598

I bet only those outside the US(Canada, British) are against it.


Hey I take that personally :D


Well no actually ur right, I am against it but thats only cause I DONT LIKE GEORGE BUSH (capitals are to help the CIA read it when they pick this post up :D)

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt


Hey I take that personally :D


Well no actually ur right, I am against it but thats only cause I DONT LIKE GEORGE BUSH (capitals are to help the CIA read it when they pick this post up :D)


That's OK - I'm sure George Bush doesn't like you either. Heck, nobody likes you :cool:

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Originally posted by Redwing


Completely off subject: 9er, you missed your own birthday party on RSN ;)


completely on subject I was suggesting an alternative to a costly a destructive invasion, we have the forces capable of pulling it off and failing that theres always the SAS.

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No invasion.





We can't do it right now. Why? no bases. Can't use Saudi bases unless they let us and they're not going to. Turkey doesn't allow combat missions to fly out of Incirlike (not even during Desert Storm). Maybe Kuwait. MAYBE.

Secondly, supposed we topple Iraq. THEN what? Chances are they'll get a new government that's exactly like the kind we are currently bombing. I'd rather have to deal with an unstable secular dictator than a fanatical Islamic nation with probable nuclear capability.

Correct the Palestine issue first. We get propz for helping create a Palestinian state, we get less reasons for the terrorists and Iraq to dislike us. THEN we say HEY SAUDIS AND TURKEY, LET'S CLEAN UP THIS BLIGHT CALLED IRAQ and we get a more positive response.

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Nute-Well that would work.


R9-You can't get a Dictator to just give up, so you have to go in and get him. I'm pretty sure that the Iraqi Military(One of the few thats organized over there) has learned a few things from Desert Storm(Bunkers aren't very useful, M1A2s can find you through a smoke cloud, etc) and will put that to use. So they will probably expect Special Forces and they'll probably be sitting on top the good hiding places, thus ruling out a Spec Op raid to drag him out.


Destructive? What the hell(Besides factories) is gonna be destroyed? I though Iraq was just one big Sand Pit. The most you would destroy is a land mine and a sand dune. Hell, there isn't even bushes out there!



Desert Storm gave people the wrong idea about war. World War II in Europe lasted not even as long as DS, but had a huge body count, and a huge number of burning vehicles. Sometimes I almost wish for a WWIII, sometimes.

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In war innocent always die. That is a fact. We try to lessen the causualties, but when you work in a war factory you take on certain risks.


It is a simple measure, does taking out a factory and the deaths of civilians, mean less deaths overall?


If it does you destroy the factory.

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