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I know a lot of people have been asking me lately about my current project, so here I am to shed some light on it, as I just finished up all of the architecture.



ffa_archives is a true-to-the-movie representation of the Jedi Archives in Episode II - the scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi enters the library to look up the location of Kamino. Unlike duel_kamino, ffa_archives has not been altered in any way from the visible sections of its movie-based counterpart.


I have, however, added a grand staircase at the two far ends of the Archives in order for non-forceusers and no-force servers to enjoy the map. This section is still true the movie, as the section where I added the staircase was not visible in any scene.


Actual game statistics:

At full speed, running from end to end, it takes 14 seconds to run the entire length of the archives. It's a long way. I believe it fully represents the grandiosity of the Archives as seen in Episode II.


There are two main levels of "bookcases" with a handrail stopping players from falling off the top level. Columns run from the lowest floor, up through the second level floors, up to an arch at the top of the building (a vaulted ceiling).


Technical specs:

The map is 3500 grid units long by 1700 grid units wide. The main area is 700 units tall, while the vaulted ceiling is an additional 350 units tall.


At the most complex point, currently, the triangle count (r_speeds) is hovering around 11500. On average, it stays approximately 9500-10000. I have not yet put in hint brushes, so this number should still drop a bit. This will be need to be counterbalanced with the high number of shaders I will be making.



Architecture: 95% - All major architectural aspects of the map are complete. I have yet to add in clip brushes for the staircases and there is much debugging to be done, to make sure everything will work out in the end, but most of the work is complete.


Lighting: 0% - Texturing has not been done yet (which is why there are no screenshots, unless you want a shot of Radiant with a hell of a lot of caulk) and most of the lighting (although not all) will be done with light-emitting shaders.


Gameplay: 0%



I will be putting out alpha version screenshots when I get the first round of texturing done, which should be in a day or two.

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Am i right in thinking that in the film there is a bust of count dooku??


and if dooku gets in i'd bet my face that yoda gets one as well.


I'm sure if you asked the relavent people you could whack the heads of the (soon to be released) dooku and yoda models give them a nice bronze texture and put them on a plinth in the jedi archives. And make the other busts all low poly.


itll be a nice easter egg for anyone who gets board of fighting in the jedi academy and wants to admire the detail

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i still reckon yoda is likely to be there


that quote up there is straight from starwars .com and i feel is completly describes yoda (okay i had to look up what revered meant. It means someone who is looked up to in awe and people are yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of them)


i woulda thought dooku would have got in because of what he did when he was a jedi rather than the fact that he walked out on them


but if its said somewhere that the busts are of the lost twenty than IOU 1 face


here u go


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If anyone would like to model busts (if no one does, there will not be any), I need 20 unique busts, none of which should be more than 75 triangles (preferably less). That's probably not possible, but if anyone thinks they can pull it off, have at it.


The bust would need to be 20x20x20 grid units (at absolute maximums).

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Originally posted by winner_rex

Ok I am working on the busts without rich's consent ! ME ME ME




hmmm, I though he consented to it




Originally posted by RichDiesal

If anyone would like to model busts (if no one does, there will not be any), I need 20 unique busts, none of which should be more than 75 triangles (preferably less). That's probably not possible, but if anyone thinks they can pull it off, have at it.


The bust would need to be 20x20x20 grid units (at absolute maximums).

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Slight update... a column! Because I know you all love columns. :p


(I just pulled the column from the actual map and set it to a random sky, so ignore the surroundings).




(Incidentally, this is the one and only reference pic I'm using for this entire map: http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/images/archivesref.jpg - If you have something with more detail (i.e. bigger), let me know.)

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