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The Gayest and most retarted thing.

The oUt/<ast

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The most annoying thing I hear is not after but before I kill a noob!



I use Heavy, I kick, and I throw when people try to make me attack by standing still and taunting"


After accepting a duel.

Noob writes

"No throwing, no kicking, and only medium. ok?"


-Yeah I know that it isn't funny but i hate it. Also I would like to say that Chat Owned is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life.


thank you

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In terms of the issue regarding new players beening "n00bs" or whatever variant you have on that name, I have the following theory, which has been discussed on the PlanetWolfenstein RTCW general chat board.




Someone new to the game, eager to learn, and trying to have fun within the spirit of the game. They ask for help, they try their best, and when you give them advice, they try to use it, so as to someday become NOT a newbie. IE: you join a server, notice that people are bowing on it, and ask, "Why are you bowing?" Someone writes back "Sign of respect, dude." You say, "Oh, ok. Cool." And go along with it. You're just a newbie. Or if you see people doing this cool move where they flip over your head and attack you from above, and you say, "Hey, how do I do that?" That just makes you a newbie. No big deal.




(I really dislike using haxor speak, but I make an exception for this word.) Someone who, regardless of experience in the game, seeks to have fun by ruining other people's fun. In RTCW this can be someone who intentionally teamkills, someone who, when possible, blows up their own objective, etc., etc. In JO, it could be someone who uses some sort of cheat or exploit, someone who (when teamdamage is on) tries to kill his own teammates, etc., etc. Essentially someone who plays outside the spirit of the game, and derives pleasure from ruining it for other folks. So, for example, if you've gone on a server that states clearly in the rules "Backstabbers will be booted and blocked" then join the server and spend your time doing nothing but backstabbing, congrats. You're a n00b. Here's yer sign. Likewise, if you go onto a server that states in its name "Backstabbing ONLY. Any use of force powers will result in expulsion", go in and start frying people with lightning, congrats. You're a n00b. Here's your sign. These are people who get their kicks from frustrating other people's enjoyment of the game.

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You probably didn't read what I said somewhere else on these boards about 2 weeks ago, but it was almost EXACTLY like that - I'm glad to see that people DO know the differenace between a Newbie and a n00b...looks like some of the guys over on RTCW know what they're talking about :).


I wrote my own 'theories' on newbies vs n00bs...but it was worded almost exactly the same :).



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Originally posted by Bird Of Prey!



Um, the gayest, most retarded thing let me think...........


First on my list would be somene who is intolerant and posts a post like this. Especially when they only have 4 posts total!


Second is anyone who uses the term "Noob." Everyone here, at one time or another, was new to online MP gaming and/or the Jedi Outcast game. I myself am happy to see more and more people discover the online gaming realm. More players leads to more servers and more competition that I can test my skills against. It is idiots like yourself that scare these new players away.



stfu n00b!

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Nothing's wrong with being a hacker. I just get annoyed by haxorspeak. People who write things like ph34r 1337 0wNz3r3d, etc. just tick me off, I guess. Maybe I'm just an old fart, but I enjoy reading and writing the English language, so when I see people who pop onto a server and start yelling "Ph34r mY Ub3r 1337 sk177z!!!" or whatever, it makes me want to smack them over the head with a large copy of the Oxford English Dictionary. :)

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Originally posted by uber h@x0r

whats wrong with being a h@x0r

h@x0r are unigue and give the game flavor


you cant own someone over a video games

you can only own some one if you were somewhat rich and white and lived in the 17-1800's


There are MANY things wrong with bieng a h4x0r. They've taken the once noble past time of hacking & mutated it into something that youll see on CNN. Hackers = good. Hackers will build things you never knew were possible. H4x0rs destroy things for idiotic reasons. They don't learn; They merely re-enact. H4x0rs are the reason I have to use firewalls, Antivirus software, and ACL's. Hackers are the reason my servers operating system is as robust & powerful as it is.

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Originally posted by Bird Of Prey!

I've watched many awesome players slay newbie after newbie and then post nasty things like: "Typical Noob" "Find a different game loser" and several that I wouldn't post here. A lot of the veteran JKII, and other MP gamers, can be very cruel to new players.


How sad, people that just wanna try the game online with real peepz get treated like this :(




These are the so called "Awesome" players i like to rip apart.

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Originally posted by §øníç


stfu n00b!


Wow, you're a man of many words! Bet it took you a while to come up with that response. Ouch, that hurt, you really flamed me there! :rolleyes:


Actually, all you did was reinforce my point! It's rude ass people like you that ruin JKII multiplayer and this forum.

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Originally posted by uber h@x0r

whats wrong with being a h@x0r

h@x0r are unigue and give the game flavor


you cant own someone over a video games

you can only own some one if you were somewhat rich and white and lived in the 17-1800's



Well I dont even think that you are a "Haxor"... but o well... Think wutever you wanna b eh eh... I'm a HellFyre.. One of the flames from hell =P

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whats wrong with being a h@x0r


This and n00b, words that are losing their meaning.


True hackers are those people so well versed in code as to be able to rewrite existing code for their own use. The true hackers are people who can enter the microsoft database and download the Windows code and break it so that they can rewrite it and make it more useful and free to the public.


Alot of "h@xorz" these days are people who download a program made by a real hacker and use it to do something malicious to somebody because it's funny in their own warped sense of humor.


733t speak was also not something invented by gamers either. It originally was a way that people who chatted could curse without the admin bots blocking the message and it spilled into the gaming world from there. It was a way you could call somebody an @ss without seeing the *** in your chat.


Solo4114 already covered the n00b thing. (Good post BTW) But some people don't use the words in the right context so people of "uber skillz" call everybody they beat a n00b and people who beat them "haxorsz"

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