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1.4=cival war


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This is not a post about what patch is better we all know wich one is),this topic is about why raven put us all in a state of cival war.

I have never seen these boards light up like this even at the 1.3 patch.I never responded back then becuase it really was not that bad.This is bad.Makes me think that raven did this on purpose,maybe dropping the game or something.


what do you think of their reasoning?bad business men?trying to flush this game down the toilet?plain stupid?


Im not ranting or flaming,i REALLY want a legit reason.I know it can not be of the popular demand,for i see more negative responses than popular ones.And besides their were more servers w/o the force than with.So whats the deal raven?


We as consumers have the right to now the"big picture"

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well A LOT of ppl liked 1.04..


In my opinion.. it just made the game worse.. But I'll have to get used to it...


I dont think raven did this on purpose... They just followed wut ppl wanted, and they did.. Only that they went over the line.. making bs.. doing almost nothing.. however they didnt patch the kicks which was koo, b/c it let the cheap ppl should be able to still own..

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I had an epiphany earlier today. I've been reading a Carl Sagan novel where he gives his thoughts on evolution (mutation for the greater well bieng of that species). He was modifying these theories to social, political & economic evolutions.


With social evolutions (say a country moving from a monarchy to a democracy) the greater good is evident for the masses. People get their freedom to vote, rights, etc. The people that suffer are the ones in power that are confortable & cling to their old ways (the royalty).


In this case the ones threatened by this patch are the ones who adapted and flourished after the last mutation (the 1.03 patch). This patch counteracts what made some people so powerful in the game. So powerful that they relied on these moves (bs, etc). These are some of the ones that are reacting poorly to the patch.


The patch changed alot of things & ppl who were confortable with the status quo won't like it. It's human nature creating the rift in the community. Adapt or perish. In this case perish means stop playing the game, but that's bad for the community when ppl stop playing. Peopl ejust need to learn to evolve along with the game & the community will survive.

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People...think about backstab as a move just like any other...




Just because it used to be?


It does damage in 1.04 too. Not an unblockable one-hit-kill, but hey...if you let your opponent BEHIND YOUR BACK, you should die, not the other way around.


A backstab is not to be used offensively! Think about it for a sec... forget what 1.03 was like, and *think*.


The stabbing in 1.03 was the most ridiculous thing ever.


And I mean *ever*.


1.04 made things right.

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Now IMO 1.04 is good and bad, They've nerfed BS...

That's good! But picture yourself this,

Your on ffa_bespin watchin a duel when suddenly some n00b using mindtrick jumps you.


If this was 1.03 we could all finish him in seconds but here if u decide to engage an enemy u got to battle this foo for 5min before he finnaly dies! IMO they should've increased the damage of normal sabre attacks. heh I'm gonna get sooo flamed for this...

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Because I don't believe in letting an enemy get behind me (if I have any control over it), I rarely use backstab and when I do it's a defensive move, because I made the mistake of letting someone get position advantage on me. I prefer to see who I am fighting, but that's just my way of doing things.



All three stances still have a one hit Kill move. Light has the front lunge, yellow has the finisher and red has several, other than the DFA. I have been getting lots of one hit kills in red stance with simple well timed forward or backward + attack, just like I did in 1.03


Fights in 1.03 could take one hit or 5 min to finish as well. The difference now in 1.04 is you can't dominate with your back turned to your opponent and the moves that are one hit kills take just a little bit of time to learn and skill to pull off.



The BS damage being lowered to that of other strikes only seems to be affecting those that only used or were dependant on it in 1.03

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan


All three stances still have a one hit Kill move. Light has the front lunge, yellow has the finisher and red has several, other than the DFA. I have been getting lots of one hit kills in red stance with simple well timed forward or backward + attack, just like I did in 1.03


not really.. LIight stance doesnt have a one hit kill move.. The Light front lunge or uppercut, which i like to call it.. is not a 1 hit move.. it takes serveral of those to kill sum probably 2 or 3 or even 4.. but it is also a strong attk tho

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I wholeheartedly agree with Yoda in this issue - Lucas Arts and Raven are doing their best for the greater good, not for the "1337" minority who want to bitch, whine, and otherwise carry on about the lose of their frag device. Furthermore, 1.03 was the main civil war of this game - what you are seeing with "We hate 1.04" is hopefully the last flicker of the candle before the flames of the "1337" go out.


Furthermore, you are not only seeing negative responses. Are you listening to us? Many people are loving 1.04, as you can see from some of the responses to 1.04 threads. Trust me, this sort of this always happens upon the release of a new patch - after everyone has adjusted or decided that the game is not worth it (more of the former, than the later. Personally, I will be happy to see BSers go. :) ), this forum will be mainly quiet in this matter.


Personally, I've seen the complaints, but I don't see what the problem is besides the fact that Pull is "gone" (it's not... give me a break. :rolleyes: ) and "Sabers don't do enough damage" (which can be fixed by saberdamagescale #). Still too much blocking? Turn sabertracesaberfirst off (value is 0). Still want to knock that person down? Kick him/her. Don't attack the Devs or Publishers in this until you have at least tried the full extent of the patch and reevaluated your own beliefs. And please, don't spam these posts. I've seen at least 4 threads from you about this same issue - maybe SPY_jmr can splice them all together so we can see the full extent of this rant? :cool:

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The line between an exploit and a legit move is very fine, pull-backstab was a legitimate combo, but it was exploited too much. Why? Because when you knock an enemy down and you have an incredibly powerful weapon in your hands you expect to be able to kill them pretty damn fast. Backstab was the only move which allowed this.


Without the fear of backstab I haven't even bothered using absorb except near pits, after all I have no real reason to fear being knocked-down. I have figured out some good alternatives to backstab I knock someone down, but I don't want to use them too much lest they become complained about too.


1.02 was flawed

1.03 fixed the flaws but ammo consumption was screwed up and pull-backstab became exploited

1.04 backstab is now pretty much useless since anyone with any sense will heal immediately after it, seriously who goes around without a bacta? nobody who wants to stay alive. Ammo consumption is fixed.


What I think needs to be changed:


Backstab damage should be increased to about 80, ie its not an instant kill, but its still pretty devastating. Pivoting should be restored but limited a bit, and pull should remain as is. You shouldn't be able to backstab if you have been moving backwards for more than say a second, this should remove assfighting which was the main complaint. Air-Uppercut should be restored, but it shouldn't slow your descent from a fall.

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To be honest this probably is the final patch, pending a game of the year edition or expansion pack.


The reason I say this is all of the "exploits" more or less have been fixed and what remains is not really that big of an issue to demand a patch.


Are there still balance issues regarding weak sabers and kicks being a faster way to dispose of an opponent?

Sure, but enter the new saber damage scale cvar and now the community can decide exactly how lethal saber combat should be rather than having to put out a new patch every couple of months because people keep complaining.

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I think that community needs an OSP like mod. We must have some settings that all servers will use. Now it is f@cked up. There are 1.02 1.03 1.04 and not only these but the JK2++ and some other ones with Ghoul2 or others with SaberTrace On (It SUCKS). There are no stationary settings. Another bad thing is that most NO-FORCE Duel servers have the Jump to level 3. Why is that? And then People complain for kicks? Jump/Kick is a force and to counter forces you need your own forces. no-force server means jump at level 0. Then you can see balanced battle and not kick spams and jumps at 400 meters away when someone is in danger.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

The line between an exploit and a legit move is very fine, pull-backstab was a legitimate combo, but it was exploited too much. Why? Because when you knock an enemy down and you have an incredibly powerful weapon in your hands you expect to be able to kill them pretty damn fast. Backstab was the only move which allowed this.




This shows what happens when people do nothing but become reliant on one move. Apparently you have never heard of or have never used the heavy stance since it usually kills people in 1-2 hits. In addition you can use the medium special and do huge damage to someone as they get up from being kncoked down.


It's amazing how many people who abused the backstab whine about how weak the saber is now becasue they can no longer get consistent 1 hit kills.

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I think Raven have made a good job of the patch, maybe they should have made the kick a bit less damaging compared to sabre moves. Anyway IMO and the vast majority of the JK community the patch is good (don't take my word for it check the poll).


As the thread above me states, most of the whinging is coming from the lamers that perfected the BS and now they have to learn to fight like a true Jedi.

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