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to be or not ot be?


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It might not be as hard to choose as you might thank. In fact, there might not be any choice at all.


But das OK, Jedi's are somewhat of a dissappointment in the movies. Obi Wan goes and gets himself killed so he can shed some responsibility. Luke goes to alot of trouble, just to tell his dad that he still cares, Yoda hides in a swamp. Mace Windu decapitates the only somewhat interesting character in the movie, etc...etc...


Vader was somewhat cool untill EP II showed us he was nothing more than a little brat in a big helmet.


Jedi seem to be alot of uneeded drama in a universe that really needs a good blaster.


Sorry, alcohol again...

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Hmmm. Wraith? I think we have our replacement for Com Raven. :D

hahahahhaaha yeah maybe



Com Raven was one of the 5 or 6 guys who hanged out here in the beginning.... he and i were planning to buy ourselfs some X-wings and hang out... but now he is a moderator of the Knights of the old republic forums and site.... soo.. he is busy there :D



Hi ya Dark Matters

I dont know if i welcomed you yet (too busy)



Welcome to SWGalaxies.net!


that is noble to help out other Jedi's.. just dont let the imps find out..... you'll be toast. :D


-Wraith 8-

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means a lot of people on vacation right?


Well technically yes, but such is my life that I have more work to do on vacation at home (a job that is part-time only in name, writing and running a StarWars RPG, online stuff, working with some friends on the design of a new game, doing as much kung fu as my body can take to make it through my next grading and trying to maintain some form of social life) than at Uni.


Well seeing as I spend 30 weeks of the year at Uni and that gives me 30 weeks of holiday time a year I shouldn't really complain ;)


Is it me or are these forums beginning to stagnate a bit?


Oh, and on topic I'd love to be force-sensitive but equally I'm happy not living a life of the persecutor, as opposed to the persecuted :D

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I think being a dark Jedi will take more time. Because you have

to go through all the training and exceptance of a normal jedi

then start doing really bad deeds and go to the darkside.


Maybe they will simplify it with a little button.


Do you wish to go to the darkside? (ok) (cancel)



Who knows, so many un-answered questions. Honeslty I'm

hyped up to see how the interaction with the famouse NPCs will

be. I just recently viewed the trailer for SWG and I saw Bobba Fett

waiving or motioning something to the camera, pretty cool indeed.

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Totally Off Topic (what a surprise there :D ) :


OH NO, the pink elephants are back. :( And I haven't even started drinking yet this week. :p


And as for the slow boards, Wraith, Raven, Mike and me were thining the same thing just before you lot arrived, Ewok Hunter. :D The board swings this way.


Totally On Topic:

I don't think you will be able to choose between Dark and Light by merely hitting a button. ;)


My guess is it will be like in Jedi Knight (DF II), where your actions desides which path you will go down.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

well, when did you become the big almighty mod here ?

a couple of weeks ago.... this other super mod: Eets.chula..... was a bit tired of me asking him for favors... :D so he went to Juztyn and he made me a moderator :D
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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

What? That's what you did?


Man, I better get on starting to bug the mods then.


Yo, Juztyn, hold up!


*runs after Juztyn*



well you keep forgetting that i know Eets'chula for a long time now and i have been here on the lucas forums since september and i visit a lot of forums... so they know me by now :D....
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