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what would you do if you had 24 hours to live?


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I would blow up the world

So i don't die alone


I alway like to share things you know:D



No O.K just beeing stupid now


But I guesse i would like to jump from a airplane


(5 minutes before my dead) from the highest altitide possible without wearing a para-thingie

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Originally posted by mima kake

But I guesse i would like to jump from a airplane


(5 minutes before my dead) from the highest altitide possible without wearing a para-thingie



really? that's what I would do. but I would prefer to drive a car out of a airplane:D . WOOHOOOOO!!!

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I'm sorry, but this one is just begging to be posted: Spend it playing JO.


J/K. If this were seriously the case, I would go for the family option, find myself a good undertaker, review the insurance policies and my will, and do my best to take it like a man. That might sound like noble bullsh#t, but it's what I would do - hard reality was always my strong point. :rolleyes:

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I would sit down, and count the minutes one-by-one !




I would probably....hmm....no I don't dare think of it....actually I don't know what I would do....guess a lot of runs through your head in such a situation...so I would probably not be fitted to answer such a question now... :(

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