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1.04 the time raven made something bad, EVEN WORSE

Jedi Hunter2354

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Nothing has been fixed, after playing for a day I realise that things are only 10 times worse.


They wen't and nerfed pull, they went and nerfed the medium and heavy backstab, and guess what?


They failed miserably, this game is worse now then it ever was. Why? Because these raven idiots saw it fit to literally make it 2389237905823u89052345 times ****ing easier to do this ****ty jumpkick **** ive now seen emerge from this **** 1.04 patch.


What exactly is the jumpkick you say? Its like pull, almost exactly like it, except it:


1. works better

2. Is as easy to do

3. takes NO FORCE

4. Does DAMAGE


Now this **** is ridiculous, stupid pull/backstabbers have an even worse tool to work with, not only is it extremely easy to use offesively, but I once ran up to a guy trying to fight him and got knocked back by this new cheesy **** every single time losing health every single time.


Seriously, wtf were they thinking.


And now you know what they do? They use LIGHT STANCE backstab, which still seems to do quite the HEFTY UNBALANCED AMOUNT OF DAMAGE without the COUPLE OF SECONDS YOU GOT TO DODGE WHEN YOU SAW THAT LARGE SWING COMING. Now its kabam instant hit with that lightstance WITH MORE DAMAGE.


HEY GUYS AT RAVEN, get off your asses and notice that if your gonna make the med and heavy backstab not cheap...




This game is a failure now, before you had people pulling every 3 seconds that you could use aborsb or drain on and kick their asses also using sabre throw. Now all you can do is ****ING DIE because there is NOTHING you can do BUT JUMPKICK A JUMPKICKER BACK OR LOOSE.


How gay, how stupid. Raven has failed us, this jumpkicking tweak was entirely not needed, and it is entirely ridiculous. So easy to do and you can do it over and over and actually kill people with it. How utterly utterly gay raven, how utterly gay.




We have a new, easier, more powerful backstab combo now people, its called the:




Nice work raven, as if anybody expected you to make this worse.


What a dissapointment.

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Not even a day this POS is out and people find something out, but what pisses me off, is raven didn't need to **** around with jumpkick like that, all they had to do was fix pull, fix the backstab and **** OFF.


But no they went and made it worse, what were they thinking?


This is so rediculous im sorry, I waited and waited for this patch, read the readme, was overjoyed, joined a game....



All the top players were running around with absorb on jumping off of other players heads knocking them down and then light stance backstabbing them for a kill, thats all it took, one jumpkick, then backstab, +1 on the kills record.


Good lord raven, im actually going back to 1.03, backstabbing gayness was heaven compared to this, at least backstabbing was counterable through certain methods.


There is NO COUNTER EXCEPT THE SAME MOVE against jumpkickers.


Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay


I hate this game, ive had it

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God the way people use this crap its just like pull except different.


It does everything pull did, but also does damage and takes less force. Theres no way to block it since its not a force power. Stupid damage sets you up for the finishing light stance backstab too.


aaaaaaaagh how gay this is, worse then pull, much worse. People are going to find out after me, I always seem to find these things out and encounter the imbeciles that find them out first.


Hopefully we can get some complaints flowing again and get it put back to how it was, I need some people to help me out after they see this pls. This needs to be taken care of because soon were gonna have everybody jumping off of each others heads, and that sure as **** isn't a jedi battle.

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Originally posted by Jedi Hunter2354

Did you even read what I wrote?


Have you experienced this gayness?


If not stfu and get out of my topic because I don't want you to open your fat worthless mouth, ok?


Stop being cocky on the internet dude, it doesn't impress anyone fag.


Get lost


Wow something tells me you're not happy with me and the patch. :) I wasnt bieng cocky. Bieng cocky would involve some ridiculous challenge & me puffing my chest saying I could whoop your butt no matter what gets nerfed.


This is a public forum, mister. Be prepared to see replies that you dont like to your topics.


I have been out there since the patch & like the 1.03 change I adapted to it & still play rather well. I've never been able to clean house on a server & I still don't, but I still have fun no matter what got changed in the game.


Stop replying to your own post with your small minded, homophobic views on a video game. It "doesn't impress anyone". :D

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You see, thats what pisses me off, if somethings wrong, then bitch about pls.


Oh if other people are doing it then that makes it ok for me to do it.


No dude, if its cheap and gay, then its cheap and gay no matter whos doing it.


People complained about pull/backstab because it was cheap and gay, but there were a few counters to it. Now this jumpkicking crap is the same thing, yet there are barely ANY counters to it, and its just as sickening and gay.


I actually don't believe you have played this game as much, or else your another drone that just moves along with whatever crap happends and smiles like a 3 cent whore.


Oh look the world just collapsed guess ill just deal with it *smiles*


You can say that and watch me invent a spaceship, buddy. And im leaving your ass behind.

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Well im off to bed maybe we can resume this tommarrow.


And I probably will be leaving so have your little god-damned celebration alright dude, whoop dee $ing doo. I can't take watching people bounce off others heads for a good score anymore, it was hard enough watching people twirling around like gay homosexual bartenders with lightsabers. But this head-bouncing crap is just over the line.


When I get a sword I too, am going to jump on peoples head knocking them down and then standing backwards over their body and thrusting my sword backwards into their feet, thus killing them.


Wtf is this, Monty Python: Comedy Outcast (includes saber)


Jesus tapdancing Christ

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Bitching isn't the answer. There's a difference between constructive criticism and bitching. Am I completely happy with the patch? No (I miss throw during duels). Do I deal with it? Yes. It broadens your horizons as a gamer I think to learn to deal with these situations, just as you would learn to adapt to an opponents fighting style during a duel.


Call me a drone if you like. While youre crapping your pants over a video game and your anxiety drives you to an ulcer, and early grave, impotence, an import car, waiting in line at the gorcery store, or scurvy I'll be be having fun playing.


Good night & best of luck with your rocket ship. :)

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I never backstabbed in 1.03 so I know how to do damage in 1.04. It is good but it requires practise to notice that it's more than "random strikes"... But I agree, it's strange that a kick do more damage than some sabre blows. I think 5 health damage for kicks would be fine. And it's easy to avoid the kick, just duck. or strafe, and strike a blow.

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Yep. Easiest way to foil a kicker is this - try a side kick. That only requires you to press the button once, which is a little easier than spamming the space bar or binding the move.


As for Jedi Hunter2354, I think a picture is worth a thousand words: flamethrowingsmiley.gif


Come on, at least address your issues in a civilized manor like most of us. Please. Crying about it with more :swear: than a drunken Howard Stern won't solve your problem - instead, please present you problems to us in a more mild tone so we can try to address them without flaming. I fully understand that I may get flamed myself for this, but if you are NOT a lamer, Jedi Hunter2354, you can at least try this, yes? :)

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Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah:


Blah - blah blah

Blah Blah - blah blah blah blah


Blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah; blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah 1.04 suckz blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.



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Originally posted by Jedi Hunter2354

Well im off to bed maybe we can resume this tommarrow.


And I probably will be leaving so have your little god-damned celebration alright dude, whoop dee $ing doo


Wtf is this, Monty Python: Comedy Outcast (includes saber)

Jesus tapdancing Christ



Awww....that's just too bad. I sure hope our boy here will have a better day of gaming tomorrow. :p

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Thing is that the patch introduces some wonderful new server variables (or at least has made them more well known), and if the admin knows what he's doing, he can make the server do almost anything he wants as far as gameplay goes. GJ Raven.

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Haven't had a chance to try 1.04 yet. In regards to the jumpkick/light backstab combo....didn't they say you can force push them away while your getting up? That would would prevent this. Is this only effective for being force pulled down? If so, that doesnt make much sense.

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I am closing this, not for the topic, which you can talk about all you like, but the auther which seams to flame anything/everything in site...


THIS IS NOT ALOWED HERE!!!! please READ the rules you agree to when you sign up.. they are posted at the top of the page for all to see....:tsk:

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